blob: 39d1c98eaa39e1d9090c42f76942d5068732f34d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- CommandCompletions.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <set>
#include "lldb/Core/FileSpecList.h"
#include "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/CompletionRequest.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/RegularExpression.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
namespace lldb_private {
class TildeExpressionResolver;
class CommandCompletions {
enum CommonCompletionTypes {
eNoCompletion = 0u,
eSourceFileCompletion = (1u << 0),
eDiskFileCompletion = (1u << 1),
eDiskDirectoryCompletion = (1u << 2),
eSymbolCompletion = (1u << 3),
eModuleCompletion = (1u << 4),
eSettingsNameCompletion = (1u << 5),
ePlatformPluginCompletion = (1u << 6),
eArchitectureCompletion = (1u << 7),
eVariablePathCompletion = (1u << 8),
eRegisterCompletion = (1u << 9),
eBreakpointCompletion = (1u << 10),
eProcessPluginCompletion = (1u << 11),
// This item serves two purposes. It is the last element in the enum, so
// you can add custom enums starting from here in your Option class. Also
// if you & in this bit the base code will not process the option.
eCustomCompletion = (1u << 12)
static bool InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks(
CommandInterpreter &interpreter, uint32_t completion_mask,
lldb_private::CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
// These are the generic completer functions:
static void DiskFiles(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
static void DiskFiles(const llvm::Twine &partial_file_name,
StringList &matches, TildeExpressionResolver &Resolver);
static void DiskDirectories(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request,
SearchFilter *searcher);
static void DiskDirectories(const llvm::Twine &partial_file_name,
StringList &matches,
TildeExpressionResolver &Resolver);
static void SourceFiles(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
static void Modules(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
static void Symbols(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
static void SettingsNames(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
static void PlatformPluginNames(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request,
SearchFilter *searcher);
static void ArchitectureNames(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request,
SearchFilter *searcher);
static void VariablePath(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
static void Registers(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
static void Breakpoints(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request, SearchFilter *searcher);
static void ProcessPluginNames(CommandInterpreter &interpreter,
CompletionRequest &request,
SearchFilter *searcher);
} // namespace lldb_private