blob: d99806c92a902be9bcaf50263920a4348fe79247 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt -allow-unregistered-dialect %s -split-input-file -mlir-print-debuginfo -mlir-print-local-scope | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: module {
module {
// -----
// CHECK: module attributes {foo.attr = true} {
module attributes {foo.attr = true} {
// -----
// CHECK: module {
module {
// CHECK-NEXT: "foo.result_op"() : () -> i32
%result = "foo.result_op"() : () -> i32
// -----
// Check that a top-level module is always created, with location info.
// CHECK: module {
// CHECK-NEXT: } loc({{.*}}module-op.mlir{{.*}})
// -----
// Check that the top-level module can be defined via a single module operation.
// CHECK: module {
// CHECK-NOT: module {
module {
// -----
// Check that the implicit top-level module is also a name scope for SSA
// values. This should not crash.
// CHECK: module {
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = "op"
// CHECK: }
%0 = "op"() : () -> i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: module @foo
// CHECK-NOT: attributes
module @foo {
// CHECK: module
module {
// CHECK: module @bar attributes
module @bar attributes {} {
// -----
// expected-error@below {{expects at most one data layout attribute}}
// expected-note@below {{'test.another_attribute' is a data layout attribute}}
// expected-note@below {{'test.random_attribute' is a data layout attribute}}
module attributes { test.random_attribute = #dlti.dl_spec<>,
test.another_attribute = #dlti.dl_spec<>} {