blob: 2099571e1711342ddada61c1726b75128ca31dd7 [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: yaml2obj %S/Inputs/basic-elf.yaml -o %T/line-table.out
# RUN: %lldb %T/line-table.out -o "target symbols add -s line-table.out %S/Inputs/line-table.syms" \
# RUN: -s %s -o exit | FileCheck %s
# We create a compile unit for each function. The compile unit name is the first
# line table entry in that function.
# This symbol file contains a single function in the "compile unit" a.c. This
# function has two line table sequences.
image dump line-table a.c
# CHECK-LABEL: Line table for /tmp/a.c
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000b0: /tmp/a.c:1
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000b1: /tmp/a.c:2
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000b2: /tmp/c.c:2
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000b3:
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000b4: /tmp/c.c:3
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000b5:
# Single compile unit for c.c with a single line sequence.
image dump line-table c.c
# CHECK-LABEL: Line table for /tmp/c.c
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000c0: /tmp/c.c:1
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000c2: /tmp/a.c:2
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000c4:
# There are two compile units called "d.c". Hence, two line tables.
image dump line-table d.c
# CHECK-LABEL: Line table for /tmp/d.c
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000d0: /tmp/d.c:1
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000d2:
# CHECK-LABEL: Line table for /tmp/d.c
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000e0: /tmp/d.c:2
# CHECK-NEXT: 0x00000000004000e2:
image lookup -a 0x4000b2 -v
# CHECK-LABEL: image lookup -a 0x4000b2 -v
# CHECK: Summary: line-table.out`func + 2
# CHECK: Function: id = {0x00000000}, name = "func", range = [0x00000000004000b0-0x00000000004000c0)
image dump symfile
# CHECK-LABEL: Compile units:
# CHECK-NEXT: CompileUnit{0x00000000}, language = "<not loaded>", file = '/tmp/a.c'
# CHECK-NEXT: Function{0x00000000}, demangled = func, type_uid = 0x00000000
# CHECK: CompileUnit{0x00000001}, language = "<not loaded>", file = '/tmp/c.c'
# CHECK-NEXT: CompileUnit{0x00000002}, language = "<not loaded>", file = '/tmp/d.c'
# CHECK-NEXT: CompileUnit{0x00000003}, language = "<not loaded>", file = '/tmp/d.c'
breakpoint set -f c.c -l 2
# CHECK-LABEL: breakpoint set -f c.c -l 2
# CHECK: Breakpoint 1: where = line-table.out`func + 2 at c.c:2, address = 0x00000000004000b2