blob: 1b93b66b68738a9a50eebf3bc2ef4577db82adb0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- SymbolTable.h - MLIR Symbol Table Class ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the MLIR Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
namespace mlir {
class Identifier;
class Operation;
/// This class allows for representing and managing the symbol table used by
/// operations with the 'SymbolTable' trait. Inserting into and erasing from
/// this SymbolTable will also insert and erase from the Operation given to it
/// at construction.
class SymbolTable {
/// Build a symbol table with the symbols within the given operation.
SymbolTable(Operation *symbolTableOp);
/// Look up a symbol with the specified name, returning null if no such
/// name exists. Names never include the @ on them.
Operation *lookup(StringRef name) const;
template <typename T> T lookup(StringRef name) const {
return dyn_cast_or_null<T>(lookup(name));
/// Erase the given symbol from the table.
void erase(Operation *symbol);
/// Insert a new symbol into the table, and rename it as necessary to avoid
/// collisions. Also insert at the specified location in the body of the
/// associated operation.
void insert(Operation *symbol, Block::iterator insertPt = {});
/// Return the name of the attribute used for symbol names.
static StringRef getSymbolAttrName() { return "sym_name"; }
/// Returns the associated operation.
Operation *getOp() const { return symbolTableOp; }
/// Return the name of the attribute used for symbol visibility.
static StringRef getVisibilityAttrName() { return "sym_visibility"; }
// Symbol Utilities
/// An enumeration detailing the different visibility types that a symbol may
/// have.
enum class Visibility {
/// The symbol is public and may be referenced anywhere internal or external
/// to the visible references in the IR.
/// The symbol is private and may only be referenced by SymbolRefAttrs local
/// to the operations within the current symbol table.
/// The symbol is visible to the current IR, which may include operations in
/// symbol tables above the one that owns the current symbol. `Nested`
/// visibility allows for referencing a symbol outside of its current symbol
/// table, while retaining the ability to observe all uses.
/// Returns true if the given operation defines a symbol.
static bool isSymbol(Operation *op);
/// Returns the name of the given symbol operation.
static StringRef getSymbolName(Operation *symbol);
/// Sets the name of the given symbol operation.
static void setSymbolName(Operation *symbol, StringRef name);
/// Returns the visibility of the given symbol operation.
static Visibility getSymbolVisibility(Operation *symbol);
/// Sets the visibility of the given symbol operation.
static void setSymbolVisibility(Operation *symbol, Visibility vis);
/// Returns the operation registered with the given symbol name with the
/// regions of 'symbolTableOp'. 'symbolTableOp' is required to be an operation
/// with the 'OpTrait::SymbolTable' trait.
static Operation *lookupSymbolIn(Operation *op, StringRef symbol);
static Operation *lookupSymbolIn(Operation *op, SymbolRefAttr symbol);
/// Returns the operation registered with the given symbol name within the
/// closest parent operation of, or including, 'from' with the
/// 'OpTrait::SymbolTable' trait. Returns nullptr if no valid symbol was
/// found.
static Operation *lookupNearestSymbolFrom(Operation *from, StringRef symbol);
static Operation *lookupNearestSymbolFrom(Operation *from,
SymbolRefAttr symbol);
/// This class represents a specific symbol use.
class SymbolUse {
SymbolUse(Operation *op, SymbolRefAttr symbolRef)
: owner(op), symbolRef(symbolRef) {}
/// Return the operation user of this symbol reference.
Operation *getUser() const { return owner; }
/// Return the symbol reference that this use represents.
SymbolRefAttr getSymbolRef() const { return symbolRef; }
/// The operation that this access is held by.
Operation *owner;
/// The symbol reference that this use represents.
SymbolRefAttr symbolRef;
/// This class implements a range of SymbolRef uses.
class UseRange {
UseRange(std::vector<SymbolUse> &&uses) : uses(std::move(uses)) {}
using iterator = std::vector<SymbolUse>::const_iterator;
iterator begin() const { return uses.begin(); }
iterator end() const { return uses.end(); }
std::vector<SymbolUse> uses;
/// Get an iterator range for all of the uses, for any symbol, that are nested
/// within the given operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested
/// symbol tables, and will also only return uses on 'from' if it does not
/// also define a symbol table. This is because we treat the region as the
/// boundary of the symbol table, and not the op itself. This function returns
/// None if there are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol
/// tables.
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(Operation *from);
/// Get all of the uses of the given symbol that are nested within the given
/// operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol tables,
/// and will also only return uses on 'from' if it does not also define a
/// symbol table. This is because we treat the region as the boundary of the
/// symbol table, and not the op itself. This function returns None if there
/// are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol tables.
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(StringRef symbol, Operation *from);
static Optional<UseRange> getSymbolUses(Operation *symbol, Operation *from);
/// Return if the given symbol is known to have no uses that are nested
/// within the given operation 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested
/// symbol tables, and will also only count uses on 'from' if it does not also
/// define a symbol table. This is because we treat the region as the boundary
/// of the symbol table, and not the op itself. This function will also return
/// false if there are any unknown operations that may potentially be symbol
/// tables. This doesn't necessarily mean that there are no uses, we just
/// can't conservatively prove it.
static bool symbolKnownUseEmpty(StringRef symbol, Operation *from);
static bool symbolKnownUseEmpty(Operation *symbol, Operation *from);
/// Attempt to replace all uses of the given symbol 'oldSymbol' with the
/// provided symbol 'newSymbol' that are nested within the given operation
/// 'from'. This does not traverse into any nested symbol tables, and will
/// also only replace uses on 'from' if it does not also define a symbol
/// table. This is because we treat the region as the boundary of the symbol
/// table, and not the op itself. If there are any unknown operations that may
/// potentially be symbol tables, no uses are replaced and failure is
/// returned.
LLVM_NODISCARD static LogicalResult replaceAllSymbolUses(StringRef oldSymbol,
StringRef newSymbol,
Operation *from);
LLVM_NODISCARD static LogicalResult
replaceAllSymbolUses(Operation *oldSymbol, StringRef newSymbolName,
Operation *from);
Operation *symbolTableOp;
/// This is a mapping from a name to the symbol with that name.
llvm::StringMap<Operation *> symbolTable;
/// This is used when name conflicts are detected.
unsigned uniquingCounter = 0;
// SymbolTable Trait Types
namespace OpTrait {
namespace impl {
LogicalResult verifySymbolTable(Operation *op);
LogicalResult verifySymbol(Operation *op);
} // namespace impl
/// A trait used to provide symbol table functionalities to a region operation.
/// This operation must hold exactly 1 region. Once attached, all operations
/// that are directly within the region, i.e not including those within child
/// regions, that contain a 'SymbolTable::getSymbolAttrName()' StringAttr will
/// be verified to ensure that the names are uniqued. These operations must also
/// adhere to the constraints defined by the `Symbol` trait, even if they do not
/// inherit from it.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class SymbolTable : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, SymbolTable> {
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifySymbolTable(op);
/// Look up a symbol with the specified name, returning null if no such
/// name exists. Symbol names never include the @ on them. Note: This
/// performs a linear scan of held symbols.
Operation *lookupSymbol(StringRef name) {
return mlir::SymbolTable::lookupSymbolIn(this->getOperation(), name);
template <typename T> T lookupSymbol(StringRef name) {
return dyn_cast_or_null<T>(lookupSymbol(name));
/// A trait used to define a symbol that can be used on operations within a
/// symbol table. Operations using this trait must adhere to the following:
/// * Have a StringAttr attribute named 'SymbolTable::getSymbolAttrName()'.
template <typename ConcreteType>
class Symbol : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, Symbol> {
using Visibility = mlir::SymbolTable::Visibility;
static LogicalResult verifyTrait(Operation *op) {
return impl::verifySymbol(op);
/// Returns the name of this symbol.
StringRef getName() {
return this->getOperation()
->template getAttrOfType<StringAttr>(
/// Set the name of this symbol.
void setName(StringRef name) {
StringAttr::get(name, this->getOperation()->getContext()));
/// Returns the visibility of the current symbol.
Visibility getVisibility() {
return mlir::SymbolTable::getSymbolVisibility(this->getOperation());
/// Sets the visibility of the current symbol.
void setVisibility(Visibility vis) {
mlir::SymbolTable::setSymbolVisibility(this->getOperation(), vis);
/// Get all of the uses of the current symbol that are nested within the given
/// operation 'from'.
/// Note: See mlir::SymbolTable::getSymbolUses for more details.
Optional<::mlir::SymbolTable::UseRange> getSymbolUses(Operation *from) {
return ::mlir::SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(this->getOperation(), from);
/// Return if the current symbol is known to have no uses that are nested
/// within the given operation 'from'.
/// Note: See mlir::SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty for more details.
bool symbolKnownUseEmpty(Operation *from) {
return ::mlir::SymbolTable::symbolKnownUseEmpty(this->getOperation(), from);
/// Attempt to replace all uses of the current symbol with the provided symbol
/// 'newSymbol' that are nested within the given operation 'from'.
/// Note: See mlir::SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses for more details.
LLVM_NODISCARD LogicalResult replaceAllSymbolUses(StringRef newSymbol,
Operation *from) {
return ::mlir::SymbolTable::replaceAllSymbolUses(this->getOperation(),
newSymbol, from);
} // end namespace OpTrait
} // end namespace mlir