blob: 22557001568b182c76807d623157b266849a8e38 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _build_and_test:
Building and Testing the libc
Build modes
The libc can be built and tested in two different modes:
#. **The overlay mode** - In this mode, one uses the static archive from LLVM's
libc along with the system libc. See :ref:`overlay_mode` for more details
on building and using the libc in this mode. You can only run the libc
unittests in this mode. To run them, one simply does:
.. code-block:: sh
$> ninja check-libc
Note that, unittests for only those functions which are part of the overlay
static archive will be run with the above command.
#. **The full build mode** - In this mode, the libc is used as the only libc
for the user's application. See :ref:`fullbuild_mode` for more details on
building and using the libc in this mode. Once configured for a full libc
build, you can run three kinds of tests:
#. Unit tests - You can run unittests by the command:
.. code-block:: sh
$> ninja check-libc
#. Integration tests - You can run integration tests by the command:
.. code-block:: sh
$> ninja libc-integration-tests
#. API verification test - See :ref:`api_test` for more information about
the API test. It can be run by the command:
.. code-block:: sh
$> ninja libc-api-test
Building with VSCode
As a quickstart to using VSCode for development, install the cmake extension
and put the following in your settings.json file:
.. code-block:: javascript
"cmake.sourceDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/llvm",
"cmake.configureSettings": {