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//===- PatternMatch.h - PatternMatcher classes -------==---------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FunctionExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TypeName.h"
namespace mlir {
class PatternRewriter;
// PatternBenefit class
/// This class represents the benefit of a pattern match in a unitless scheme
/// that ranges from 0 (very little benefit) to 65K. The most common unit to
/// use here is the "number of operations matched" by the pattern.
/// This also has a sentinel representation that can be used for patterns that
/// fail to match.
class PatternBenefit {
enum { ImpossibleToMatchSentinel = 65535 };
PatternBenefit() : representation(ImpossibleToMatchSentinel) {}
PatternBenefit(unsigned benefit);
PatternBenefit(const PatternBenefit &) = default;
PatternBenefit &operator=(const PatternBenefit &) = default;
static PatternBenefit impossibleToMatch() { return PatternBenefit(); }
bool isImpossibleToMatch() const { return *this == impossibleToMatch(); }
/// If the corresponding pattern can match, return its benefit. If the
// corresponding pattern isImpossibleToMatch() then this aborts.
unsigned short getBenefit() const;
bool operator==(const PatternBenefit &rhs) const {
return representation == rhs.representation;
bool operator!=(const PatternBenefit &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
bool operator<(const PatternBenefit &rhs) const {
return representation < rhs.representation;
bool operator>(const PatternBenefit &rhs) const { return rhs < *this; }
bool operator<=(const PatternBenefit &rhs) const { return !(*this > rhs); }
bool operator>=(const PatternBenefit &rhs) const { return !(*this < rhs); }
unsigned short representation;
// Pattern
/// This class contains all of the data related to a pattern, but does not
/// contain any methods or logic for the actual matching. This class is solely
/// used to interface with the metadata of a pattern, such as the benefit or
/// root operation.
class Pattern {
/// This enum represents the kind of value used to select the root operations
/// that match this pattern.
enum class RootKind {
/// The pattern root matches "any" operation.
/// The pattern root is matched using a concrete operation name.
/// The pattern root is matched using an interface ID.
/// The patter root is matched using a trait ID.
/// Return a list of operations that may be generated when rewriting an
/// operation instance with this pattern.
ArrayRef<OperationName> getGeneratedOps() const { return generatedOps; }
/// Return the root node that this pattern matches. Patterns that can match
/// multiple root types return None.
Optional<OperationName> getRootKind() const {
if (rootKind == RootKind::OperationName)
return OperationName::getFromOpaquePointer(rootValue);
return llvm::None;
/// Return the interface ID used to match the root operation of this pattern.
/// If the pattern does not use an interface ID for deciding the root match,
/// this returns None.
Optional<TypeID> getRootInterfaceID() const {
if (rootKind == RootKind::InterfaceID)
return TypeID::getFromOpaquePointer(rootValue);
return llvm::None;
/// Return the trait ID used to match the root operation of this pattern.
/// If the pattern does not use a trait ID for deciding the root match, this
/// returns None.
Optional<TypeID> getRootTraitID() const {
if (rootKind == RootKind::TraitID)
return TypeID::getFromOpaquePointer(rootValue);
return llvm::None;
/// Return the benefit (the inverse of "cost") of matching this pattern. The
/// benefit of a Pattern is always static - rewrites that may have dynamic
/// benefit can be instantiated multiple times (different Pattern instances)
/// for each benefit that they may return, and be guarded by different match
/// condition predicates.
PatternBenefit getBenefit() const { return benefit; }
/// Returns true if this pattern is known to result in recursive application,
/// i.e. this pattern may generate IR that also matches this pattern, but is
/// known to bound the recursion. This signals to a rewrite driver that it is
/// safe to apply this pattern recursively to generated IR.
bool hasBoundedRewriteRecursion() const {
return contextAndHasBoundedRecursion.getInt();
/// Return the MLIRContext used to create this pattern.
MLIRContext *getContext() const {
return contextAndHasBoundedRecursion.getPointer();
/// Return a readable name for this pattern. This name should only be used for
/// debugging purposes, and may be empty.
StringRef getDebugName() const { return debugName; }
/// Set the human readable debug name used for this pattern. This name will
/// only be used for debugging purposes.
void setDebugName(StringRef name) { debugName = name; }
/// Return the set of debug labels attached to this pattern.
ArrayRef<StringRef> getDebugLabels() const { return debugLabels; }
/// Add the provided debug labels to this pattern.
void addDebugLabels(ArrayRef<StringRef> labels) {
debugLabels.append(labels.begin(), labels.end());
void addDebugLabels(StringRef label) { debugLabels.push_back(label); }
/// This class acts as a special tag that makes the desire to match "any"
/// operation type explicit. This helps to avoid unnecessary usages of this
/// feature, and ensures that the user is making a conscious decision.
struct MatchAnyOpTypeTag {};
/// This class acts as a special tag that makes the desire to match any
/// operation that implements a given interface explicit. This helps to avoid
/// unnecessary usages of this feature, and ensures that the user is making a
/// conscious decision.
struct MatchInterfaceOpTypeTag {};
/// This class acts as a special tag that makes the desire to match any
/// operation that implements a given trait explicit. This helps to avoid
/// unnecessary usages of this feature, and ensures that the user is making a
/// conscious decision.
struct MatchTraitOpTypeTag {};
/// Construct a pattern with a certain benefit that matches the operation
/// with the given root name.
Pattern(StringRef rootName, PatternBenefit benefit, MLIRContext *context,
ArrayRef<StringRef> generatedNames = {});
/// Construct a pattern that may match any operation type. `generatedNames`
/// contains the names of operations that may be generated during a successful
/// rewrite. `MatchAnyOpTypeTag` is just a tag to ensure that the "match any"
/// behavior is what the user actually desired, `MatchAnyOpTypeTag()` should
/// always be supplied here.
Pattern(MatchAnyOpTypeTag tag, PatternBenefit benefit, MLIRContext *context,
ArrayRef<StringRef> generatedNames = {});
/// Construct a pattern that may match any operation that implements the
/// interface defined by the provided `interfaceID`. `generatedNames` contains
/// the names of operations that may be generated during a successful rewrite.
/// `MatchInterfaceOpTypeTag` is just a tag to ensure that the "match
/// interface" behavior is what the user actually desired,
/// `MatchInterfaceOpTypeTag()` should always be supplied here.
Pattern(MatchInterfaceOpTypeTag tag, TypeID interfaceID,
PatternBenefit benefit, MLIRContext *context,
ArrayRef<StringRef> generatedNames = {});
/// Construct a pattern that may match any operation that implements the
/// trait defined by the provided `traitID`. `generatedNames` contains the
/// names of operations that may be generated during a successful rewrite.
/// `MatchTraitOpTypeTag` is just a tag to ensure that the "match trait"
/// behavior is what the user actually desired, `MatchTraitOpTypeTag()` should
/// always be supplied here.
Pattern(MatchTraitOpTypeTag tag, TypeID traitID, PatternBenefit benefit,
MLIRContext *context, ArrayRef<StringRef> generatedNames = {});
/// Set the flag detailing if this pattern has bounded rewrite recursion or
/// not.
void setHasBoundedRewriteRecursion(bool hasBoundedRecursionArg = true) {
Pattern(const void *rootValue, RootKind rootKind,
ArrayRef<StringRef> generatedNames, PatternBenefit benefit,
MLIRContext *context);
/// The value used to match the root operation of the pattern.
const void *rootValue;
RootKind rootKind;
/// The expected benefit of matching this pattern.
const PatternBenefit benefit;
/// The context this pattern was created from, and a boolean flag indicating
/// whether this pattern has bounded recursion or not.
llvm::PointerIntPair<MLIRContext *, 1, bool> contextAndHasBoundedRecursion;
/// A list of the potential operations that may be generated when rewriting
/// an op with this pattern.
SmallVector<OperationName, 2> generatedOps;
/// A readable name for this pattern. May be empty.
StringRef debugName;
/// The set of debug labels attached to this pattern.
SmallVector<StringRef, 0> debugLabels;
// RewritePattern
/// RewritePattern is the common base class for all DAG to DAG replacements.
/// There are two possible usages of this class:
/// * Multi-step RewritePattern with "match" and "rewrite"
/// - By overloading the "match" and "rewrite" functions, the user can
/// separate the concerns of matching and rewriting.
/// * Single-step RewritePattern with "matchAndRewrite"
/// - By overloading the "matchAndRewrite" function, the user can perform
/// the rewrite in the same call as the match.
class RewritePattern : public Pattern {
virtual ~RewritePattern() {}
/// Rewrite the IR rooted at the specified operation with the result of
/// this pattern, generating any new operations with the specified
/// builder. If an unexpected error is encountered (an internal
/// compiler error), it is emitted through the normal MLIR diagnostic
/// hooks and the IR is left in a valid state.
virtual void rewrite(Operation *op, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const;
/// Attempt to match against code rooted at the specified operation,
/// which is the same operation code as getRootKind().
virtual LogicalResult match(Operation *op) const;
/// Attempt to match against code rooted at the specified operation,
/// which is the same operation code as getRootKind(). If successful, this
/// function will automatically perform the rewrite.
virtual LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(Operation *op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
if (succeeded(match(op))) {
rewrite(op, rewriter);
return success();
return failure();
/// This method provides a convenient interface for creating and initializing
/// derived rewrite patterns of the given type `T`.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static std::unique_ptr<T> create(Args &&... args) {
std::unique_ptr<T> pattern =
// Set a default debug name if one wasn't provided.
if (pattern->getDebugName().empty())
return pattern;
/// Inherit the base constructors from `Pattern`.
using Pattern::Pattern;
/// Trait to check if T provides a `getOperationName` method.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
using has_initialize = decltype(std::declval<T>().initialize());
template <typename T>
using detect_has_initialize = llvm::is_detected<has_initialize, T>;
/// Initialize the derived pattern by calling its `initialize` method.
template <typename T>
static std::enable_if_t<detect_has_initialize<T>::value>
initializePattern(T &pattern) {
/// Empty derived pattern initializer for patterns that do not have an
/// initialize method.
template <typename T>
static std::enable_if_t<!detect_has_initialize<T>::value>
initializePattern(T &) {}
/// An anchor for the virtual table.
virtual void anchor();
namespace detail {
/// OpOrInterfaceRewritePatternBase is a wrapper around RewritePattern that
/// allows for matching and rewriting against an instance of a derived operation
/// class or Interface.
template <typename SourceOp>
struct OpOrInterfaceRewritePatternBase : public RewritePattern {
using RewritePattern::RewritePattern;
/// Wrappers around the RewritePattern methods that pass the derived op type.
void rewrite(Operation *op, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
rewrite(cast<SourceOp>(op), rewriter);
LogicalResult match(Operation *op) const final {
return match(cast<SourceOp>(op));
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(Operation *op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const final {
return matchAndRewrite(cast<SourceOp>(op), rewriter);
/// Rewrite and Match methods that operate on the SourceOp type. These must be
/// overridden by the derived pattern class.
virtual void rewrite(SourceOp op, PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
llvm_unreachable("must override rewrite or matchAndRewrite");
virtual LogicalResult match(SourceOp op) const {
llvm_unreachable("must override match or matchAndRewrite");
virtual LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(SourceOp op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
if (succeeded(match(op))) {
rewrite(op, rewriter);
return success();
return failure();
} // namespace detail
/// OpRewritePattern is a wrapper around RewritePattern that allows for
/// matching and rewriting against an instance of a derived operation class as
/// opposed to a raw Operation.
template <typename SourceOp>
struct OpRewritePattern
: public detail::OpOrInterfaceRewritePatternBase<SourceOp> {
/// Patterns must specify the root operation name they match against, and can
/// also specify the benefit of the pattern matching.
OpRewritePattern(MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
: detail::OpOrInterfaceRewritePatternBase<SourceOp>(
SourceOp::getOperationName(), benefit, context) {}
/// OpInterfaceRewritePattern is a wrapper around RewritePattern that allows for
/// matching and rewriting against an instance of an operation interface instead
/// of a raw Operation.
template <typename SourceOp>
struct OpInterfaceRewritePattern
: public detail::OpOrInterfaceRewritePatternBase<SourceOp> {
OpInterfaceRewritePattern(MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
: detail::OpOrInterfaceRewritePatternBase<SourceOp>(
Pattern::MatchInterfaceOpTypeTag(), SourceOp::getInterfaceID(),
benefit, context) {}
/// OpTraitRewritePattern is a wrapper around RewritePattern that allows for
/// matching and rewriting against instances of an operation that possess a
/// given trait.
template <template <typename> class TraitType>
class OpTraitRewritePattern : public RewritePattern {
OpTraitRewritePattern(MLIRContext *context, PatternBenefit benefit = 1)
: RewritePattern(Pattern::MatchTraitOpTypeTag(), TypeID::get<TraitType>(),
benefit, context) {}
// PDLPatternModule
// PDLValue
/// Storage type of byte-code interpreter values. These are passed to constraint
/// functions as arguments.
class PDLValue {
/// The underlying kind of a PDL value.
enum class Kind { Attribute, Operation, Type, TypeRange, Value, ValueRange };
/// Construct a new PDL value.
PDLValue(const PDLValue &other) = default;
PDLValue(std::nullptr_t = nullptr) : value(nullptr), kind(Kind::Attribute) {}
PDLValue(Attribute value)
: value(value.getAsOpaquePointer()), kind(Kind::Attribute) {}
PDLValue(Operation *value) : value(value), kind(Kind::Operation) {}
PDLValue(Type value) : value(value.getAsOpaquePointer()), kind(Kind::Type) {}
PDLValue(TypeRange *value) : value(value), kind(Kind::TypeRange) {}
PDLValue(Value value)
: value(value.getAsOpaquePointer()), kind(Kind::Value) {}
PDLValue(ValueRange *value) : value(value), kind(Kind::ValueRange) {}
/// Returns true if the type of the held value is `T`.
template <typename T>
bool isa() const {
assert(value && "isa<> used on a null value");
return kind == getKindOf<T>();
/// Attempt to dynamically cast this value to type `T`, returns null if this
/// value is not an instance of `T`.
template <typename T,
typename ResultT = std::conditional_t<
std::is_convertible<T, bool>::value, T, Optional<T>>>
ResultT dyn_cast() const {
return isa<T>() ? castImpl<T>() : ResultT();
/// Cast this value to type `T`, asserts if this value is not an instance of
/// `T`.
template <typename T>
T cast() const {
assert(isa<T>() && "expected value to be of type `T`");
return castImpl<T>();
/// Get an opaque pointer to the value.
const void *getAsOpaquePointer() const { return value; }
/// Return if this value is null or not.
explicit operator bool() const { return value; }
/// Return the kind of this value.
Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
/// Print this value to the provided output stream.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
/// Find the index of a given type in a range of other types.
template <typename...>
struct index_of_t;
template <typename T, typename... R>
struct index_of_t<T, T, R...> : std::integral_constant<size_t, 0> {};
template <typename T, typename F, typename... R>
struct index_of_t<T, F, R...>
: std::integral_constant<size_t, 1 + index_of_t<T, R...>::value> {};
/// Return the kind used for the given T.
template <typename T>
static Kind getKindOf() {
return static_cast<Kind>(index_of_t<T, Attribute, Operation *, Type,
TypeRange, Value, ValueRange>::value);
/// The internal implementation of `cast`, that returns the underlying value
/// as the given type `T`.
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<llvm::is_one_of<T, Attribute, Type, Value>::value, T>
castImpl() const {
return T::getFromOpaquePointer(value);
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<llvm::is_one_of<T, TypeRange, ValueRange>::value, T>
castImpl() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(const_cast<void *>(value));
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>::value, T> castImpl() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T>(const_cast<void *>(value));
/// The internal opaque representation of a PDLValue.
const void *value;
/// The kind of the opaque value.
Kind kind;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, PDLValue value) {
return os;
// PDLResultList
/// The class represents a list of PDL results, returned by a native rewrite
/// method. It provides the mechanism with which to pass PDLValues back to the
/// PDL bytecode.
class PDLResultList {
/// Push a new Attribute value onto the result list.
void push_back(Attribute value) { results.push_back(value); }
/// Push a new Operation onto the result list.
void push_back(Operation *value) { results.push_back(value); }
/// Push a new Type onto the result list.
void push_back(Type value) { results.push_back(value); }
/// Push a new TypeRange onto the result list.
void push_back(TypeRange value) {
// The lifetime of a TypeRange can't be guaranteed, so we'll need to
// allocate a storage for it.
llvm::OwningArrayRef<Type> storage(value.size());
llvm::copy(value, storage.begin());
void push_back(ValueTypeRange<OperandRange> value) {
void push_back(ValueTypeRange<ResultRange> value) {
/// Push a new Value onto the result list.
void push_back(Value value) { results.push_back(value); }
/// Push a new ValueRange onto the result list.
void push_back(ValueRange value) {
// The lifetime of a ValueRange can't be guaranteed, so we'll need to
// allocate a storage for it.
llvm::OwningArrayRef<Value> storage(value.size());
llvm::copy(value, storage.begin());
void push_back(OperandRange value) {
void push_back(ResultRange value) {
/// Create a new result list with the expected number of results.
PDLResultList(unsigned maxNumResults) {
// For now just reserve enough space for all of the results. We could do
// separate counts per range type, but it isn't really worth it unless there
// are a "large" number of results.
/// The PDL results held by this list.
SmallVector<PDLValue> results;
/// Memory used to store ranges held by the list.
SmallVector<TypeRange> typeRanges;
SmallVector<ValueRange> valueRanges;
/// Memory allocated to store ranges in the result list whose lifetime was
/// generated in the native function.
SmallVector<llvm::OwningArrayRef<Type>> allocatedTypeRanges;
SmallVector<llvm::OwningArrayRef<Value>> allocatedValueRanges;
// PDLPatternModule
/// A generic PDL pattern constraint function. This function applies a
/// constraint to a given set of opaque PDLValue entities. The second parameter
/// is a set of constant value parameters specified in Attribute form. Returns
/// success if the constraint successfully held, failure otherwise.
using PDLConstraintFunction = std::function<LogicalResult(
ArrayRef<PDLValue>, ArrayAttr, PatternRewriter &)>;
/// A native PDL rewrite function. This function performs a rewrite on the
/// given set of values and constant parameters. Any results from this rewrite
/// that should be passed back to PDL should be added to the provided result
/// list. This method is only invoked when the corresponding match was
/// successful.
using PDLRewriteFunction = std::function<void(
ArrayRef<PDLValue>, ArrayAttr, PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &)>;
/// A generic PDL pattern constraint function. This function applies a
/// constraint to a given opaque PDLValue entity. The second parameter is a set
/// of constant value parameters specified in Attribute form. Returns success if
/// the constraint successfully held, failure otherwise.
using PDLSingleEntityConstraintFunction =
std::function<LogicalResult(PDLValue, ArrayAttr, PatternRewriter &)>;
/// This class contains all of the necessary data for a set of PDL patterns, or
/// pattern rewrites specified in the form of the PDL dialect. This PDL module
/// contained by this pattern may contain any number of `pdl.pattern`
/// operations.
class PDLPatternModule {
PDLPatternModule() = default;
/// Construct a PDL pattern with the given module.
PDLPatternModule(OwningModuleRef pdlModule)
: pdlModule(std::move(pdlModule)) {}
/// Merge the state in `other` into this pattern module.
void mergeIn(PDLPatternModule &&other);
/// Return the internal PDL module of this pattern.
ModuleOp getModule() { return pdlModule.get(); }
// Function Registry
/// Register a constraint function.
void registerConstraintFunction(StringRef name,
PDLConstraintFunction constraintFn);
/// Register a single entity constraint function.
template <typename SingleEntityFn>
std::enable_if_t<!llvm::is_invocable<SingleEntityFn, ArrayRef<PDLValue>,
ArrayAttr, PatternRewriter &>::value>
registerConstraintFunction(StringRef name, SingleEntityFn &&constraintFn) {
name, [constraintFn = std::forward<SingleEntityFn>(constraintFn)](
ArrayRef<PDLValue> values, ArrayAttr constantParams,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
assert(values.size() == 1 &&
"expected values to have a single entity");
return constraintFn(values[0], constantParams, rewriter);
/// Register a rewrite function.
void registerRewriteFunction(StringRef name, PDLRewriteFunction rewriteFn);
/// Return the set of the registered constraint functions.
const llvm::StringMap<PDLConstraintFunction> &getConstraintFunctions() const {
return constraintFunctions;
llvm::StringMap<PDLConstraintFunction> takeConstraintFunctions() {
return constraintFunctions;
/// Return the set of the registered rewrite functions.
const llvm::StringMap<PDLRewriteFunction> &getRewriteFunctions() const {
return rewriteFunctions;
llvm::StringMap<PDLRewriteFunction> takeRewriteFunctions() {
return rewriteFunctions;
/// Clear out the patterns and functions within this module.
void clear() {
pdlModule = nullptr;
/// The module containing the `pdl.pattern` operations.
OwningModuleRef pdlModule;
/// The external functions referenced from within the PDL module.
llvm::StringMap<PDLConstraintFunction> constraintFunctions;
llvm::StringMap<PDLRewriteFunction> rewriteFunctions;
// RewriterBase
/// This class coordinates the application of a rewrite on a set of IR,
/// providing a way for clients to track mutations and create new operations.
/// This class serves as a common API for IR mutation between pattern rewrites
/// and non-pattern rewrites, and facilitates the development of shared
/// IR transformation utilities.
class RewriterBase : public OpBuilder, public OpBuilder::Listener {
/// Move the blocks that belong to "region" before the given position in
/// another region "parent". The two regions must be different. The caller
/// is responsible for creating or updating the operation transferring flow
/// of control to the region and passing it the correct block arguments.
virtual void inlineRegionBefore(Region &region, Region &parent,
Region::iterator before);
void inlineRegionBefore(Region &region, Block *before);
/// Clone the blocks that belong to "region" before the given position in
/// another region "parent". The two regions must be different. The caller is
/// responsible for creating or updating the operation transferring flow of
/// control to the region and passing it the correct block arguments.
virtual void cloneRegionBefore(Region &region, Region &parent,
Region::iterator before,
BlockAndValueMapping &mapping);
void cloneRegionBefore(Region &region, Region &parent,
Region::iterator before);
void cloneRegionBefore(Region &region, Block *before);
/// This method replaces the uses of the results of `op` with the values in
/// `newValues` when the provided `functor` returns true for a specific use.
/// The number of values in `newValues` is required to match the number of
/// results of `op`. `allUsesReplaced`, if non-null, is set to true if all of
/// the uses of `op` were replaced. Note that in some rewriters, the given
/// 'functor' may be stored beyond the lifetime of the rewrite being applied.
/// As such, the function should not capture by reference and instead use
/// value capture as necessary.
virtual void
replaceOpWithIf(Operation *op, ValueRange newValues, bool *allUsesReplaced,
llvm::unique_function<bool(OpOperand &) const> functor);
void replaceOpWithIf(Operation *op, ValueRange newValues,
llvm::unique_function<bool(OpOperand &) const> functor) {
replaceOpWithIf(op, newValues, /*allUsesReplaced=*/nullptr,
/// This method replaces the uses of the results of `op` with the values in
/// `newValues` when a use is nested within the given `block`. The number of
/// values in `newValues` is required to match the number of results of `op`.
/// If all uses of this operation are replaced, the operation is erased.
void replaceOpWithinBlock(Operation *op, ValueRange newValues, Block *block,
bool *allUsesReplaced = nullptr);
/// This method replaces the results of the operation with the specified list
/// of values. The number of provided values must match the number of results
/// of the operation.
virtual void replaceOp(Operation *op, ValueRange newValues);
/// Replaces the result op with a new op that is created without verification.
/// The result values of the two ops must be the same types.
template <typename OpTy, typename... Args>
OpTy replaceOpWithNewOp(Operation *op, Args &&... args) {
auto newOp = create<OpTy>(op->getLoc(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
replaceOpWithResultsOfAnotherOp(op, newOp.getOperation());
return newOp;
/// This method erases an operation that is known to have no uses.
virtual void eraseOp(Operation *op);
/// This method erases all operations in a block.
virtual void eraseBlock(Block *block);
/// Merge the operations of block 'source' into the end of block 'dest'.
/// 'source's predecessors must either be empty or only contain 'dest`.
/// 'argValues' is used to replace the block arguments of 'source' after
/// merging.
virtual void mergeBlocks(Block *source, Block *dest,
ValueRange argValues = llvm::None);
// Merge the operations of block 'source' before the operation 'op'. Source
// block should not have existing predecessors or successors.
void mergeBlockBefore(Block *source, Operation *op,
ValueRange argValues = llvm::None);
/// Split the operations starting at "before" (inclusive) out of the given
/// block into a new block, and return it.
virtual Block *splitBlock(Block *block, Block::iterator before);
/// This method is used to notify the rewriter that an in-place operation
/// modification is about to happen. A call to this function *must* be
/// followed by a call to either `finalizeRootUpdate` or `cancelRootUpdate`.
/// This is a minor efficiency win (it avoids creating a new operation and
/// removing the old one) but also often allows simpler code in the client.
virtual void startRootUpdate(Operation *op) {}
/// This method is used to signal the end of a root update on the given
/// operation. This can only be called on operations that were provided to a
/// call to `startRootUpdate`.
virtual void finalizeRootUpdate(Operation *op) {}
/// This method cancels a pending root update. This can only be called on
/// operations that were provided to a call to `startRootUpdate`.
virtual void cancelRootUpdate(Operation *op) {}
/// This method is a utility wrapper around a root update of an operation. It
/// wraps calls to `startRootUpdate` and `finalizeRootUpdate` around the given
/// callable.
template <typename CallableT>
void updateRootInPlace(Operation *root, CallableT &&callable) {
/// Used to notify the rewriter that the IR failed to be rewritten because of
/// a match failure, and provide a callback to populate a diagnostic with the
/// reason why the failure occurred. This method allows for derived rewriters
/// to optionally hook into the reason why a rewrite failed, and display it to
/// users.
template <typename CallbackT>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<CallbackT, Twine>::value, LogicalResult>
notifyMatchFailure(Operation *op, CallbackT &&reasonCallback) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
return notifyMatchFailure(op,
function_ref<void(Diagnostic &)>(reasonCallback));
return failure();
LogicalResult notifyMatchFailure(Operation *op, const Twine &msg) {
return notifyMatchFailure(op, [&](Diagnostic &diag) { diag << msg; });
LogicalResult notifyMatchFailure(Operation *op, const char *msg) {
return notifyMatchFailure(op, Twine(msg));
/// Initialize the builder with this rewriter as the listener.
explicit RewriterBase(MLIRContext *ctx) : OpBuilder(ctx, /*listener=*/this) {}
explicit RewriterBase(const OpBuilder &otherBuilder)
: OpBuilder(otherBuilder) {
~RewriterBase() override;
/// These are the callback methods that subclasses can choose to implement if
/// they would like to be notified about certain types of mutations.
/// Notify the rewriter that the specified operation is about to be replaced
/// with another set of operations. This is called before the uses of the
/// operation have been changed.
virtual void notifyRootReplaced(Operation *op) {}
/// This is called on an operation that a rewrite is removing, right before
/// the operation is deleted. At this point, the operation has zero uses.
virtual void notifyOperationRemoved(Operation *op) {}
/// Notify the rewriter that the pattern failed to match the given operation,
/// and provide a callback to populate a diagnostic with the reason why the
/// failure occurred. This method allows for derived rewriters to optionally
/// hook into the reason why a rewrite failed, and display it to users.
virtual LogicalResult
notifyMatchFailure(Operation *op,
function_ref<void(Diagnostic &)> reasonCallback) {
return failure();
void operator=(const RewriterBase &) = delete;
RewriterBase(const RewriterBase &) = delete;
/// 'op' and 'newOp' are known to have the same number of results, replace the
/// uses of op with uses of newOp.
void replaceOpWithResultsOfAnotherOp(Operation *op, Operation *newOp);
// IRRewriter
/// This class coordinates rewriting a piece of IR outside of a pattern rewrite,
/// providing a way to keep track of the mutations made to the IR. This class
/// should only be used in situations where another `RewriterBase` instance,
/// such as a `PatternRewriter`, is not available.
class IRRewriter : public RewriterBase {
explicit IRRewriter(MLIRContext *ctx) : RewriterBase(ctx) {}
explicit IRRewriter(const OpBuilder &builder) : RewriterBase(builder) {}
// PatternRewriter
/// A special type of `RewriterBase` that coordinates the application of a
/// rewrite pattern on the current IR being matched, providing a way to keep
/// track of any mutations made. This class should be used to perform all
/// necessary IR mutations within a rewrite pattern, as the pattern driver may
/// be tracking various state that would be invalidated when a mutation takes
/// place.
class PatternRewriter : public RewriterBase {
using RewriterBase::RewriterBase;
// RewritePatternSet
class RewritePatternSet {
using NativePatternListT = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RewritePattern>>;
RewritePatternSet(MLIRContext *context) : context(context) {}
/// Construct a RewritePatternSet populated with the given pattern.
RewritePatternSet(MLIRContext *context,
std::unique_ptr<RewritePattern> pattern)
: context(context) {
RewritePatternSet(PDLPatternModule &&pattern)
: context(pattern.getModule()->getContext()),
pdlPatterns(std::move(pattern)) {}
MLIRContext *getContext() const { return context; }
/// Return the native patterns held in this list.
NativePatternListT &getNativePatterns() { return nativePatterns; }
/// Return the PDL patterns held in this list.
PDLPatternModule &getPDLPatterns() { return pdlPatterns; }
/// Clear out all of the held patterns in this list.
void clear() {
// 'add' methods for adding patterns to the set.
/// Add an instance of each of the pattern types 'Ts' to the pattern list with
/// the given arguments. Return a reference to `this` for chaining insertions.
/// Note: ConstructorArg is necessary here to separate the two variadic lists.
template <typename... Ts, typename ConstructorArg,
typename... ConstructorArgs,
typename = std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts) != 0>>
RewritePatternSet &add(ConstructorArg &&arg, ConstructorArgs &&... args) {
// The following expands a call to emplace_back for each of the pattern
// types 'Ts'. This magic is necessary due to a limitation in the places
// that a parameter pack can be expanded in c++11.
// FIXME: In c++17 this can be simplified by using 'fold expressions'.
0, (addImpl<Ts>(/*debugLabels=*/llvm::None, arg, args...), 0)...};
return *this;
/// An overload of the above `add` method that allows for attaching a set
/// of debug labels to the attached patterns. This is useful for labeling
/// groups of patterns that may be shared between multiple different
/// passes/users.
template <typename... Ts, typename ConstructorArg,
typename... ConstructorArgs,
typename = std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts) != 0>>
RewritePatternSet &addWithLabel(ArrayRef<StringRef> debugLabels,
ConstructorArg &&arg,
ConstructorArgs &&... args) {
// The following expands a call to emplace_back for each of the pattern
// types 'Ts'. This magic is necessary due to a limitation in the places
// that a parameter pack can be expanded in c++11.
// FIXME: In c++17 this can be simplified by using 'fold expressions'.
0, (addImpl<Ts>(debugLabels, arg, args...), 0)...};
return *this;
/// Add an instance of each of the pattern types 'Ts'. Return a reference to
/// `this` for chaining insertions.
template <typename... Ts>
RewritePatternSet &add() {
(void)std::initializer_list<int>{0, (addImpl<Ts>(), 0)...};
return *this;
/// Add the given native pattern to the pattern list. Return a reference to
/// `this` for chaining insertions.
RewritePatternSet &add(std::unique_ptr<RewritePattern> pattern) {
return *this;
/// Add the given PDL pattern to the pattern list. Return a reference to
/// `this` for chaining insertions.
RewritePatternSet &add(PDLPatternModule &&pattern) {
return *this;
// Add a matchAndRewrite style pattern represented as a C function pointer.
template <typename OpType>
RewritePatternSet &add(LogicalResult (*implFn)(OpType,
PatternRewriter &rewriter)) {
struct FnPattern final : public OpRewritePattern<OpType> {
FnPattern(LogicalResult (*implFn)(OpType, PatternRewriter &rewriter),
MLIRContext *context)
: OpRewritePattern<OpType>(context), implFn(implFn) {}
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpType op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
return implFn(op, rewriter);
LogicalResult (*implFn)(OpType, PatternRewriter &rewriter);
add(std::make_unique<FnPattern>(std::move(implFn), getContext()));
return *this;
// Pattern Insertion
// TODO: These are soft deprecated in favor of the 'add' methods above.
/// Add an instance of each of the pattern types 'Ts' to the pattern list with
/// the given arguments. Return a reference to `this` for chaining insertions.
/// Note: ConstructorArg is necessary here to separate the two variadic lists.
template <typename... Ts, typename ConstructorArg,
typename... ConstructorArgs,
typename = std::enable_if_t<sizeof...(Ts) != 0>>
RewritePatternSet &insert(ConstructorArg &&arg, ConstructorArgs &&... args) {
// The following expands a call to emplace_back for each of the pattern
// types 'Ts'. This magic is necessary due to a limitation in the places
// that a parameter pack can be expanded in c++11.
// FIXME: In c++17 this can be simplified by using 'fold expressions'.
0, (addImpl<Ts>(/*debugLabels=*/llvm::None, arg, args...), 0)...};
return *this;
/// Add an instance of each of the pattern types 'Ts'. Return a reference to
/// `this` for chaining insertions.
template <typename... Ts>
RewritePatternSet &insert() {
(void)std::initializer_list<int>{0, (addImpl<Ts>(), 0)...};
return *this;
/// Add the given native pattern to the pattern list. Return a reference to
/// `this` for chaining insertions.
RewritePatternSet &insert(std::unique_ptr<RewritePattern> pattern) {
return *this;
/// Add the given PDL pattern to the pattern list. Return a reference to
/// `this` for chaining insertions.
RewritePatternSet &insert(PDLPatternModule &&pattern) {
return *this;
// Add a matchAndRewrite style pattern represented as a C function pointer.
template <typename OpType>
RewritePatternSet &
insert(LogicalResult (*implFn)(OpType, PatternRewriter &rewriter)) {
struct FnPattern final : public OpRewritePattern<OpType> {
FnPattern(LogicalResult (*implFn)(OpType, PatternRewriter &rewriter),
MLIRContext *context)
: OpRewritePattern<OpType>(context), implFn(implFn) {
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(OpType op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
return implFn(op, rewriter);
LogicalResult (*implFn)(OpType, PatternRewriter &rewriter);
insert(std::make_unique<FnPattern>(std::move(implFn), getContext()));
return *this;
/// Add an instance of the pattern type 'T'. Return a reference to `this` for
/// chaining insertions.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<RewritePattern, T>::value>
addImpl(ArrayRef<StringRef> debugLabels, Args &&... args) {
std::unique_ptr<T> pattern =
template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<PDLPatternModule, T>::value>
addImpl(ArrayRef<StringRef> debugLabels, Args &&... args) {
// TODO: Add the provided labels to the PDL pattern when PDL supports
// labels.
MLIRContext *const context;
NativePatternListT nativePatterns;
PDLPatternModule pdlPatterns;
} // end namespace mlir