blob: c860bd1b98b8a310979566072caa9abd4ae10025 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-------- State.h - OpenMP State & ICV interface ------------- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Types.h"
#pragma omp declare target
namespace _OMP {
namespace state {
inline constexpr uint32_t SharedScratchpadSize = SHARED_SCRATCHPAD_SIZE;
/// Initialize the state machinery. Must be called by all threads.
void init(bool IsSPMD);
/// TODO
enum ValueKind {
// ---
/// TODO
void enterDataEnvironment();
/// TODO
void exitDataEnvironment();
/// TODO
struct DateEnvironmentRAII {
DateEnvironmentRAII() { enterDataEnvironment(); }
~DateEnvironmentRAII() { exitDataEnvironment(); }
/// TODO
void resetStateForThread(uint32_t TId);
uint32_t &lookup32(ValueKind VK, bool IsReadonly);
void *&lookupPtr(ValueKind VK, bool IsReadonly);
/// A class without actual state used to provide a nice interface to lookup and
/// update ICV values we can declare in global scope.
template <typename Ty, ValueKind Kind> struct Value {
__attribute__((flatten, always_inline)) operator Ty() {
return lookup(/* IsReadonly */ true);
__attribute__((flatten, always_inline)) Value &operator=(const Ty &Other) {
return *this;
__attribute__((flatten, always_inline)) Value &operator++() {
return *this;
__attribute__((flatten, always_inline)) Value &operator--() {
return *this;
Ty &lookup(bool IsReadonly) {
Ty &t = lookup32(Kind, IsReadonly);
return t;
Ty &inc(int UpdateVal) {
return (lookup(/* IsReadonly */ false) += UpdateVal);
Ty &set(Ty UpdateVal) { return (lookup(/* IsReadonly */ false) = UpdateVal); }
template <typename VTy, typename Ty2> friend struct ValueRAII;
/// A mookup class without actual state used to provide
/// a nice interface to lookup and update ICV values
/// we can declare in global scope.
template <typename Ty, ValueKind Kind> struct PtrValue {
__attribute__((flatten, always_inline)) operator Ty() {
return lookup(/* IsReadonly */ true);
__attribute__((flatten, always_inline)) PtrValue &operator=(const Ty Other) {
return *this;
Ty &lookup(bool IsReadonly) { return lookupPtr(Kind, IsReadonly); }
Ty &set(Ty UpdateVal) { return (lookup(/* IsReadonly */ false) = UpdateVal); }
template <typename VTy, typename Ty2> friend struct ValueRAII;
template <typename VTy, typename Ty> struct ValueRAII {
ValueRAII(VTy &V, Ty NewValue, Ty OldValue, bool Active)
: Ptr(Active ? V.lookup(/* IsReadonly */ false) : Val), Val(OldValue),
Active(Active) {
if (!Active)
ASSERT(Ptr == OldValue && "ValueRAII initialization with wrong old value!");
Ptr = NewValue;
~ValueRAII() {
if (Active)
Ptr = Val;
Ty &Ptr;
Ty Val;
bool Active;
/// TODO
inline state::Value<uint32_t, state::VK_RunSchedChunk> RunSchedChunk;
/// TODO
inline state::Value<uint32_t, state::VK_ParallelTeamSize> ParallelTeamSize;
/// TODO
inline state::PtrValue<ParallelRegionFnTy, state::VK_ParallelRegionFn>
void runAndCheckState(void(Func(void)));
void assumeInitialState(bool IsSPMD);
} // namespace state
namespace icv {
/// TODO
inline state::Value<uint32_t, state::VK_NThreads> NThreads;
/// TODO
inline state::Value<uint32_t, state::VK_Level> Level;
/// The `active-level` describes which of the parallel level counted with the
/// `level-var` is active. There can only be one.
/// active-level-var is 1, if ActiveLevelVar is not 0, otherweise it is 0.
inline state::Value<uint32_t, state::VK_ActiveLevel> ActiveLevel;
/// TODO
inline state::Value<uint32_t, state::VK_MaxActiveLevels> MaxActiveLevels;
/// TODO
inline state::Value<uint32_t, state::VK_RunSched> RunSched;
} // namespace icv
namespace memory {
/// Alloca \p Size bytes in shared memory, if possible, for \p Reason.
/// Note: See the restrictions on __kmpc_alloc_shared for proper usage.
void *allocShared(uint64_t Size, const char *Reason);
/// Free \p Ptr, alloated via allocShared, for \p Reason.
/// Note: See the restrictions on __kmpc_free_shared for proper usage.
void freeShared(void *Ptr, uint64_t Bytes, const char *Reason);
/// Alloca \p Size bytes in global memory, if possible, for \p Reason.
void *allocGlobal(uint64_t Size, const char *Reason);
/// Return a pointer to the dynamic shared memory buffer.
void *getDynamicBuffer();
/// Free \p Ptr, alloated via allocGlobal, for \p Reason.
void freeGlobal(void *Ptr, const char *Reason);
} // namespace memory
} // namespace _OMP
#pragma omp end declare target