blob: cb8a75882d4d2a9e9769e650e79056a7494c9333 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -fcuda-is-device -emit-llvm -x hip %s -o - | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -emit-llvm -x hip %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=HOST %s
#include "Inputs/cuda.h"
// Coerced struct from `struct S` without all generic pointers lowered into
// global ones.
// CHECK: %struct.S.coerce = type { i32 addrspace(1)*, float addrspace(1)* }
// CHECK: %struct.T.coerce = type { [2 x float addrspace(1)*] }
// On the host-side compilation, generic pointer won't be coerced.
// HOST-NOT: %struct.S.coerce
// HOST-NOT: %struct.T.coerce
// CHECK: define amdgpu_kernel void @_Z7kernel1Pi(i32 addrspace(1)* %x.coerce)
// HOST: define void @_Z7kernel1Pi.stub(i32* %x)
__global__ void kernel1(int *x) {
// CHECK: define amdgpu_kernel void @_Z7kernel2Ri(i32 addrspace(1)* dereferenceable(4) %x.coerce)
// HOST: define void @_Z7kernel2Ri.stub(i32* dereferenceable(4) %x)
__global__ void kernel2(int &x) {
// CHECK: define amdgpu_kernel void @_Z7kernel3PU3AS2iPU3AS1i(i32 addrspace(2)* %x, i32 addrspace(1)* %y)
// HOST: define void @_Z7kernel3PU3AS2iPU3AS1i.stub(i32 addrspace(2)* %x, i32 addrspace(1)* %y)
__global__ void kernel3(__attribute__((address_space(2))) int *x,
__attribute__((address_space(1))) int *y) {
y[0] = x[0];
// CHECK: define void @_Z4funcPi(i32* %x)
__device__ void func(int *x) {
struct S {
int *x;
float *y;
// `by-val` struct will be coerced into a similar struct with all generic
// pointers lowerd into global ones.
// CHECK: define amdgpu_kernel void @_Z7kernel41S(%struct.S.coerce %s.coerce)
// HOST: define void @_Z7kernel41S.stub(i32* %s.coerce0, float* %s.coerce1)
__global__ void kernel4(struct S s) {
s.y[0] += 1.f;
// If a pointer to struct is passed, only the pointer itself is coerced into the global one.
// CHECK: define amdgpu_kernel void @_Z7kernel5P1S(%struct.S addrspace(1)* %s.coerce)
// HOST: define void @_Z7kernel5P1S.stub(%struct.S* %s)
__global__ void kernel5(struct S *s) {
s->y[0] += 1.f;
struct T {
float *x[2];
// `by-val` array is also coerced.
// CHECK: define amdgpu_kernel void @_Z7kernel61T(%struct.T.coerce %t.coerce)
// HOST: define void @_Z7kernel61T.stub(float* %t.coerce0, float* %t.coerce1)
__global__ void kernel6(struct T t) {
t.x[0][0] += 1.f;
t.x[1][0] += 2.f;