blob: d25108a9c83ecf06231ebd320c294d924f84da32 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- STLExtras.h - STL-like extensions that are used by MLIR --*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the MLIR Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains stuff that should be arguably sunk down to the LLVM
// Support/STLExtras.h file over time.
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
template <typename RangeT>
using ValueOfRange = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(
*std::begin(std::declval<RangeT &>()))>::type;
} // end namespace detail
/// An STL-style algorithm similar to std::for_each that applies a second
/// functor between every pair of elements.
/// This provides the control flow logic to, for example, print a
/// comma-separated list:
/// \code
/// interleave(names.begin(), names.end(),
/// [&](StringRef name) { os << name; },
/// [&] { os << ", "; });
/// \endcode
template <typename ForwardIterator, typename UnaryFunctor,
typename NullaryFunctor,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_constructible<StringRef, UnaryFunctor>::value &&
!std::is_constructible<StringRef, NullaryFunctor>::value>::type>
inline void interleave(ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end,
UnaryFunctor each_fn, NullaryFunctor between_fn) {
if (begin == end)
for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
template <typename Container, typename UnaryFunctor, typename NullaryFunctor,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_constructible<StringRef, UnaryFunctor>::value &&
!std::is_constructible<StringRef, NullaryFunctor>::value>::type>
inline void interleave(const Container &c, UnaryFunctor each_fn,
NullaryFunctor between_fn) {
interleave(c.begin(), c.end(), each_fn, between_fn);
/// Overload of interleave for the common case of string separator.
template <typename Container, typename UnaryFunctor, typename raw_ostream,
typename T = detail::ValueOfRange<Container>>
inline void interleave(const Container &c, raw_ostream &os,
UnaryFunctor each_fn, const StringRef &separator) {
interleave(c.begin(), c.end(), each_fn, [&] { os << separator; });
template <typename Container, typename raw_ostream,
typename T = detail::ValueOfRange<Container>>
inline void interleave(const Container &c, raw_ostream &os,
const StringRef &separator) {
c, os, [&](const T &a) { os << a; }, separator);
template <typename Container, typename UnaryFunctor, typename raw_ostream,
typename T = detail::ValueOfRange<Container>>
inline void interleaveComma(const Container &c, raw_ostream &os,
UnaryFunctor each_fn) {
interleave(c, os, each_fn, ", ");
template <typename Container, typename raw_ostream,
typename T = detail::ValueOfRange<Container>>
inline void interleaveComma(const Container &c, raw_ostream &os) {
interleaveComma(c, os, [&](const T &a) { os << a; });
/// A special type used to provide an address for a given class that can act as
/// a unique identifier during pass registration.
/// Note: We specify an explicit alignment here to allow use with PointerIntPair
/// and other utilities/data structures that require a known pointer alignment.
struct alignas(8) ClassID {
template <typename T> static ClassID *getID() {
static ClassID id;
return &id;
template <template <typename T> class Trait> static ClassID *getID() {
static ClassID id;
return &id;
/// Utilities for detecting if a given trait holds for some set of arguments
/// 'Args'. For example, the given trait could be used to detect if a given type
/// has a copy assignment operator:
/// template<class T>
/// using has_copy_assign_t = decltype(std::declval<T&>()
/// = std::declval<const T&>());
/// bool fooHasCopyAssign = is_detected<has_copy_assign_t, FooClass>::value;
namespace detail {
template <typename...> using void_t = void;
template <class, template <class...> class Op, class... Args> struct detector {
using value_t = std::false_type;
template <template <class...> class Op, class... Args>
struct detector<void_t<Op<Args...>>, Op, Args...> {
using value_t = std::true_type;
} // end namespace detail
template <template <class...> class Op, class... Args>
using is_detected = typename detail::detector<void, Op, Args...>::value_t;
/// Check if a Callable type can be invoked with the given set of arg types.
namespace detail {
template <typename Callable, typename... Args>
using is_invocable =
decltype(std::declval<Callable &>()(std::declval<Args>()...));
} // namespace detail
template <typename Callable, typename... Args>
using is_invocable = is_detected<detail::is_invocable, Callable, Args...>;
// Extra additions to <iterator>
/// A utility class used to implement an iterator that contains some base object
/// and an index. The iterator moves the index but keeps the base constant.
template <typename DerivedT, typename BaseT, typename T,
typename PointerT = T *, typename ReferenceT = T &>
class indexed_accessor_iterator
: public llvm::iterator_facade_base<DerivedT,
std::random_access_iterator_tag, T,
std::ptrdiff_t, PointerT, ReferenceT> {
ptrdiff_t operator-(const indexed_accessor_iterator &rhs) const {
assert(base == rhs.base && "incompatible iterators");
return index - rhs.index;
bool operator==(const indexed_accessor_iterator &rhs) const {
return base == rhs.base && index == rhs.index;
bool operator<(const indexed_accessor_iterator &rhs) const {
assert(base == rhs.base && "incompatible iterators");
return index < rhs.index;
DerivedT &operator+=(ptrdiff_t offset) {
this->index += offset;
return static_cast<DerivedT &>(*this);
DerivedT &operator-=(ptrdiff_t offset) {
this->index -= offset;
return static_cast<DerivedT &>(*this);
/// Returns the current index of the iterator.
ptrdiff_t getIndex() const { return index; }
/// Returns the current base of the iterator.
const BaseT &getBase() const { return base; }
indexed_accessor_iterator(BaseT base, ptrdiff_t index)
: base(base), index(index) {}
BaseT base;
ptrdiff_t index;
namespace detail {
/// The class represents the base of a range of indexed_accessor_iterators. It
/// provides support for many different range functionalities, e.g.
/// drop_front/slice/etc.. Derived range classes must implement the following
/// static methods:
/// * ReferenceT dereference_iterator(const BaseT &base, ptrdiff_t index)
/// - Derefence an iterator pointing to the base object at the given index.
/// * BaseT offset_base(const BaseT &base, ptrdiff_t index)
/// - Return a new base that is offset from the provide base by 'index'
/// elements.
template <typename DerivedT, typename BaseT, typename T,
typename PointerT = T *, typename ReferenceT = T &>
class indexed_accessor_range_base {
using RangeBaseT =
indexed_accessor_range_base<DerivedT, BaseT, T, PointerT, ReferenceT>;
/// An iterator element of this range.
class iterator : public indexed_accessor_iterator<iterator, BaseT, T,
PointerT, ReferenceT> {
// Index into this iterator, invoking a static method on the derived type.
ReferenceT operator*() const {
return DerivedT::dereference_iterator(this->getBase(), this->getIndex());
iterator(BaseT owner, ptrdiff_t curIndex)
: indexed_accessor_iterator<iterator, BaseT, T, PointerT, ReferenceT>(
owner, curIndex) {}
/// Allow access to the constructor.
friend indexed_accessor_range_base<DerivedT, BaseT, T, PointerT,
indexed_accessor_range_base(iterator begin, iterator end)
: base(DerivedT::offset_base(begin.getBase(), begin.getIndex())),
count(end.getIndex() - begin.getIndex()) {}
indexed_accessor_range_base(const iterator_range<iterator> &range)
: indexed_accessor_range_base(range.begin(), range.end()) {}
indexed_accessor_range_base(BaseT base, ptrdiff_t count)
: base(base), count(count) {}
iterator begin() const { return iterator(base, 0); }
iterator end() const { return iterator(base, count); }
ReferenceT operator[](unsigned index) const {
assert(index < size() && "invalid index for value range");
return DerivedT::dereference_iterator(base, index);
/// Return the size of this range.
size_t size() const { return count; }
/// Return if the range is empty.
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
/// Drop the first N elements, and keep M elements.
DerivedT slice(size_t n, size_t m) const {
assert(n + m <= size() && "invalid size specifiers");
return DerivedT(DerivedT::offset_base(base, n), m);
/// Drop the first n elements.
DerivedT drop_front(size_t n = 1) const {
assert(size() >= n && "Dropping more elements than exist");
return slice(n, size() - n);
/// Drop the last n elements.
DerivedT drop_back(size_t n = 1) const {
assert(size() >= n && "Dropping more elements than exist");
return DerivedT(base, size() - n);
/// Take the first n elements.
DerivedT take_front(size_t n = 1) const {
return n < size() ? drop_back(size() - n)
: static_cast<const DerivedT &>(*this);
/// Allow conversion to SmallVector if necessary.
/// TODO(riverriddle) Remove this when SmallVector accepts different range
/// types in its constructor.
template <typename SVT, unsigned N> operator SmallVector<SVT, N>() const {
return {begin(), end()};
indexed_accessor_range_base(const indexed_accessor_range_base &) = default;
indexed_accessor_range_base(indexed_accessor_range_base &&) = default;
indexed_accessor_range_base &
operator=(const indexed_accessor_range_base &) = default;
/// The base that owns the provided range of values.
BaseT base;
/// The size from the owning range.
ptrdiff_t count;
} // end namespace detail
/// This class provides an implementation of a range of
/// indexed_accessor_iterators where the base is not indexable. Ranges with
/// bases that are offsetable should derive from indexed_accessor_range_base
/// instead. Derived range classes are expected to implement the following
/// static method:
/// * ReferenceT dereference(const BaseT &base, ptrdiff_t index)
/// - Derefence an iterator pointing to a parent base at the given index.
template <typename DerivedT, typename BaseT, typename T,
typename PointerT = T *, typename ReferenceT = T &>
class indexed_accessor_range
: public detail::indexed_accessor_range_base<
DerivedT, std::pair<BaseT, ptrdiff_t>, T, PointerT, ReferenceT> {
indexed_accessor_range(BaseT base, ptrdiff_t startIndex, ptrdiff_t count)
: detail::indexed_accessor_range_base<
DerivedT, std::pair<BaseT, ptrdiff_t>, T, PointerT, ReferenceT>(
std::make_pair(base, startIndex), count) {}
using detail::indexed_accessor_range_base<
DerivedT, std::pair<BaseT, ptrdiff_t>, T, PointerT,
/// Returns the current base of the range.
const BaseT &getBase() const { return this->base.first; }
/// Returns the current start index of the range.
ptrdiff_t getStartIndex() const { return this->base.second; }
/// See `detail::indexed_accessor_range_base` for details.
static std::pair<BaseT, ptrdiff_t>
offset_base(const std::pair<BaseT, ptrdiff_t> &base, ptrdiff_t index) {
// We encode the internal base as a pair of the derived base and a start
// index into the derived base.
return std::make_pair(base.first, base.second + index);
/// See `detail::indexed_accessor_range_base` for details.
static ReferenceT
dereference_iterator(const std::pair<BaseT, ptrdiff_t> &base,
ptrdiff_t index) {
return DerivedT::dereference(base.first, base.second + index);
/// Given a container of pairs, return a range over the second elements.
template <typename ContainerTy> auto make_second_range(ContainerTy &&c) {
return llvm::map_range(
[](decltype((*std::begin(c))) elt) -> decltype((elt.second)) {
return elt.second;
/// Returns true of the given range only contains a single element.
template <typename ContainerTy> bool has_single_element(ContainerTy &&c) {
auto it = std::begin(c), e = std::end(c);
return it != e && std::next(it) == e;
// Extra additions to <type_traits>
/// This class provides various trait information about a callable object.
/// * To access the number of arguments: Traits::num_args
/// * To access the type of an argument: Traits::arg_t<i>
/// * To access the type of the result: Traits::result_t<i>
template <typename T, bool isClass = std::is_class<T>::value>
struct FunctionTraits : public FunctionTraits<decltype(&T::operator())> {};
/// Overload for class function types.
template <typename ClassType, typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
struct FunctionTraits<ReturnType (ClassType::*)(Args...) const, false> {
/// The number of arguments to this function.
enum { num_args = sizeof...(Args) };
/// The result type of this function.
using result_t = ReturnType;
/// The type of an argument to this function.
template <size_t i>
using arg_t = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
/// Overload for non-class function types.
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
struct FunctionTraits<ReturnType (*)(Args...), false> {
/// The number of arguments to this function.
enum { num_args = sizeof...(Args) };
/// The result type of this function.
using result_t = ReturnType;
/// The type of an argument to this function.
template <size_t i>
using arg_t = typename std::tuple_element<i, std::tuple<Args...>>::type;
} // end namespace mlir
// Allow tuples to be usable as DenseMap keys.
// TODO: Move this to upstream LLVM.
/// Simplistic combination of 32-bit hash values into 32-bit hash values.
/// This function is taken from llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h.
static inline unsigned llvm_combineHashValue(unsigned a, unsigned b) {
uint64_t key = (uint64_t)a << 32 | (uint64_t)b;
key += ~(key << 32);
key ^= (key >> 22);
key += ~(key << 13);
key ^= (key >> 8);
key += (key << 3);
key ^= (key >> 15);
key += ~(key << 27);
key ^= (key >> 31);
return (unsigned)key;
namespace llvm {
template <typename... Ts> struct DenseMapInfo<std::tuple<Ts...>> {
using Tuple = std::tuple<Ts...>;
static inline Tuple getEmptyKey() {
return Tuple(DenseMapInfo<Ts>::getEmptyKey()...);
static inline Tuple getTombstoneKey() {
return Tuple(DenseMapInfo<Ts>::getTombstoneKey()...);
template <unsigned I>
static unsigned getHashValueImpl(const Tuple &values, std::false_type) {
using EltType = typename std::tuple_element<I, Tuple>::type;
std::integral_constant<bool, I + 1 == sizeof...(Ts)> atEnd;
return llvm_combineHashValue(
getHashValueImpl<I + 1>(values, atEnd));
template <unsigned I>
static unsigned getHashValueImpl(const Tuple &values, std::true_type) {
return 0;
static unsigned getHashValue(const std::tuple<Ts...> &values) {
std::integral_constant<bool, 0 == sizeof...(Ts)> atEnd;
return getHashValueImpl<0>(values, atEnd);
template <unsigned I>
static bool isEqualImpl(const Tuple &lhs, const Tuple &rhs, std::false_type) {
using EltType = typename std::tuple_element<I, Tuple>::type;
std::integral_constant<bool, I + 1 == sizeof...(Ts)> atEnd;
return DenseMapInfo<EltType>::isEqual(std::get<I>(lhs), std::get<I>(rhs)) &&
isEqualImpl<I + 1>(lhs, rhs, atEnd);
template <unsigned I>
static bool isEqualImpl(const Tuple &lhs, const Tuple &rhs, std::true_type) {
return true;
static bool isEqual(const Tuple &lhs, const Tuple &rhs) {
std::integral_constant<bool, 0 == sizeof...(Ts)> atEnd;
return isEqualImpl<0>(lhs, rhs, atEnd);
} // end namespace llvm