blob: 71283717419b6f000ae7b1dcbd6d7e264107787c [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRES: aarch64
// RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=aarch64-linux-gnu %s -o %t.o
// RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t
// RUN: llvm-objdump -d --start-address=0x81d1008 -stop-address=0x81d1014 --no-show-raw-insn %t | FileCheck %s
// Check that the range extension thunks are dumped close to the aarch64 branch
// range of 128 MiB
.section .text.1, "ax", %progbits
.balign 0x1000
.globl _start
bl high_target
.section .text.2, "ax", %progbits
.space 0x2000000
.section .text.2, "ax", %progbits
.space 0x2000000
.section .text.3, "ax", %progbits
.space 0x2000000
.section .text.4, "ax", %progbits
.space 0x2000000 - 0x40000
.section .text.5, "ax", %progbits
.space 0x40000
.section .text.6, "ax", %progbits
.balign 0x1000
.globl high_target
.type high_target, %function
// CHECK: __AArch64AbsLongThunk_high_target:
// CHECK-NEXT: 81d1008: ldr x16, #8
// CHECK-NEXT: 81d100c: br x16
// CHECK: $d:
// CHECK-NEXT: 81d1010: 00 20 21 08 .word 0x08212000