blob: f5c849c4ef929d8f46a40bf3857029104f855bd5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Integer Converter for printf ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/span.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/string_view.h"
#include "src/__support/common.h"
#include "src/__support/integer_to_string.h"
#include "src/stdio/printf_core/converter_utils.h"
#include "src/stdio/printf_core/core_structs.h"
#include "src/stdio/printf_core/writer.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace printf_core {
// These functions only work on characters that are already known to be in the
// alphabet. Their behavior is undefined otherwise.
LIBC_INLINE constexpr char to_lower(char a) { return a | 32; }
LIBC_INLINE constexpr bool is_lower(char a) { return (a & 32) > 0; }
LIBC_INLINE cpp::optional<cpp::string_view>
num_to_strview(uintmax_t num, cpp::span<char> bufref, char conv_name) {
if (to_lower(conv_name) == 'x') {
return IntegerToString::hex(num, bufref, is_lower(conv_name));
} else if (conv_name == 'o') {
return IntegerToString::oct(num, bufref);
} else {
return IntegerToString::dec(num, bufref);
LIBC_INLINE int convert_int(Writer *writer, const FormatSection &to_conv) {
static constexpr size_t BITS_IN_BYTE = 8;
static constexpr size_t BITS_IN_NUM = sizeof(uintmax_t) * BITS_IN_BYTE;
uintmax_t num = to_conv.conv_val_raw;
bool is_negative = false;
FormatFlags flags = to_conv.flags;
const char a = is_lower(to_conv.conv_name) ? 'a' : 'A';
// If the conversion is signed, then handle negative values.
if (to_conv.conv_name == 'd' || to_conv.conv_name == 'i') {
// Check if the number is negative by checking the high bit. This works even
// for smaller numbers because they're sign extended by default.
if ((num & (uintmax_t(1) << (BITS_IN_NUM - 1))) > 0) {
is_negative = true;
num = -num;
} else {
// These flags are only for signed conversions, so this removes them if the
// conversion is unsigned.
flags = FormatFlags(flags &
~(FormatFlags::FORCE_SIGN | FormatFlags::SPACE_PREFIX));
num = apply_length_modifier(num, to_conv.length_modifier);
char buf[IntegerToString::oct_bufsize<intmax_t>()];
auto str = num_to_strview(num, buf, to_conv.conv_name);
if (!str)
size_t digits_written = str->size();
char sign_char = 0;
if (is_negative)
sign_char = '-';
else if ((flags & FormatFlags::FORCE_SIGN) == FormatFlags::FORCE_SIGN)
sign_char = '+'; // FORCE_SIGN has precedence over SPACE_PREFIX
else if ((flags & FormatFlags::SPACE_PREFIX) == FormatFlags::SPACE_PREFIX)
sign_char = ' ';
// These are signed to prevent underflow due to negative values. The eventual
// values will always be non-negative.
int zeroes;
int spaces;
// prefix is "0x" for hexadecimal, or the sign character for signed
// conversions. Since hexadecimal is unsigned these will never conflict.
size_t prefix_len;
char prefix[2];
if ((to_lower(to_conv.conv_name) == 'x') &&
((flags & FormatFlags::ALTERNATE_FORM) != 0)) {
prefix_len = 2;
prefix[0] = '0';
prefix[1] = a + ('x' - 'a');
} else {
prefix_len = (sign_char == 0 ? 0 : 1);
prefix[0] = sign_char;
// Negative precision indicates that it was not specified.
if (to_conv.precision < 0) {
if ((flags & (FormatFlags::LEADING_ZEROES | FormatFlags::LEFT_JUSTIFIED)) ==
FormatFlags::LEADING_ZEROES) {
// If this conv has flag 0 but not - and no specified precision, it's
// padded with 0's instead of spaces identically to if precision =
// min_width - (1 if sign_char). For example: ("%+04d", 1) -> "+001"
zeroes = to_conv.min_width - digits_written - prefix_len;
spaces = 0;
} else {
// If there are enough digits to pass over the precision, just write the
// number, padded by spaces.
zeroes = 0;
spaces = to_conv.min_width - digits_written - prefix_len;
} else {
// If precision was specified, possibly write zeroes, and possibly write
// spaces. Example: ("%5.4d", 10000) -> "10000"
// If the check for if zeroes is negative was not there, spaces would be
// incorrectly evaluated as 1.
// The standard treats the case when num and precision are both zeroes as
// special - it requires that no characters are produced. So, we adjust for
// that special case first.
if (num == 0 && to_conv.precision == 0)
digits_written = 0;
zeroes = to_conv.precision - digits_written; // a negative value means 0
if (zeroes < 0)
zeroes = 0;
spaces = to_conv.min_width - zeroes - digits_written - prefix_len;
if ((to_conv.conv_name == 'o') &&
((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::ALTERNATE_FORM) != 0) && zeroes < 1) {
zeroes = 1;
if ((flags & FormatFlags::LEFT_JUSTIFIED) == FormatFlags::LEFT_JUSTIFIED) {
// If left justified it goes prefix zeroes digits spaces
if (prefix_len != 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write({prefix, prefix_len}));
if (zeroes > 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0', zeroes));
if (digits_written > 0)
if (spaces > 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(' ', spaces));
} else {
// Else it goes spaces prefix zeroes digits
if (spaces > 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(' ', spaces));
if (prefix_len != 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write({prefix, prefix_len}));
if (zeroes > 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0', zeroes));
if (digits_written > 0)
return WRITE_OK;
} // namespace printf_core
} // namespace __llvm_libc