blob: c9a1ac6f7369737c118f4be9105d25bff36bb6bb [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Synchronization.cpp - OpenMP Device synchronization API ---- c++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Include all synchronization.
#include "Synchronization.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Interface.h"
#include "Mapping.h"
#include "State.h"
#include "Types.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#pragma omp declare target
using namespace _OMP;
namespace impl {
/// Atomics
/// NOTE: This function needs to be implemented by every target.
uint32_t atomicInc(uint32_t *Address, uint32_t Val, int Ordering);
uint32_t atomicRead(uint32_t *Address, int Ordering) {
return __atomic_fetch_add(Address, 0U, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
uint32_t atomicAdd(uint32_t *Address, uint32_t Val, int Ordering) {
return __atomic_fetch_add(Address, Val, Ordering);
uint32_t atomicMax(uint32_t *Address, uint32_t Val, int Ordering) {
return __atomic_fetch_max(Address, Val, Ordering);
uint32_t atomicExchange(uint32_t *Address, uint32_t Val, int Ordering) {
uint32_t R;
__atomic_exchange(Address, &Val, &R, Ordering);
return R;
uint32_t atomicCAS(uint32_t *Address, uint32_t Compare, uint32_t Val,
int Ordering) {
(void)__atomic_compare_exchange(Address, &Compare, &Val, false, Ordering,
return Compare;
uint64_t atomicAdd(uint64_t *Address, uint64_t Val, int Ordering) {
return __atomic_fetch_add(Address, Val, Ordering);
/// AMDGCN Implementation
#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {arch(amdgcn)})
uint32_t atomicInc(uint32_t *Address, uint32_t Val, int Ordering) {
return __builtin_amdgcn_atomic_inc32(Address, Val, Ordering, "");
uint32_t SHARD(namedBarrierTracker);
void namedBarrierInit() {
// Don't have global ctors, and shared memory is not zero init
atomic::store(&namedBarrierTracker, 0u, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);
void namedBarrier() {
uint32_t NumThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
// assert(NumThreads % 32 == 0);
uint32_t WarpSize = maping::getWarpSize();
uint32_t NumWaves = NumThreads / WarpSize;
// named barrier implementation for amdgcn.
// Uses two 16 bit unsigned counters. One for the number of waves to have
// reached the barrier, and one to count how many times the barrier has been
// passed. These are packed in a single atomically accessed 32 bit integer.
// Low bits for the number of waves, assumed zero before this call.
// High bits to count the number of times the barrier has been passed.
// precondition: NumWaves != 0;
// invariant: NumWaves * WarpSize == NumThreads;
// precondition: NumWaves < 0xffffu;
// Increment the low 16 bits once, using the lowest active thread.
if (mapping::isLeaderInWarp()) {
uint32_t load = atomic::add(&namedBarrierTracker, 1,
__ATOMIC_RELAXED); // commutative
// Record the number of times the barrier has been passed
uint32_t generation = load & 0xffff0000u;
if ((load & 0x0000ffffu) == (NumWaves - 1)) {
// Reached NumWaves in low bits so this is the last wave.
// Set low bits to zero and increment high bits
load += 0x00010000u; // wrap is safe
load &= 0xffff0000u; // because bits zeroed second
// Reset the wave counter and release the waiting waves
atomic::store(&namedBarrierTracker, load, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
} else {
// more waves still to go, spin until generation counter changes
do {
load = atomi::load(&namedBarrierTracker, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
} while ((load & 0xffff0000u) == generation);
void syncWarp(__kmpc_impl_lanemask_t) {
// AMDGCN doesn't need to sync threads in a warp
void syncThreads() { __builtin_amdgcn_s_barrier(); }
void fenceTeam(int Ordering) { __builtin_amdgcn_fence(Ordering, "workgroup"); }
void fenceKernel(int Ordering) { __builtin_amdgcn_fence(Ordering, "agent"); }
void fenceSystem(int Ordering) { __builtin_amdgcn_fence(Ordering, ""); }
#pragma omp end declare variant
/// NVPTX Implementation
#pragma omp begin declare variant match( \
device = {arch(nvptx, nvptx64)}, implementation = {extension(match_any)})
uint32_t atomicInc(uint32_t *Address, uint32_t Val, int Ordering) {
return __nvvm_atom_inc_gen_ui(Address, Val);
void namedBarrierInit() {}
void namedBarrier() {
uint32_t NumThreads = omp_get_num_threads();
ASSERT(NumThreads % 32 == 0);
// The named barrier for active parallel threads of a team in an L1 parallel
// region to synchronize with each other.
constexpr int BarrierNo = 7;
asm volatile("barrier.sync %0, %1;"
: "r"(BarrierNo), "r"(NumThreads)
: "memory");
void fenceTeam(int) { __nvvm_membar_cta(); }
void fenceKernel(int) { __nvvm_membar_gl(); }
void fenceSystem(int) { __nvvm_membar_sys(); }
void syncWarp(__kmpc_impl_lanemask_t Mask) { __nvvm_bar_warp_sync(Mask); }
void syncThreads() {
constexpr int BarrierNo = 8;
asm volatile("barrier.sync %0;" : : "r"(BarrierNo) : "memory");
constexpr uint32_t OMP_SPIN = 1000;
constexpr uint32_t UNSET = 0;
constexpr uint32_t SET = 1;
// TODO: This seems to hide a bug in the declare variant handling. If it is
// called before it is defined
// here the overload won't happen. Investigate lalter!
void unsetLock(omp_lock_t *Lock) {
(void)atomicExchange((uint32_t *)Lock, UNSET, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
int testLock(omp_lock_t *Lock) {
return atomicAdd((uint32_t *)Lock, 0u, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
void initLock(omp_lock_t *Lock) { unsetLock(Lock); }
void destoryLock(omp_lock_t *Lock) { unsetLock(Lock); }
void setLock(omp_lock_t *Lock) {
// TODO: not sure spinning is a good idea here..
while (atomicCAS((uint32_t *)Lock, UNSET, SET, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST) != UNSET) {
int32_t start = __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_clock();
int32_t now;
for (;;) {
now = __nvvm_read_ptx_sreg_clock();
int32_t cycles = now > start ? now - start : now + (0xffffffff - start);
if (cycles >= OMP_SPIN * mapping::getBlockId()) {
} // wait for 0 to be the read value
#pragma omp end declare variant
} // namespace impl
void synchronize::init(bool IsSPMD) {
if (!IsSPMD)
void synchronize::warp(LaneMaskTy Mask) { impl::syncWarp(Mask); }
void synchronize::threads() { impl::syncThreads(); }
void fence::team(int Ordering) { impl::fenceTeam(Ordering); }
void fence::kernel(int Ordering) { impl::fenceKernel(Ordering); }
void fence::system(int Ordering) { impl::fenceSystem(Ordering); }
uint32_t atomic::read(uint32_t *Addr, int Ordering) {
return impl::atomicRead(Addr, Ordering);
uint32_t atomic::inc(uint32_t *Addr, uint32_t V, int Ordering) {
return impl::atomicInc(Addr, V, Ordering);
uint32_t atomic::add(uint32_t *Addr, uint32_t V, int Ordering) {
return impl::atomicAdd(Addr, V, Ordering);
uint64_t atomic::add(uint64_t *Addr, uint64_t V, int Ordering) {
return impl::atomicAdd(Addr, V, Ordering);
extern "C" {
void __kmpc_ordered(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId) {}
void __kmpc_end_ordered(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId) {}
int32_t __kmpc_cancel_barrier(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId) {
__kmpc_barrier(Loc, TId);
return 0;
void __kmpc_barrier(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId) {
if (mapping::isMainThreadInGenericMode())
return __kmpc_flush(Loc);
if (mapping::isSPMDMode())
return __kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd(Loc, TId);
__attribute__((noinline)) void __kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd(IdentTy *Loc,
int32_t TId) {
int32_t __kmpc_master(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId) {
return omp_get_team_num() == 0;
void __kmpc_end_master(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId) {}
int32_t __kmpc_single(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId) {
return __kmpc_master(Loc, TId);
void __kmpc_end_single(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId) {
// The barrier is explicitly called.
void __kmpc_flush(IdentTy *Loc) { fence::kernel(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); }
uint64_t __kmpc_warp_active_thread_mask(void) { return mapping::activemask(); }
void __kmpc_syncwarp(uint64_t Mask) { synchronize::warp(Mask); }
void __kmpc_critical(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, CriticalNameTy *Name) {
omp_set_lock(reinterpret_cast<omp_lock_t *>(Name));
void __kmpc_end_critical(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, CriticalNameTy *Name) {
omp_unset_lock(reinterpret_cast<omp_lock_t *>(Name));
void omp_init_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock) { impl::initLock(Lock); }
void omp_destroy_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock) { impl::destoryLock(Lock); }
void omp_set_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock) { impl::setLock(Lock); }
void omp_unset_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock) { impl::unsetLock(Lock); }
int omp_test_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock) { return impl::testLock(Lock); }
} // extern "C"
#pragma omp end declare target