blob: 5dcae518bb6f8fc1438457d5e3ebacbf36270a7d [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Shared memory RPC client / server interface -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements a remote procedure call mechanism to communicate between
// heterogeneous devices that can share an address space atomically. We provide
// a client and a server to facilitate the remote call. The client makes request
// to the server using a shared communication channel. We use separate atomic
// signals to indicate which side, the client or the server is in ownership of
// the buffer.
#include "rpc_util.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/algorithm.h" // max
#include "src/__support/CPP/atomic.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/functional.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/optional.h"
#include "src/__support/GPU/utils.h"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE {
namespace rpc {
/// A fixed size channel used to communicate between the RPC client and server.
struct Buffer {
uint64_t data[8];
static_assert(sizeof(Buffer) == 64, "Buffer size mismatch");
/// The information associated with a packet. This indicates which operations to
/// perform and which threads are active in the slots.
struct Header {
uint64_t mask;
uint16_t opcode;
/// The maximum number of parallel ports that the RPC interface can support.
constexpr uint64_t MAX_PORT_COUNT = 4096;
/// A common process used to synchronize communication between a client and a
/// server. The process contains a read-only inbox and a write-only outbox used
/// for signaling ownership of the shared buffer between both sides. We assign
/// ownership of the buffer to the client if the inbox and outbox bits match,
/// otherwise it is owned by the server.
/// This process is designed to allow the client and the server to exchange data
/// using a fixed size packet in a mostly arbitrary order using the 'send' and
/// 'recv' operations. The following restrictions to this scheme apply:
/// - The client will always start with a 'send' operation.
/// - The server will always start with a 'recv' operation.
/// - Every 'send' or 'recv' call is mirrored by the other process.
template <bool Invert> struct Process {
LIBC_INLINE Process() = default;
LIBC_INLINE Process(const Process &) = delete;
LIBC_INLINE Process &operator=(const Process &) = delete;
LIBC_INLINE Process(Process &&) = default;
LIBC_INLINE Process &operator=(Process &&) = default;
LIBC_INLINE ~Process() = default;
uint32_t port_count = 0;
cpp::Atomic<uint32_t> *inbox = nullptr;
cpp::Atomic<uint32_t> *outbox = nullptr;
Header *header = nullptr;
Buffer *packet = nullptr;
static constexpr uint64_t NUM_BITS_IN_WORD = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8;
cpp::Atomic<uint32_t> lock[MAX_PORT_COUNT / NUM_BITS_IN_WORD] = {0};
LIBC_INLINE Process(uint32_t port_count, void *buffer)
: port_count(port_count), inbox(reinterpret_cast<cpp::Atomic<uint32_t> *>(
advance(buffer, inbox_offset(port_count)))),
outbox(reinterpret_cast<cpp::Atomic<uint32_t> *>(
advance(buffer, outbox_offset(port_count)))),
header(reinterpret_cast<Header *>(
advance(buffer, header_offset(port_count)))),
packet(reinterpret_cast<Buffer *>(
advance(buffer, buffer_offset(port_count)))) {}
/// Allocate a memory buffer sufficient to store the following equivalent
/// representation in memory.
/// struct Equivalent {
/// Atomic<uint32_t> primary[port_count];
/// Atomic<uint32_t> secondary[port_count];
/// Header header[port_count];
/// Buffer packet[port_count][lane_size];
/// };
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t allocation_size(uint32_t port_count,
uint32_t lane_size) {
return buffer_offset(port_count) + buffer_bytes(port_count, lane_size);
/// Retrieve the inbox state from memory shared between processes.
LIBC_INLINE uint32_t load_inbox(uint64_t lane_mask, uint32_t index) const {
return gpu::broadcast_value(
inbox[index].load(cpp::MemoryOrder::RELAXED, cpp::MemoryScope::SYSTEM));
/// Retrieve the outbox state from memory shared between processes.
LIBC_INLINE uint32_t load_outbox(uint64_t lane_mask, uint32_t index) const {
return gpu::broadcast_value(lane_mask,
/// Signal to the other process that this one is finished with the buffer.
/// Equivalent to loading outbox followed by store of the inverted value
/// The outbox is write only by this warp and tracking the value locally is
/// cheaper than calling load_outbox to get the value to store.
LIBC_INLINE uint32_t invert_outbox(uint32_t index, uint32_t current_outbox) {
uint32_t inverted_outbox = !current_outbox;
outbox[index].store(inverted_outbox, cpp::MemoryOrder::RELAXED,
return inverted_outbox;
// Given the current outbox and inbox values, wait until the inbox changes
// to indicate that this thread owns the buffer element.
LIBC_INLINE void wait_for_ownership(uint64_t lane_mask, uint32_t index,
uint32_t outbox, uint32_t in) {
while (buffer_unavailable(in, outbox)) {
in = load_inbox(lane_mask, index);
/// The packet is a linearly allocated array of buffers used to communicate
/// with the other process. This function returns the appropriate slot in this
/// array such that the process can operate on an entire warp or wavefront.
LIBC_INLINE Buffer *get_packet(uint32_t index, uint32_t lane_size) {
return &packet[index * lane_size];
/// Determines if this process needs to wait for ownership of the buffer. We
/// invert the condition on one of the processes to indicate that if one
/// process owns the buffer then the other does not.
LIBC_INLINE static bool buffer_unavailable(uint32_t in, uint32_t out) {
bool cond = in != out;
return Invert ? !cond : cond;
/// Attempt to claim the lock at index. Return true on lock taken.
/// lane_mask is a bitmap of the threads in the warp that would hold the
/// single lock on success, e.g. the result of gpu::get_lane_mask()
/// The lock is held when the n-th bit of the lock bitfield is set.
[[clang::convergent]] LIBC_INLINE bool try_lock(uint64_t lane_mask,
uint32_t index) {
// On amdgpu, test and set to the nth lock bit and a sync_lane would suffice
// On volta, need to handle differences between the threads running and
// the threads that were detected in the previous call to get_lane_mask()
// All threads in lane_mask try to claim the lock. At most one can succeed.
// There may be threads active which are not in lane mask which must not
// succeed in taking the lock, as otherwise it will leak. This is handled
// by making threads which are not in lane_mask or with 0, a no-op.
uint32_t id = gpu::get_lane_id();
bool id_in_lane_mask = lane_mask & (1ul << id);
// All threads in the warp call fetch_or. Possibly at the same time.
bool before = set_nth(lock, index, id_in_lane_mask);
uint64_t packed = gpu::ballot(lane_mask, before);
// If every bit set in lane_mask is also set in packed, every single thread
// in the warp failed to get the lock. Ballot returns unset for threads not
// in the lane mask.
// Cases, per thread:
// mask==0 -> unspecified before, discarded by ballot -> 0
// mask==1 and before==0 (success), set zero by ballot -> 0
// mask==1 and before==1 (failure), set one by ballot -> 1
// mask != packed implies at least one of the threads got the lock
// atomic semantics of fetch_or mean at most one of the threads for the lock
// If holding the lock then the caller can load values knowing said loads
// won't move past the lock. No such guarantee is needed if the lock acquire
// failed. This conditional branch is expected to fold in the caller after
// inlining the current function.
bool holding_lock = lane_mask != packed;
if (holding_lock)
return holding_lock;
/// Unlock the lock at index. We need a lane sync to keep this function
/// convergent, otherwise the compiler will sink the store and deadlock.
[[clang::convergent]] LIBC_INLINE void unlock(uint64_t lane_mask,
uint32_t index) {
// Do not move any writes past the unlock
// Wait for other threads in the warp to finish using the lock
// Use exactly one thread to clear the nth bit in the lock array Must
// restrict to a single thread to avoid one thread dropping the lock, then
// an unrelated warp claiming the lock, then a second thread in this warp
// dropping the lock again.
clear_nth(lock, index, gpu::is_first_lane(lane_mask));
/// Number of bytes to allocate for an inbox or outbox.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t mailbox_bytes(uint32_t port_count) {
return port_count * sizeof(cpp::Atomic<uint32_t>);
/// Number of bytes to allocate for the buffer containing the packets.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t buffer_bytes(uint32_t port_count,
uint32_t lane_size) {
return port_count * lane_size * sizeof(Buffer);
/// Offset of the inbox in memory. This is the same as the outbox if inverted.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t inbox_offset(uint32_t port_count) {
return Invert ? mailbox_bytes(port_count) : 0;
/// Offset of the outbox in memory. This is the same as the inbox if inverted.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t outbox_offset(uint32_t port_count) {
return Invert ? 0 : mailbox_bytes(port_count);
/// Offset of the buffer containing the packets after the inbox and outbox.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t header_offset(uint32_t port_count) {
return align_up(2 * mailbox_bytes(port_count), alignof(Header));
/// Offset of the buffer containing the packets after the inbox and outbox.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint64_t buffer_offset(uint32_t port_count) {
return align_up(header_offset(port_count) + port_count * sizeof(Header),
/// Conditionally set the n-th bit in the atomic bitfield.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint32_t set_nth(cpp::Atomic<uint32_t> *bits,
uint32_t index, bool cond) {
uint32_t slot = index / NUM_BITS_IN_WORD;
uint32_t bit = index % NUM_BITS_IN_WORD;
return bits[slot].fetch_or(static_cast<uint32_t>(cond) << bit,
cpp::MemoryScope::DEVICE) &
(1u << bit);
/// Conditionally clear the n-th bit in the atomic bitfield.
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr uint32_t clear_nth(cpp::Atomic<uint32_t> *bits,
uint32_t index, bool cond) {
uint32_t slot = index / NUM_BITS_IN_WORD;
uint32_t bit = index % NUM_BITS_IN_WORD;
return bits[slot].fetch_and(~0u ^ (static_cast<uint32_t>(cond) << bit),
cpp::MemoryScope::DEVICE) &
(1u << bit);
/// Invokes a function accross every active buffer across the total lane size.
static LIBC_INLINE void invoke_rpc(cpp::function<void(Buffer *)> fn,
uint32_t lane_size, uint64_t lane_mask,
Buffer *slot) {
if constexpr (is_process_gpu()) {
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lane_size; i += gpu::get_lane_size())
if (lane_mask & (1ul << i))
/// Alternate version that also provides the index of the current lane.
static LIBC_INLINE void invoke_rpc(cpp::function<void(Buffer *, uint32_t)> fn,
uint32_t lane_size, uint64_t lane_mask,
Buffer *slot) {
if constexpr (is_process_gpu()) {
fn(&slot[gpu::get_lane_id()], gpu::get_lane_id());
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lane_size; i += gpu::get_lane_size())
if (lane_mask & (1ul << i))
fn(&slot[i], i);
/// The port provides the interface to communicate between the multiple
/// processes. A port is conceptually an index into the memory provided by the
/// underlying process that is guarded by a lock bit.
template <bool T> struct Port {
LIBC_INLINE Port(Process<T> &process, uint64_t lane_mask, uint32_t lane_size,
uint32_t index, uint32_t out)
: process(process), lane_mask(lane_mask), lane_size(lane_size),
index(index), out(out), receive(false), owns_buffer(true) {}
LIBC_INLINE ~Port() = default;
LIBC_INLINE Port(const Port &) = delete;
LIBC_INLINE Port &operator=(const Port &) = delete;
LIBC_INLINE Port(Port &&) = default;
LIBC_INLINE Port &operator=(Port &&) = default;
friend struct Client;
friend struct Server;
friend class cpp::optional<Port<T>>;
template <typename U> LIBC_INLINE void recv(U use);
template <typename F> LIBC_INLINE void send(F fill);
template <typename F, typename U>
LIBC_INLINE void send_and_recv(F fill, U use);
template <typename W> LIBC_INLINE void recv_and_send(W work);
LIBC_INLINE void send_n(const void *const *src, uint64_t *size);
LIBC_INLINE void send_n(const void *src, uint64_t size);
template <typename A>
LIBC_INLINE void recv_n(void **dst, uint64_t *size, A &&alloc);
LIBC_INLINE uint16_t get_opcode() const {
return process.header[index].opcode;
LIBC_INLINE uint16_t get_index() const { return index; }
LIBC_INLINE void close() {
// The server is passive, if it own the buffer when it closes we need to
// give ownership back to the client.
if (owns_buffer && T)
out = process.invert_outbox(index, out);
process.unlock(lane_mask, index);
Process<T> &process;
uint64_t lane_mask;
uint32_t lane_size;
uint32_t index;
uint32_t out;
bool receive;
bool owns_buffer;
/// The RPC client used to make requests to the server.
struct Client {
LIBC_INLINE Client() = default;
LIBC_INLINE Client(const Client &) = delete;
LIBC_INLINE Client &operator=(const Client &) = delete;
LIBC_INLINE ~Client() = default;
LIBC_INLINE Client(uint32_t port_count, void *buffer)
: process(port_count, buffer) {}
using Port = rpc::Port<false>;
template <uint16_t opcode> LIBC_INLINE Port open();
Process<false> process;
static_assert(cpp::is_trivially_copyable<Client>::value &&
sizeof(Process<true>) == sizeof(Process<false>),
"The client is not trivially copyable from the server");
/// The RPC server used to respond to the client.
struct Server {
LIBC_INLINE Server() = default;
LIBC_INLINE Server(const Server &) = delete;
LIBC_INLINE Server &operator=(const Server &) = delete;
LIBC_INLINE ~Server() = default;
LIBC_INLINE Server(uint32_t port_count, void *buffer)
: process(port_count, buffer) {}
using Port = rpc::Port<true>;
LIBC_INLINE cpp::optional<Port> try_open(uint32_t lane_size,
uint32_t start = 0);
LIBC_INLINE Port open(uint32_t lane_size);
LIBC_INLINE static uint64_t allocation_size(uint32_t lane_size,
uint32_t port_count) {
return Process<true>::allocation_size(port_count, lane_size);
Process<true> process;
/// Applies \p fill to the shared buffer and initiates a send operation.
template <bool T> template <typename F> LIBC_INLINE void Port<T>::send(F fill) {
uint32_t in = owns_buffer ? out ^ T : process.load_inbox(lane_mask, index);
// We need to wait until we own the buffer before sending.
process.wait_for_ownership(lane_mask, index, out, in);
// Apply the \p fill function to initialize the buffer and release the memory.
invoke_rpc(fill, lane_size, process.header[index].mask,
process.get_packet(index, lane_size));
out = process.invert_outbox(index, out);
owns_buffer = false;
receive = false;
/// Applies \p use to the shared buffer and acknowledges the send.
template <bool T> template <typename U> LIBC_INLINE void Port<T>::recv(U use) {
// We only exchange ownership of the buffer during a receive if we are waiting
// for a previous receive to finish.
if (receive) {
out = process.invert_outbox(index, out);
owns_buffer = false;
uint32_t in = owns_buffer ? out ^ T : process.load_inbox(lane_mask, index);
// We need to wait until we own the buffer before receiving.
process.wait_for_ownership(lane_mask, index, out, in);
// Apply the \p use function to read the memory out of the buffer.
invoke_rpc(use, lane_size, process.header[index].mask,
process.get_packet(index, lane_size));
receive = true;
owns_buffer = true;
/// Combines a send and receive into a single function.
template <bool T>
template <typename F, typename U>
LIBC_INLINE void Port<T>::send_and_recv(F fill, U use) {
/// Combines a receive and send operation into a single function. The \p work
/// function modifies the buffer in-place and the send is only used to initiate
/// the copy back.
template <bool T>
template <typename W>
LIBC_INLINE void Port<T>::recv_and_send(W work) {
send([](Buffer *) { /* no-op */ });
/// Helper routine to simplify the interface when sending from the GPU using
/// thread private pointers to the underlying value.
template <bool T>
LIBC_INLINE void Port<T>::send_n(const void *src, uint64_t size) {
const void **src_ptr = &src;
uint64_t *size_ptr = &size;
send_n(src_ptr, size_ptr);
/// Sends an arbitrarily sized data buffer \p src across the shared channel in
/// multiples of the packet length.
template <bool T>
LIBC_INLINE void Port<T>::send_n(const void *const *src, uint64_t *size) {
uint64_t num_sends = 0;
send([&](Buffer *buffer, uint32_t id) {
reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(buffer->data)[0] = lane_value(size, id);
num_sends = is_process_gpu() ? lane_value(size, id)
: cpp::max(lane_value(size, id), num_sends);
uint64_t len =
lane_value(size, id) > sizeof(Buffer::data) - sizeof(uint64_t)
? sizeof(Buffer::data) - sizeof(uint64_t)
: lane_value(size, id);
rpc_memcpy(&buffer->data[1], lane_value(src, id), len);
uint64_t idx = sizeof(Buffer::data) - sizeof(uint64_t);
uint64_t mask = process.header[index].mask;
while (gpu::ballot(mask, idx < num_sends)) {
send([=](Buffer *buffer, uint32_t id) {
uint64_t len = lane_value(size, id) - idx > sizeof(Buffer::data)
? sizeof(Buffer::data)
: lane_value(size, id) - idx;
if (idx < lane_value(size, id))
rpc_memcpy(buffer->data, advance(lane_value(src, id), idx), len);
idx += sizeof(Buffer::data);
/// Receives an arbitrarily sized data buffer across the shared channel in
/// multiples of the packet length. The \p alloc function is called with the
/// size of the data so that we can initialize the size of the \p dst buffer.
template <bool T>
template <typename A>
LIBC_INLINE void Port<T>::recv_n(void **dst, uint64_t *size, A &&alloc) {
uint64_t num_recvs = 0;
recv([&](Buffer *buffer, uint32_t id) {
lane_value(size, id) = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t *>(buffer->data)[0];
lane_value(dst, id) =
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(alloc(lane_value(size, id)));
num_recvs = is_process_gpu() ? lane_value(size, id)
: cpp::max(lane_value(size, id), num_recvs);
uint64_t len =
lane_value(size, id) > sizeof(Buffer::data) - sizeof(uint64_t)
? sizeof(Buffer::data) - sizeof(uint64_t)
: lane_value(size, id);
rpc_memcpy(lane_value(dst, id), &buffer->data[1], len);
uint64_t idx = sizeof(Buffer::data) - sizeof(uint64_t);
uint64_t mask = process.header[index].mask;
while (gpu::ballot(mask, idx < num_recvs)) {
recv([=](Buffer *buffer, uint32_t id) {
uint64_t len = lane_value(size, id) - idx > sizeof(Buffer::data)
? sizeof(Buffer::data)
: lane_value(size, id) - idx;
if (idx < lane_value(size, id))
rpc_memcpy(advance(lane_value(dst, id), idx), buffer->data, len);
idx += sizeof(Buffer::data);
/// Continually attempts to open a port to use as the client. The client can
/// only open a port if we find an index that is in a valid sending state. That
/// is, there are send operations pending that haven't been serviced on this
/// port. Each port instance uses an associated \p opcode to tell the server
/// what to do. The Client interface provides the appropriate lane size to the
/// port using the platform's returned value.
template <uint16_t opcode>
[[clang::convergent]] LIBC_INLINE Client::Port Client::open() {
// Repeatedly perform a naive linear scan for a port that can be opened to
// send data.
for (uint32_t index = gpu::get_cluster_id();; ++index) {
// Start from the beginning if we run out of ports to check.
if (index >= process.port_count)
index = 0;
// Attempt to acquire the lock on this index.
uint64_t lane_mask = gpu::get_lane_mask();
if (!process.try_lock(lane_mask, index))
uint32_t in = process.load_inbox(lane_mask, index);
uint32_t out = process.load_outbox(lane_mask, index);
// Once we acquire the index we need to check if we are in a valid sending
// state.
if (process.buffer_unavailable(in, out)) {
process.unlock(lane_mask, index);
if (gpu::is_first_lane(lane_mask)) {
process.header[index].opcode = opcode;
process.header[index].mask = lane_mask;
return Port(process, lane_mask, gpu::get_lane_size(), index, out);
/// Attempts to open a port to use as the server. The server can only open a
/// port if it has a pending receive operation
[[clang::convergent]] LIBC_INLINE cpp::optional<typename Server::Port>
Server::try_open(uint32_t lane_size, uint32_t start) {
// Perform a naive linear scan for a port that has a pending request.
for (uint32_t index = start; index < process.port_count; ++index) {
uint64_t lane_mask = gpu::get_lane_mask();
uint32_t in = process.load_inbox(lane_mask, index);
uint32_t out = process.load_outbox(lane_mask, index);
// The server is passive, if there is no work pending don't bother
// opening a port.
if (process.buffer_unavailable(in, out))
// Attempt to acquire the lock on this index.
if (!process.try_lock(lane_mask, index))
in = process.load_inbox(lane_mask, index);
out = process.load_outbox(lane_mask, index);
if (process.buffer_unavailable(in, out)) {
process.unlock(lane_mask, index);
return Port(process, lane_mask, lane_size, index, out);
return cpp::nullopt;
LIBC_INLINE Server::Port Server::open(uint32_t lane_size) {
for (;;) {
if (cpp::optional<Server::Port> p = try_open(lane_size))
return cpp::move(p.value());
} // namespace rpc
} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE