blob: d167e0503c527870c6afaa1f7cc609a2a9302e28 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test that we don't crash when parsing slightly invalid DWARF. The compile
# unit in this file sets DW_CHILDREN_no, but it still includes an
# end-of-children marker in its contribution.
# RUN: llvm-mc -triple x86_64-pc-linux %s -filetype=obj > %t.o
# RUN: lldb-test symbols %t.o
.section .debug_str,"MS",@progbits,1
.asciz "Hand-written DWARF"
.asciz "-"
.asciz "/tmp"
.section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits
.byte 1 # Abbreviation Code
.byte 17 # DW_TAG_compile_unit
.byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no
.byte 37 # DW_AT_producer
.byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp
.byte 19 # DW_AT_language
.byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2
.byte 3 # DW_AT_name
.byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp
.byte 27 # DW_AT_comp_dir
.byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp
.byte 0 # EOM(1)
.byte 0 # EOM(2)
.byte 0 # EOM(3)
.section .debug_info,"",@progbits
.long .Lcu_length_end-.Lcu_length_start # Length of Unit
.short 4 # DWARF version number
.long .debug_abbrev # Offset Into Abbrev. Section
.byte 8 # Address Size (in bytes)
.byte 1 # Abbrev [1] 0xb:0x30 DW_TAG_compile_unit
.long .Linfo_string0 # DW_AT_producer
.short 12 # DW_AT_language
.long .Linfo_string1 # DW_AT_name
.long .Linfo_string2 # DW_AT_comp_dir
.byte 0 # Bogus End Of Children Mark