blob: 367c2966f10e93b85aeb071da1b7135c0761c2c8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===---- Parallelism.cpp - OpenMP GPU parallel implementation ---- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Parallel implementation in the GPU. Here is the pattern:
// while (not finished) {
// if (master) {
// sequential code, decide which par loop to do, or if finished
// __kmpc_kernel_prepare_parallel() // exec by master only
// }
// syncthreads // A
// __kmpc_kernel_parallel() // exec by all
// if (this thread is included in the parallel) {
// switch () for all parallel loops
// __kmpc_kernel_end_parallel() // exec only by threads in parallel
// }
// The reason we don't exec end_parallel for the threads not included
// in the parallel loop is that for each barrier in the parallel
// region, these non-included threads will cycle through the
// syncthread A. Thus they must preserve their current threadId that
// is larger than thread in team.
// To make a long story short...
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Interface.h"
#include "Mapping.h"
#include "State.h"
#include "Synchronization.h"
#include "Types.h"
#include "Utils.h"
using namespace _OMP;
#pragma omp declare target
namespace {
uint32_t determineNumberOfThreads(int32_t NumThreadsClause) {
uint32_t NThreadsICV =
NumThreadsClause != -1 ? NumThreadsClause : icv::NThreads;
uint32_t NumThreads = mapping::getBlockSize();
if (NThreadsICV != 0 && NThreadsICV < NumThreads)
NumThreads = NThreadsICV;
// Round down to a multiple of WARPSIZE since it is legal to do so in OpenMP.
if (NumThreads < mapping::getWarpSize())
NumThreads = 1;
NumThreads = (NumThreads & ~((uint32_t)mapping::getWarpSize() - 1));
return NumThreads;
// Invoke an outlined parallel function unwrapping arguments (up to 32).
void invokeMicrotask(int32_t global_tid, int32_t bound_tid, void *fn,
void **args, int64_t nargs) {
switch (nargs) {
#include "generated_microtask_cases.gen"
PRINT("Too many arguments in kmp_invoke_microtask, aborting execution.\n");
} // namespace
extern "C" {
void __kmpc_parallel_51(IdentTy *ident, int32_t, int32_t if_expr,
int32_t num_threads, int proc_bind, void *fn,
void *wrapper_fn, void **args, int64_t nargs) {
uint32_t TId = mapping::getThreadIdInBlock();
// Handle the serialized case first, same for SPMD/non-SPMD.
if (OMP_UNLIKELY(!if_expr || icv::Level)) {
__kmpc_serialized_parallel(ident, TId);
invokeMicrotask(TId, 0, fn, args, nargs);
__kmpc_end_serialized_parallel(ident, TId);
uint32_t NumThreads = determineNumberOfThreads(num_threads);
if (mapping::isSPMDMode()) {
state::ValueRAII ParallelTeamSizeRAII(state::ParallelTeamSize, NumThreads,
1u, TId == 0);
state::ValueRAII ActiveLevelRAII(icv::ActiveLevel, 1u, 0u, TId == 0);
state::ValueRAII LevelRAII(icv::Level, 1u, 0u, TId == 0);
if (TId < NumThreads)
invokeMicrotask(TId, 0, fn, args, nargs);
// We do *not* create a new data environment because all threads in the team
// that are active are now running this parallel region. They share the
// TeamState, which has an increase level-var and potentially active-level
// set, but they do not have individual ThreadStates yet. If they ever
// modify the ICVs beyond this point a ThreadStates will be allocated.
bool IsActiveParallelRegion = NumThreads > 1;
if (!IsActiveParallelRegion) {
state::ValueRAII LevelRAII(icv::Level, 1u, 0u, true);
invokeMicrotask(TId, 0, fn, args, nargs);
void **GlobalArgs = nullptr;
if (nargs) {
__kmpc_begin_sharing_variables(&GlobalArgs, nargs);
#pragma unroll
for (int I = 0; I < nargs; I++)
GlobalArgs[I] = args[I];
state::ValueRAII ParallelTeamSizeRAII(state::ParallelTeamSize, NumThreads,
1u, true);
state::ValueRAII ParallelRegionFnRAII(state::ParallelRegionFn, wrapper_fn,
(void *)nullptr, true);
state::ValueRAII ActiveLevelRAII(icv::ActiveLevel, 1u, 0u, true);
state::ValueRAII LevelRAII(icv::Level, 1u, 0u, true);
// Master signals work to activate workers.
// Master waits for workers to signal.
if (nargs)
__attribute__((noinline)) bool
__kmpc_kernel_parallel(ParallelRegionFnTy *WorkFn) {
// Work function and arguments for L1 parallel region.
*WorkFn = state::ParallelRegionFn;
// If this is the termination signal from the master, quit early.
if (!*WorkFn)
return false;
// Set to true for workers participating in the parallel region.
uint32_t TId = mapping::getThreadIdInBlock();
bool ThreadIsActive = TId < state::ParallelTeamSize;
return ThreadIsActive;
__attribute__((noinline)) void __kmpc_kernel_end_parallel() {
// In case we have modified an ICV for this thread before a ThreadState was
// created. We drop it now to not contaminate the next parallel region.
uint32_t TId = mapping::getThreadIdInBlock();
void __kmpc_serialized_parallel(IdentTy *, uint32_t TId) {
void __kmpc_end_serialized_parallel(IdentTy *, uint32_t TId) {
uint16_t __kmpc_parallel_level(IdentTy *, uint32_t) { return omp_get_level(); }
int32_t __kmpc_global_thread_num(IdentTy *) { return omp_get_thread_num(); }
void __kmpc_push_num_threads(IdentTy *, int32_t, int32_t NumThreads) {
icv::NThreads = NumThreads;
void __kmpc_push_num_teams(IdentTy *loc, int32_t tid, int32_t num_teams,
int32_t thread_limit) {}
void __kmpc_push_proc_bind(IdentTy *loc, uint32_t tid, int proc_bind) {}
#pragma omp end declare target