blob: 9b86976e490101d3358689bbb4f142b7c9075132 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt %s -convert-scf-to-std -convert-vector-to-llvm -convert-std-to-llvm | \
// RUN: mlir-cpu-runner -e entry -entry-point-result=void \
// RUN: -shared-libs=%mlir_integration_test_dir/libmlir_c_runner_utils%shlibext | \
// RUN: FileCheck %s
!vector_type_A = type vector<8xf32>
!vector_type_B = type vector<8xf32>
!vector_type_C = type vector<8x8xf32>
!vector_type_X = type vector<2xf32>
!vector_type_Y = type vector<3xf32>
!vector_type_Z = type vector<2x3xf32>
!vector_type_R = type vector<7xf32>
func @vector_outerproduct_splat_8x8(%fa: f32, %fb: f32, %fc: f32) -> !vector_type_C {
%a = splat %fa: !vector_type_A
%b = splat %fb: !vector_type_B
%c = splat %fc: !vector_type_C
%d = vector.outerproduct %a, %b, %c : !vector_type_A, !vector_type_B
return %d: !vector_type_C
func @vector_outerproduct_vec_2x3(%x : !vector_type_X,
%y : !vector_type_Y) -> !vector_type_Z {
%o = vector.outerproduct %x, %y : !vector_type_X, !vector_type_Y
return %o: !vector_type_Z
func @vector_outerproduct_vec_2x3_acc(%x : !vector_type_X,
%y : !vector_type_Y,
%z : !vector_type_Z) -> !vector_type_Z {
%o = vector.outerproduct %x, %y, %z : !vector_type_X, !vector_type_Y
return %o: !vector_type_Z
func @entry() {
%f0 = constant 0.0: f32
%f1 = constant 1.0: f32
%f2 = constant 2.0: f32
%f3 = constant 3.0: f32
%f4 = constant 4.0: f32
%f5 = constant 5.0: f32
%f10 = constant 10.0: f32
// Simple case, splat scalars into vectors, then take outer product.
%v = call @vector_outerproduct_splat_8x8(%f1, %f2, %f10)
: (f32, f32, f32) -> (!vector_type_C)
vector.print %v : !vector_type_C
// outer product 8x8:
// CHECK-COUNT-8: ( 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 )
// Direct outerproduct on vectors with different size.
%0 = vector.broadcast %f1 : f32 to !vector_type_X
%x = vector.insert %f2, %0[1] : f32 into !vector_type_X
%1 = vector.broadcast %f3 : f32 to !vector_type_Y
%2 = vector.insert %f4, %1[1] : f32 into !vector_type_Y
%y = vector.insert %f5, %2[2] : f32 into !vector_type_Y
%p = call @vector_outerproduct_vec_2x3(%x, %y)
: (!vector_type_X, !vector_type_Y) -> (!vector_type_Z)
vector.print %p : !vector_type_Z
// outer product 2x3:
// CHECK: ( ( 3, 4, 5 ), ( 6, 8, 10 ) )
%q = call @vector_outerproduct_vec_2x3_acc(%x, %y, %p)
: (!vector_type_X, !vector_type_Y, !vector_type_Z) -> (!vector_type_Z)
vector.print %q : !vector_type_Z
// outer product 2x3:
// CHECK: ( ( 6, 8, 10 ), ( 12, 16, 20 ) )
%3 = vector.broadcast %f0 : f32 to !vector_type_R
%4 = vector.insert %f1, %3[1] : f32 into !vector_type_R
%5 = vector.insert %f2, %4[2] : f32 into !vector_type_R
%6 = vector.insert %f3, %5[3] : f32 into !vector_type_R
%7 = vector.insert %f4, %6[4] : f32 into !vector_type_R
%8 = vector.insert %f5, %7[5] : f32 into !vector_type_R
%9 = vector.insert %f10, %8[6] : f32 into !vector_type_R
%o = vector.broadcast %f1 : f32 to !vector_type_R
%axpy1 = vector.outerproduct %9, %f2 : !vector_type_R, f32
%axpy2 = vector.outerproduct %9, %f2, %o : !vector_type_R, f32
vector.print %axpy1 : !vector_type_R
vector.print %axpy2 : !vector_type_R
// axpy operations:
// CHECK: ( 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 )
// CHECK: ( 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 21 )