blob: faf97b5b5dd9e85bb88c91d125fc9cdd90bb3c07 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Hexadecimal Converter for printf ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/string_view.h"
#include "src/__support/FPUtil/FEnvImpl.h"
#include "src/__support/FPUtil/FPBits.h"
#include "src/__support/common.h"
#include "src/stdio/printf_core/converter_utils.h"
#include "src/stdio/printf_core/core_structs.h"
#include "src/stdio/printf_core/float_inf_nan_converter.h"
#include "src/stdio/printf_core/writer.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stddef.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace printf_core {
using MantissaInt = fputil::FPBits<long double>::UIntType;
LIBC_INLINE int convert_float_hex_exp(Writer *writer,
const FormatSection &to_conv) {
// All of the letters will be defined relative to variable a, which will be
// the appropriate case based on the name of the conversion.
// Since the name of the conversion is also 'a', we can just use it directly.
const char a = to_conv.conv_name;
bool is_negative;
int exponent;
MantissaInt mantissa;
bool is_inf_or_nan;
uint32_t mantissa_width;
int exponent_bias;
if (to_conv.length_modifier == LengthModifier::L) {
mantissa_width = fputil::MantissaWidth<long double>::VALUE;
exponent_bias = fputil::FPBits<long double>::EXPONENT_BIAS;
fputil::FPBits<long double>::UIntType float_raw = to_conv.conv_val_raw;
fputil::FPBits<long double> float_bits(float_raw);
is_negative = float_bits.get_sign();
exponent = float_bits.get_exponent();
mantissa = float_bits.get_explicit_mantissa();
is_inf_or_nan = float_bits.is_inf_or_nan();
} else {
mantissa_width = fputil::MantissaWidth<double>::VALUE;
exponent_bias = fputil::FPBits<double>::EXPONENT_BIAS;
fputil::FPBits<double>::UIntType float_raw = to_conv.conv_val_raw;
fputil::FPBits<double> float_bits(float_raw);
is_negative = float_bits.get_sign();
exponent = float_bits.get_exponent();
mantissa = float_bits.get_explicit_mantissa();
is_inf_or_nan = float_bits.is_inf_or_nan();
if (is_inf_or_nan)
return convert_inf_nan(writer, to_conv);
char sign_char = 0;
if (is_negative)
sign_char = '-';
else if ((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::FORCE_SIGN) == FormatFlags::FORCE_SIGN)
sign_char = '+'; // FORCE_SIGN has precedence over SPACE_PREFIX
else if ((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::SPACE_PREFIX) ==
sign_char = ' ';
// Handle the exponent for numbers with a 0 exponent
if (exponent == -exponent_bias) {
if (mantissa > 0) // Subnormals
else // Zeroes
exponent = 0;
constexpr size_t BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT = 4;
// This is to handle situations where the mantissa isn't an even number of hex
// digits. This is primarily relevant for x86 80 bit long doubles, which have
// 63 bit mantissas.
if (mantissa_width % BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT != 0) {
exponent -= mantissa_width % BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT;
// This is the max number of digits it can take to represent the mantissa.
// Since the number is in bits, we divide by 4, and then add one to account
// for the extra implicit bit. We use the larger of the two possible values
// since the size must be constant.
constexpr size_t MANT_BUFF_LEN =
(fputil::MantissaWidth<long double>::VALUE / BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT) + 1;
char mant_buffer[MANT_BUFF_LEN];
size_t mant_len = (mantissa_width / BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT) + 1;
// Precision only tracks the number of digits after the hexadecimal point, so
// we have to add one to account for the digit before the hexadecimal point.
if (to_conv.precision + 1 < static_cast<int>(mant_len) &&
to_conv.precision + 1 > 0) {
const size_t intended_digits = to_conv.precision + 1;
const size_t shift_amount =
(mant_len - intended_digits) * BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT;
const MantissaInt truncated_bits =
mantissa & ((MantissaInt(1) << shift_amount) - 1);
const MantissaInt halfway_const = MantissaInt(1) << (shift_amount - 1);
mantissa >>= shift_amount;
switch (fputil::get_round()) {
// Round to nearest, if it's exactly halfway then round to even.
if (truncated_bits > halfway_const)
else if (truncated_bits == halfway_const)
mantissa = mantissa + (mantissa & 1);
if (truncated_bits > 0 && is_negative)
if (truncated_bits > 0 && !is_negative)
// If the rounding caused an overflow, shift the mantissa and adjust the
// exponent to match.
if (mantissa >= (MantissaInt(1) << (intended_digits * BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT))) {
mantissa >>= BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT;
exponent += BITS_IN_HEX_DIGIT;
mant_len = intended_digits;
size_t mant_cur = mant_len;
size_t first_non_zero = 1;
for (; mant_cur > 0; --mant_cur, mantissa /= 16) {
char new_digit = ((mantissa % 16) > 9) ? ((mantissa % 16) - 10 + a)
: ((mantissa % 16) + '0');
mant_buffer[mant_cur - 1] = new_digit;
if (new_digit != '0' && first_non_zero < mant_cur)
first_non_zero = mant_cur;
size_t mant_digits = first_non_zero;
if (to_conv.precision >= 0)
mant_digits = mant_len;
// This approximates the number of digits it will take to represent the
// exponent. The calculation is ceil((bits * 5) / 16). Floor also works, but
// only on exact multiples of 16. We add 1 for the sign.
// Relevant sizes:
// 15 -> 5
// 11 -> 4
// 8 -> 3
constexpr size_t EXP_LEN =
(((fputil::ExponentWidth<long double>::VALUE * 5) + 15) / 16) + 1;
char exp_buffer[EXP_LEN];
bool exp_is_negative = false;
if (exponent < 0) {
exp_is_negative = true;
exponent = -exponent;
size_t exp_cur = EXP_LEN;
for (; exponent > 0; --exp_cur, exponent /= 10) {
exp_buffer[exp_cur - 1] = (exponent % 10) + '0';
if (exp_cur == EXP_LEN) { // if nothing else was written, write a 0.
exp_buffer[EXP_LEN - 1] = '0';
exp_cur = EXP_LEN - 1;
exp_buffer[exp_cur - 1] = exp_is_negative ? '-' : '+';
// these are signed to prevent underflow due to negative values. The eventual
// values will always be non-negative.
int trailing_zeroes = 0;
int padding;
// prefix is "0x", and always appears.
constexpr size_t PREFIX_LEN = 2;
char prefix[PREFIX_LEN];
prefix[0] = '0';
prefix[1] = a + ('x' - 'a');
const cpp::string_view prefix_str(prefix, PREFIX_LEN);
// If the precision is greater than the actual result, pad with 0s
if (to_conv.precision > static_cast<int>(mant_digits - 1))
trailing_zeroes = to_conv.precision - (mant_digits - 1);
bool has_hexadecimal_point =
(mant_digits > 1) || ((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::ALTERNATE_FORM) ==
constexpr cpp::string_view HEXADECIMAL_POINT(".");
// This is for the letter 'p' before the exponent.
const char exp_seperator = a + ('p' - 'a');
constexpr int EXP_SEPERATOR_LEN = 1;
padding = to_conv.min_width - (sign_char > 0 ? 1 : 0) - PREFIX_LEN -
mant_digits - (has_hexadecimal_point ? 1 : 0) - EXP_SEPERATOR_LEN -
(EXP_LEN - exp_cur);
if (padding < 0)
padding = 0;
if ((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::LEFT_JUSTIFIED) ==
FormatFlags::LEFT_JUSTIFIED) {
// The pattern is (sign), 0x, digit, (.), (other digits), (zeroes), p,
// exponent, (spaces)
if (sign_char > 0)
if (has_hexadecimal_point)
if (mant_digits > 1)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write({mant_buffer + 1, mant_digits - 1}));
if (trailing_zeroes > 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0', trailing_zeroes));
writer->write({exp_buffer + exp_cur, EXP_LEN - exp_cur}));
if (padding > 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(' ', padding));
} else {
// The pattern is (spaces), (sign), 0x, (zeroes), digit, (.), (other
// digits), (zeroes), p, exponent
if ((padding > 0) && ((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::LEADING_ZEROES) !=
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write(' ', padding));
if (sign_char > 0)
if ((padding > 0) && ((to_conv.flags & FormatFlags::LEADING_ZEROES) ==
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0', padding));
if (has_hexadecimal_point)
if (mant_digits > 1)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write({mant_buffer + 1, mant_digits - 1}));
if (trailing_zeroes > 0)
RET_IF_RESULT_NEGATIVE(writer->write('0', trailing_zeroes));
writer->write({exp_buffer + exp_cur, EXP_LEN - exp_cur}));
return WRITE_OK;
} // namespace printf_core
} // namespace __llvm_libc