blob: e0761bcaaf13546b0f67f6c7da6efd579c8dfbbe [file] [log] [blame]
//===- MLIRContext.h - MLIR Global Context Class ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the MLIR Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace mlir {
class AbstractOperation;
class DiagnosticEngine;
class Dialect;
class InFlightDiagnostic;
class Location;
class MLIRContextImpl;
class StorageUniquer;
/// MLIRContext is the top-level object for a collection of MLIR modules. It
/// holds immortal uniqued objects like types, and the tables used to unique
/// them.
/// MLIRContext gets a redundant "MLIR" prefix because otherwise it ends up with
/// a very generic name ("Context") and because it is uncommon for clients to
/// interact with it.
class MLIRContext {
explicit MLIRContext();
/// Return information about all registered IR dialects.
std::vector<Dialect *> getRegisteredDialects();
/// Get a registered IR dialect with the given namespace. If an exact match is
/// not found, then return nullptr.
Dialect *getRegisteredDialect(StringRef name);
/// Get a registered IR dialect for the given derived dialect type. The
/// derived type must provide a static 'getDialectNamespace' method.
template <typename T> T *getRegisteredDialect() {
return static_cast<T *>(getRegisteredDialect(T::getDialectNamespace()));
/// Return information about all registered operations. This isn't very
/// efficient: typically you should ask the operations about their properties
/// directly.
std::vector<AbstractOperation *> getRegisteredOperations();
// This is effectively private given that only MLIRContext.cpp can see the
// MLIRContextImpl type.
MLIRContextImpl &getImpl() { return *impl; }
/// Returns the diagnostic engine for this context.
DiagnosticEngine &getDiagEngine();
/// Returns the storage uniquer used for creating affine constructs.
StorageUniquer &getAffineUniquer();
/// Returns the storage uniquer used for constructing type storage instances.
/// This should not be used directly.
StorageUniquer &getTypeUniquer();
/// Returns the storage uniquer used for constructing attribute storage
/// instances. This should not be used directly.
StorageUniquer &getAttributeUniquer();
const std::unique_ptr<MLIRContextImpl> impl;
MLIRContext(const MLIRContext &) = delete;
void operator=(const MLIRContext &) = delete;
} // end namespace mlir