blob: 1a8471a2352f32cadd64b6c9c1f55f002bab371f [file] [log] [blame]
//===-------- Interface.h - OpenMP interface ---------------------- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "Types.h"
/// External API
extern "C" {
/// ICV: dyn-var, constant 0
/// setter: ignored.
/// getter: returns 0.
void omp_set_dynamic(int);
int omp_get_dynamic(void);
/// ICV: nthreads-var, integer
/// scope: data environment
/// setter: ignored.
/// getter: returns false.
/// implementation notes:
void omp_set_num_threads(int);
int omp_get_max_threads(void);
/// ICV: thread-limit-var, computed
/// getter: returns thread limited defined during launch.
int omp_get_thread_limit(void);
/// ICV: max-active-level-var, constant 1
/// setter: ignored.
/// getter: returns 1.
void omp_set_max_active_levels(int);
int omp_get_max_active_levels(void);
/// ICV: places-partition-var
/// ICV: active-level-var, 0 or 1
/// getter: returns 0 or 1.
int omp_get_active_level(void);
/// ICV: level-var
/// getter: returns parallel region nesting
int omp_get_level(void);
/// ICV: run-sched-var
void omp_set_schedule(omp_sched_t, int);
void omp_get_schedule(omp_sched_t *, int *);
/// TODO this is incomplete.
int omp_get_num_threads(void);
int omp_get_thread_num(void);
void omp_set_nested(int);
int omp_get_nested(void);
void omp_set_max_active_levels(int Level);
int omp_get_max_active_levels(void);
omp_proc_bind_t omp_get_proc_bind(void);
int omp_get_num_places(void);
int omp_get_place_num_procs(int place_num);
void omp_get_place_proc_ids(int place_num, int *ids);
int omp_get_place_num(void);
int omp_get_partition_num_places(void);
void omp_get_partition_place_nums(int *place_nums);
int omp_get_cancellation(void);
void omp_set_default_device(int deviceId);
int omp_get_default_device(void);
int omp_get_num_devices(void);
int omp_get_num_teams(void);
int omp_get_team_num();
int omp_get_initial_device(void);
/// Synchronization
void omp_init_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock);
void omp_destroy_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock);
void omp_set_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock);
void omp_unset_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock);
int omp_test_lock(omp_lock_t *Lock);
/// Tasking
int omp_in_final(void);
int omp_get_max_task_priority(void);
/// Misc
double omp_get_wtick(void);
double omp_get_wtime(void);
extern "C" {
/// Allocate \p Bytes in "shareable" memory and return the address. Needs to be
/// called balanced with __kmpc_free_shared like a stack (push/pop). Can be
/// called by any thread, allocation happens *per thread*.
void *__kmpc_alloc_shared(uint64_t Bytes);
/// Deallocate \p Ptr. Needs to be called balanced with __kmpc_alloc_shared like
/// a stack (push/pop). Can be called by any thread. \p Ptr has to be the
/// allocated by __kmpc_alloc_shared by the same thread.
void __kmpc_free_shared(void *Ptr, uint64_t Bytes);
/// Get a pointer to the memory buffer containing dynamically allocated shared
/// memory configured at launch.
void *__kmpc_get_dynamic_shared();
/// Allocate sufficient space for \p NumArgs sequential `void*` and store the
/// allocation address in \p GlobalArgs.
/// Called by the main thread prior to a parallel region.
/// We also remember it in GlobalArgsPtr to ensure the worker threads and
/// deallocation function know the allocation address too.
void __kmpc_begin_sharing_variables(void ***GlobalArgs, uint64_t NumArgs);
/// Deallocate the memory allocated by __kmpc_begin_sharing_variables.
/// Called by the main thread after a parallel region.
void __kmpc_end_sharing_variables();
/// Store the allocation address obtained via __kmpc_begin_sharing_variables in
/// \p GlobalArgs.
/// Called by the worker threads in the parallel region (function).
void __kmpc_get_shared_variables(void ***GlobalArgs);
/// Kernel
int8_t __kmpc_is_spmd_exec_mode();
int32_t __kmpc_target_init(IdentTy *Ident, bool IsSPMD,
bool UseGenericStateMachine, bool);
void __kmpc_target_deinit(IdentTy *Ident, bool IsSPMD, bool);
/// Reduction
void __kmpc_nvptx_end_reduce(int32_t TId);
void __kmpc_nvptx_end_reduce_nowait(int32_t TId);
int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_parallel_reduce_nowait_v2(
IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, int32_t num_vars, uint64_t reduce_size,
void *reduce_data, ShuffleReductFnTy shflFct, InterWarpCopyFnTy cpyFct);
int32_t __kmpc_nvptx_teams_reduce_nowait_v2(
IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, void *GlobalBuffer, uint32_t num_of_records,
void *reduce_data, ShuffleReductFnTy shflFct, InterWarpCopyFnTy cpyFct,
ListGlobalFnTy lgcpyFct, ListGlobalFnTy lgredFct, ListGlobalFnTy glcpyFct,
ListGlobalFnTy glredFct);
/// Synchronization
void __kmpc_ordered(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId);
void __kmpc_end_ordered(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId);
int32_t __kmpc_cancel_barrier(IdentTy *Loc_ref, int32_t TId);
void __kmpc_barrier(IdentTy *Loc_ref, int32_t TId);
void __kmpc_barrier_simple_spmd(IdentTy *Loc_ref, int32_t TId);
int32_t __kmpc_master(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId);
void __kmpc_end_master(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId);
int32_t __kmpc_single(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId);
void __kmpc_end_single(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId);
void __kmpc_flush(IdentTy *Loc);
uint64_t __kmpc_warp_active_thread_mask(void);
void __kmpc_syncwarp(uint64_t Mask);
void __kmpc_critical(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, CriticalNameTy *Name);
void __kmpc_end_critical(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, CriticalNameTy *Name);
/// Parallelism
/// TODO
void __kmpc_kernel_prepare_parallel(ParallelRegionFnTy WorkFn);
/// TODO
bool __kmpc_kernel_parallel(ParallelRegionFnTy *WorkFn);
/// TODO
void __kmpc_kernel_end_parallel();
/// TODO
void __kmpc_serialized_parallel(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t);
/// TODO
void __kmpc_end_serialized_parallel(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t);
/// TODO
void __kmpc_push_proc_bind(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId, int ProcBind);
/// TODO
void __kmpc_push_num_teams(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, int32_t NumTeams,
int32_t ThreadLimit);
/// TODO
uint16_t __kmpc_parallel_level(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t);
/// TODO
void __kmpc_push_num_threads(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t, int32_t NumThreads);
/// Tasking
TaskDescriptorTy *__kmpc_omp_task_alloc(IdentTy *, uint32_t, int32_t,
uint32_t TaskSizeInclPrivateValues,
uint32_t SharedValuesSize,
TaskFnTy TaskFn);
int32_t __kmpc_omp_task(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId,
TaskDescriptorTy *TaskDescriptor);
int32_t __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId,
TaskDescriptorTy *TaskDescriptor, int32_t,
void *, int32_t, void *);
void __kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId,
TaskDescriptorTy *TaskDescriptor);
void __kmpc_omp_task_complete_if0(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId,
TaskDescriptorTy *TaskDescriptor);
void __kmpc_omp_wait_deps(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId, int32_t, void *, int32_t,
void *);
void __kmpc_taskgroup(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId);
void __kmpc_end_taskgroup(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId);
int32_t __kmpc_omp_taskyield(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId, int);
int32_t __kmpc_omp_taskwait(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId);
void __kmpc_taskloop(IdentTy *Loc, uint32_t TId,
TaskDescriptorTy *TaskDescriptor, int,
uint64_t *LowerBound, uint64_t *UpperBound, int64_t, int,
int32_t, uint64_t, void *);
/// Misc
int32_t __kmpc_cancellationpoint(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, int32_t CancelVal);
int32_t __kmpc_cancel(IdentTy *Loc, int32_t TId, int32_t CancelVal);
/// Shuffle
int32_t __kmpc_shuffle_int32(int32_t val, int16_t delta, int16_t size);
int64_t __kmpc_shuffle_int64(int64_t val, int16_t delta, int16_t size);