blob: 23cacb6d7c1e5b75f5282c31a0643c4bb9dbe4cc [file] [log] [blame]
//===- MLIRGen.cpp - MLIR Generation from a Toy AST -----------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements a simple IR generation targeting MLIR from a Module AST
// for the Toy language.
#include "toy/MLIRGen.h"
#include "toy/AST.h"
#include "toy/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Verifier.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ScopedHashTable.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <numeric>
using namespace mlir::toy;
using namespace toy;
using llvm::ArrayRef;
using llvm::cast;
using llvm::dyn_cast;
using llvm::isa;
using llvm::makeArrayRef;
using llvm::ScopedHashTableScope;
using llvm::SmallVector;
using llvm::StringRef;
using llvm::Twine;
namespace {
/// Implementation of a simple MLIR emission from the Toy AST.
/// This will emit operations that are specific to the Toy language, preserving
/// the semantics of the language and (hopefully) allow to perform accurate
/// analysis and transformation based on these high level semantics.
class MLIRGenImpl {
MLIRGenImpl(mlir::MLIRContext &context) : builder(&context) {}
/// Public API: convert the AST for a Toy module (source file) to an MLIR
/// Module operation.
mlir::ModuleOp mlirGen(ModuleAST &moduleAST) {
// We create an empty MLIR module and codegen functions one at a time and
// add them to the module.
theModule = mlir::ModuleOp::create(builder.getUnknownLoc());
for (auto &record : moduleAST) {
if (FunctionAST *funcAST = llvm::dyn_cast<FunctionAST>(record.get())) {
auto func = mlirGen(*funcAST);
if (!func)
return nullptr;
functionMap.insert({func.getName(), func});
} else if (StructAST *str = llvm::dyn_cast<StructAST>(record.get())) {
if (failed(mlirGen(*str)))
return nullptr;
} else {
llvm_unreachable("unknown record type");
// Verify the module after we have finished constructing it, this will check
// the structural properties of the IR and invoke any specific verifiers we
// have on the Toy operations.
if (failed(mlir::verify(theModule))) {
theModule.emitError("module verification error");
return nullptr;
return theModule;
/// A "module" matches a Toy source file: containing a list of functions.
mlir::ModuleOp theModule;
/// The builder is a helper class to create IR inside a function. The builder
/// is stateful, in particular it keeps an "insertion point": this is where
/// the next operations will be introduced.
mlir::OpBuilder builder;
/// The symbol table maps a variable name to a value in the current scope.
/// Entering a function creates a new scope, and the function arguments are
/// added to the mapping. When the processing of a function is terminated, the
/// scope is destroyed and the mappings created in this scope are dropped.
llvm::ScopedHashTable<StringRef, std::pair<mlir::Value, VarDeclExprAST *>>
using SymbolTableScopeT =
std::pair<mlir::Value, VarDeclExprAST *>>;
/// A mapping for the functions that have been code generated to MLIR.
llvm::StringMap<mlir::FuncOp> functionMap;
/// A mapping for named struct types to the underlying MLIR type and the
/// original AST node.
llvm::StringMap<std::pair<mlir::Type, StructAST *>> structMap;
/// Helper conversion for a Toy AST location to an MLIR location.
mlir::Location loc(Location loc) {
return mlir::FileLineColLoc::get(builder.getStringAttr(*loc.file), loc.line,
/// Declare a variable in the current scope, return success if the variable
/// wasn't declared yet.
mlir::LogicalResult declare(VarDeclExprAST &var, mlir::Value value) {
if (symbolTable.count(var.getName()))
return mlir::failure();
symbolTable.insert(var.getName(), {value, &var});
return mlir::success();
/// Create an MLIR type for the given struct.
mlir::LogicalResult mlirGen(StructAST &str) {
if (structMap.count(str.getName()))
return emitError(loc(str.loc())) << "error: struct type with name `"
<< str.getName() << "' already exists";
auto variables = str.getVariables();
std::vector<mlir::Type> elementTypes;
for (auto &variable : variables) {
if (variable->getInitVal())
return emitError(loc(variable->loc()))
<< "error: variables within a struct definition must not have "
if (!variable->getType().shape.empty())
return emitError(loc(variable->loc()))
<< "error: variables within a struct definition must not have "
mlir::Type type = getType(variable->getType(), variable->loc());
if (!type)
return mlir::failure();
structMap.try_emplace(str.getName(), StructType::get(elementTypes), &str);
return mlir::success();
/// Create the prototype for an MLIR function with as many arguments as the
/// provided Toy AST prototype.
mlir::FuncOp mlirGen(PrototypeAST &proto) {
auto location = loc(proto.loc());
// This is a generic function, the return type will be inferred later.
llvm::SmallVector<mlir::Type, 4> argTypes;
for (auto &arg : proto.getArgs()) {
mlir::Type type = getType(arg->getType(), arg->loc());
if (!type)
return nullptr;
auto func_type = builder.getFunctionType(argTypes, llvm::None);
return mlir::FuncOp::create(location, proto.getName(), func_type);
/// Emit a new function and add it to the MLIR module.
mlir::FuncOp mlirGen(FunctionAST &funcAST) {
// Create a scope in the symbol table to hold variable declarations.
SymbolTableScopeT var_scope(symbolTable);
// Create an MLIR function for the given prototype.
mlir::FuncOp function(mlirGen(*funcAST.getProto()));
if (!function)
return nullptr;
// Let's start the body of the function now!
// In MLIR the entry block of the function is special: it must have the same
// argument list as the function itself.
auto &entryBlock = *function.addEntryBlock();
auto protoArgs = funcAST.getProto()->getArgs();
// Declare all the function arguments in the symbol table.
for (const auto nameValue :
llvm::zip(protoArgs, entryBlock.getArguments())) {
if (failed(declare(*std::get<0>(nameValue), std::get<1>(nameValue))))
return nullptr;
// Set the insertion point in the builder to the beginning of the function
// body, it will be used throughout the codegen to create operations in this
// function.
// Emit the body of the function.
if (mlir::failed(mlirGen(*funcAST.getBody()))) {
return nullptr;
// Implicitly return void if no return statement was emitted.
// FIXME: we may fix the parser instead to always return the last expression
// (this would possibly help the REPL case later)
ReturnOp returnOp;
if (!entryBlock.empty())
returnOp = dyn_cast<ReturnOp>(entryBlock.back());
if (!returnOp) {
} else if (returnOp.hasOperand()) {
// Otherwise, if this return operation has an operand then add a result to
// the function.
// If this function isn't main, then set the visibility to private.
if (funcAST.getProto()->getName() != "main")
return function;
/// Return the struct type that is the result of the given expression, or null
/// if it cannot be inferred.
StructAST *getStructFor(ExprAST *expr) {
llvm::StringRef structName;
if (auto *decl = llvm::dyn_cast<VariableExprAST>(expr)) {
auto varIt = symbolTable.lookup(decl->getName());
if (!varIt.first)
return nullptr;
structName = varIt.second->getType().name;
} else if (auto *access = llvm::dyn_cast<BinaryExprAST>(expr)) {
if (access->getOp() != '.')
return nullptr;
// The name being accessed should be in the RHS.
auto *name = llvm::dyn_cast<VariableExprAST>(access->getRHS());
if (!name)
return nullptr;
StructAST *parentStruct = getStructFor(access->getLHS());
if (!parentStruct)
return nullptr;
// Get the element within the struct corresponding to the name.
VarDeclExprAST *decl = nullptr;
for (auto &var : parentStruct->getVariables()) {
if (var->getName() == name->getName()) {
decl = var.get();
if (!decl)
return nullptr;
structName = decl->getType().name;
if (structName.empty())
return nullptr;
// If the struct name was valid, check for an entry in the struct map.
auto structIt = structMap.find(structName);
if (structIt == structMap.end())
return nullptr;
return structIt->second.second;
/// Return the numeric member index of the given struct access expression.
llvm::Optional<size_t> getMemberIndex(BinaryExprAST &accessOp) {
assert(accessOp.getOp() == '.' && "expected access operation");
// Lookup the struct node for the LHS.
StructAST *structAST = getStructFor(accessOp.getLHS());
if (!structAST)
return llvm::None;
// Get the name from the RHS.
VariableExprAST *name = llvm::dyn_cast<VariableExprAST>(accessOp.getRHS());
if (!name)
return llvm::None;
auto structVars = structAST->getVariables();
auto it = llvm::find_if(structVars, [&](auto &var) {
return var->getName() == name->getName();
if (it == structVars.end())
return llvm::None;
return it - structVars.begin();
/// Emit a binary operation
mlir::Value mlirGen(BinaryExprAST &binop) {
// First emit the operations for each side of the operation before emitting
// the operation itself. For example if the expression is `a + foo(a)`
// 1) First it will visiting the LHS, which will return a reference to the
// value holding `a`. This value should have been emitted at declaration
// time and registered in the symbol table, so nothing would be
// codegen'd. If the value is not in the symbol table, an error has been
// emitted and nullptr is returned.
// 2) Then the RHS is visited (recursively) and a call to `foo` is emitted
// and the result value is returned. If an error occurs we get a nullptr
// and propagate.
mlir::Value lhs = mlirGen(*binop.getLHS());
if (!lhs)
return nullptr;
auto location = loc(binop.loc());
// If this is an access operation, handle it immediately.
if (binop.getOp() == '.') {
llvm::Optional<size_t> accessIndex = getMemberIndex(binop);
if (!accessIndex) {
emitError(location, "invalid access into struct expression");
return nullptr;
return builder.create<StructAccessOp>(location, lhs, *accessIndex);
// Otherwise, this is a normal binary op.
mlir::Value rhs = mlirGen(*binop.getRHS());
if (!rhs)
return nullptr;
// Derive the operation name from the binary operator. At the moment we only
// support '+' and '*'.
switch (binop.getOp()) {
case '+':
return builder.create<AddOp>(location, lhs, rhs);
case '*':
return builder.create<MulOp>(location, lhs, rhs);
emitError(location, "invalid binary operator '") << binop.getOp() << "'";
return nullptr;
/// This is a reference to a variable in an expression. The variable is
/// expected to have been declared and so should have a value in the symbol
/// table, otherwise emit an error and return nullptr.
mlir::Value mlirGen(VariableExprAST &expr) {
if (auto variable = symbolTable.lookup(expr.getName()).first)
return variable;
emitError(loc(expr.loc()), "error: unknown variable '")
<< expr.getName() << "'";
return nullptr;
/// Emit a return operation. This will return failure if any generation fails.
mlir::LogicalResult mlirGen(ReturnExprAST &ret) {
auto location = loc(ret.loc());
// 'return' takes an optional expression, handle that case here.
mlir::Value expr = nullptr;
if (ret.getExpr().hasValue()) {
if (!(expr = mlirGen(*ret.getExpr().getValue())))
return mlir::failure();
// Otherwise, this return operation has zero operands.
builder.create<ReturnOp>(location, expr ? makeArrayRef(expr)
: ArrayRef<mlir::Value>());
return mlir::success();
/// Emit a constant for a literal/constant array. It will be emitted as a
/// flattened array of data in an Attribute attached to a `toy.constant`
/// operation. See documentation on [Attributes]( for
/// more details. Here is an excerpt:
/// Attributes are the mechanism for specifying constant data in MLIR in
/// places where a variable is never allowed [...]. They consist of a name
/// and a concrete attribute value. The set of expected attributes, their
/// structure, and their interpretation are all contextually dependent on
/// what they are attached to.
/// Example, the source level statement:
/// var a<2, 3> = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
/// will be converted to:
/// %0 = "toy.constant"() {value: dense<tensor<2x3xf64>,
/// [[1.000000e+00, 2.000000e+00, 3.000000e+00],
/// [4.000000e+00, 5.000000e+00, 6.000000e+00]]>} : () -> tensor<2x3xf64>
mlir::DenseElementsAttr getConstantAttr(LiteralExprAST &lit) {
// The attribute is a vector with a floating point value per element
// (number) in the array, see `collectData()` below for more details.
std::vector<double> data;
data.reserve(std::accumulate(lit.getDims().begin(), lit.getDims().end(), 1,
collectData(lit, data);
// The type of this attribute is tensor of 64-bit floating-point with the
// shape of the literal.
mlir::Type elementType = builder.getF64Type();
auto dataType = mlir::RankedTensorType::get(lit.getDims(), elementType);
// This is the actual attribute that holds the list of values for this
// tensor literal.
return mlir::DenseElementsAttr::get(dataType, llvm::makeArrayRef(data));
mlir::DenseElementsAttr getConstantAttr(NumberExprAST &lit) {
// The type of this attribute is tensor of 64-bit floating-point with no
// shape.
mlir::Type elementType = builder.getF64Type();
auto dataType = mlir::RankedTensorType::get({}, elementType);
// This is the actual attribute that holds the list of values for this
// tensor literal.
return mlir::DenseElementsAttr::get(dataType,
/// Emit a constant for a struct literal. It will be emitted as an array of
/// other literals in an Attribute attached to a `toy.struct_constant`
/// operation. This function returns the generated constant, along with the
/// corresponding struct type.
std::pair<mlir::ArrayAttr, mlir::Type>
getConstantAttr(StructLiteralExprAST &lit) {
std::vector<mlir::Attribute> attrElements;
std::vector<mlir::Type> typeElements;
for (auto &var : lit.getValues()) {
if (auto *number = llvm::dyn_cast<NumberExprAST>(var.get())) {
} else if (auto *lit = llvm::dyn_cast<LiteralExprAST>(var.get())) {
} else {
auto *structLit = llvm::cast<StructLiteralExprAST>(var.get());
auto attrTypePair = getConstantAttr(*structLit);
mlir::ArrayAttr dataAttr = builder.getArrayAttr(attrElements);
mlir::Type dataType = StructType::get(typeElements);
return std::make_pair(dataAttr, dataType);
/// Emit an array literal.
mlir::Value mlirGen(LiteralExprAST &lit) {
mlir::Type type = getType(lit.getDims());
mlir::DenseElementsAttr dataAttribute = getConstantAttr(lit);
// Build the MLIR op `toy.constant`. This invokes the `ConstantOp::build`
// method.
return builder.create<ConstantOp>(loc(lit.loc()), type, dataAttribute);
/// Emit a struct literal. It will be emitted as an array of
/// other literals in an Attribute attached to a `toy.struct_constant`
/// operation.
mlir::Value mlirGen(StructLiteralExprAST &lit) {
mlir::ArrayAttr dataAttr;
mlir::Type dataType;
std::tie(dataAttr, dataType) = getConstantAttr(lit);
// Build the MLIR op `toy.struct_constant`. This invokes the
// `StructConstantOp::build` method.
return builder.create<StructConstantOp>(loc(lit.loc()), dataType, dataAttr);
/// Recursive helper function to accumulate the data that compose an array
/// literal. It flattens the nested structure in the supplied vector. For
/// example with this array:
/// [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
/// we will generate:
/// [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
/// Individual numbers are represented as doubles.
/// Attributes are the way MLIR attaches constant to operations.
void collectData(ExprAST &expr, std::vector<double> &data) {
if (auto *lit = dyn_cast<LiteralExprAST>(&expr)) {
for (auto &value : lit->getValues())
collectData(*value, data);
assert(isa<NumberExprAST>(expr) && "expected literal or number expr");
/// Emit a call expression. It emits specific operations for the `transpose`
/// builtin. Other identifiers are assumed to be user-defined functions.
mlir::Value mlirGen(CallExprAST &call) {
llvm::StringRef callee = call.getCallee();
auto location = loc(call.loc());
// Codegen the operands first.
SmallVector<mlir::Value, 4> operands;
for (auto &expr : call.getArgs()) {
auto arg = mlirGen(*expr);
if (!arg)
return nullptr;
// Builtin calls have their custom operation, meaning this is a
// straightforward emission.
if (callee == "transpose") {
if (call.getArgs().size() != 1) {
emitError(location, "MLIR codegen encountered an error: toy.transpose "
"does not accept multiple arguments");
return nullptr;
return builder.create<TransposeOp>(location, operands[0]);
// Otherwise this is a call to a user-defined function. Calls to
// user-defined functions are mapped to a custom call that takes the callee
// name as an attribute.
auto calledFuncIt = functionMap.find(callee);
if (calledFuncIt == functionMap.end()) {
emitError(location) << "no defined function found for '" << callee << "'";
return nullptr;
mlir::FuncOp calledFunc = calledFuncIt->second;
return builder.create<GenericCallOp>(
location, calledFunc.getType().getResult(0),
mlir::SymbolRefAttr::get(builder.getContext(), callee), operands);
/// Emit a print expression. It emits specific operations for two builtins:
/// transpose(x) and print(x).
mlir::LogicalResult mlirGen(PrintExprAST &call) {
auto arg = mlirGen(*call.getArg());
if (!arg)
return mlir::failure();
builder.create<PrintOp>(loc(call.loc()), arg);
return mlir::success();
/// Emit a constant for a single number (FIXME: semantic? broadcast?)
mlir::Value mlirGen(NumberExprAST &num) {
return builder.create<ConstantOp>(loc(num.loc()), num.getValue());
/// Dispatch codegen for the right expression subclass using RTTI.
mlir::Value mlirGen(ExprAST &expr) {
switch (expr.getKind()) {
case toy::ExprAST::Expr_BinOp:
return mlirGen(cast<BinaryExprAST>(expr));
case toy::ExprAST::Expr_Var:
return mlirGen(cast<VariableExprAST>(expr));
case toy::ExprAST::Expr_Literal:
return mlirGen(cast<LiteralExprAST>(expr));
case toy::ExprAST::Expr_StructLiteral:
return mlirGen(cast<StructLiteralExprAST>(expr));
case toy::ExprAST::Expr_Call:
return mlirGen(cast<CallExprAST>(expr));
case toy::ExprAST::Expr_Num:
return mlirGen(cast<NumberExprAST>(expr));
<< "MLIR codegen encountered an unhandled expr kind '"
<< Twine(expr.getKind()) << "'";
return nullptr;
/// Handle a variable declaration, we'll codegen the expression that forms the
/// initializer and record the value in the symbol table before returning it.
/// Future expressions will be able to reference this variable through symbol
/// table lookup.
mlir::Value mlirGen(VarDeclExprAST &vardecl) {
auto init = vardecl.getInitVal();
if (!init) {
"missing initializer in variable declaration");
return nullptr;
mlir::Value value = mlirGen(*init);
if (!value)
return nullptr;
// Handle the case where we are initializing a struct value.
VarType varType = vardecl.getType();
if (! {
// Check that the initializer type is the same as the variable
// declaration.
mlir::Type type = getType(varType, vardecl.loc());
if (!type)
return nullptr;
if (type != value.getType()) {
<< "struct type of initializer is different than the variable "
"declaration. Got "
<< value.getType() << ", but expected " << type;
return nullptr;
// Otherwise, we have the initializer value, but in case the variable was
// declared with specific shape, we emit a "reshape" operation. It will
// get optimized out later as needed.
} else if (!varType.shape.empty()) {
value = builder.create<ReshapeOp>(loc(vardecl.loc()),
getType(varType.shape), value);
// Register the value in the symbol table.
if (failed(declare(vardecl, value)))
return nullptr;
return value;
/// Codegen a list of expression, return failure if one of them hit an error.
mlir::LogicalResult mlirGen(ExprASTList &blockAST) {
SymbolTableScopeT var_scope(symbolTable);
for (auto &expr : blockAST) {
// Specific handling for variable declarations, return statement, and
// print. These can only appear in block list and not in nested
// expressions.
if (auto *vardecl = dyn_cast<VarDeclExprAST>(expr.get())) {
if (!mlirGen(*vardecl))
return mlir::failure();
if (auto *ret = dyn_cast<ReturnExprAST>(expr.get()))
return mlirGen(*ret);
if (auto *print = dyn_cast<PrintExprAST>(expr.get())) {
if (mlir::failed(mlirGen(*print)))
return mlir::success();
// Generic expression dispatch codegen.
if (!mlirGen(*expr))
return mlir::failure();
return mlir::success();
/// Build a tensor type from a list of shape dimensions.
mlir::Type getType(ArrayRef<int64_t> shape) {
// If the shape is empty, then this type is unranked.
if (shape.empty())
return mlir::UnrankedTensorType::get(builder.getF64Type());
// Otherwise, we use the given shape.
return mlir::RankedTensorType::get(shape, builder.getF64Type());
/// Build an MLIR type from a Toy AST variable type (forward to the generic
/// getType above for non-struct types).
mlir::Type getType(const VarType &type, const Location &location) {
if (! {
auto it = structMap.find(;
if (it == structMap.end()) {
<< "error: unknown struct type '" << << "'";
return nullptr;
return it->second.first;
return getType(type.shape);
} // namespace
namespace toy {
// The public API for codegen.
mlir::OwningModuleRef mlirGen(mlir::MLIRContext &context,
ModuleAST &moduleAST) {
return MLIRGenImpl(context).mlirGen(moduleAST);
} // namespace toy