blob: 26ee17ecc77e037d85cc46c05553c19a458449cb [file] [log] [blame]
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
from libcxx.test.dsl import *
import re
import shutil
import sys
import subprocess
_isClang = lambda cfg: '__clang__' in compilerMacros(cfg) and '__apple_build_version__' not in compilerMacros(cfg)
_isAppleClang = lambda cfg: '__apple_build_version__' in compilerMacros(cfg)
_isGCC = lambda cfg: '__GNUC__' in compilerMacros(cfg) and '__clang__' not in compilerMacros(cfg)
_isMSVC = lambda cfg: '_MSC_VER' in compilerMacros(cfg)
_msvcVersion = lambda cfg: (int(compilerMacros(cfg)['_MSC_VER']) // 100, int(compilerMacros(cfg)['_MSC_VER']) % 100)
when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-fcoroutines-ts') and
featureTestMacros(cfg, flags='-fcoroutines-ts').get('__cpp_coroutines', 0) >= 201703,
when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-Werror=thread-safety'),
when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-Wuser-defined-warnings'),
Feature(name='has-fblocks', when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-fblocks')),
Feature(name='-fsized-deallocation', when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-fsized-deallocation')),
Feature(name='-faligned-allocation', when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-faligned-allocation')),
Feature(name='fdelayed-template-parsing', when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-fdelayed-template-parsing')),
Feature(name='libcpp-no-concepts', when=lambda cfg: featureTestMacros(cfg).get('__cpp_concepts', 0) < 201907),
Feature(name='libcpp-no-coroutines', when=lambda cfg: featureTestMacros(cfg).get('__cpp_impl_coroutine', 0) < 201902),
Feature(name='has-fobjc-arc', when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-xobjective-c++ -fobjc-arc') and
sys.platform.lower().strip() == 'darwin'), # TODO: this doesn't handle cross-compiling to Apple platforms.
Feature(name='objective-c++', when=lambda cfg: hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-xobjective-c++ -fobjc-arc')),
when=lambda cfg: sourceBuilds(cfg, """
#include <atomic>
struct Large { int storage[100]; };
std::atomic<Large> x;
int main(int, char**) { (void)x.load(); return 0; }
# TODO: Remove this feature once compiler-rt includes __atomic_is_lockfree()
# on all supported platforms.
when=lambda cfg: sourceBuilds(cfg, """
#include <atomic>
struct Large { int storage[100]; };
std::atomic<Large> x;
int main(int, char**) { return x.is_lock_free(); }
Feature(name='apple-clang', when=_isAppleClang),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'apple-clang-{__clang_major__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isAppleClang),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'apple-clang-{__clang_major__}.{__clang_minor__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isAppleClang),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'apple-clang-{__clang_major__}.{__clang_minor__}.{__clang_patchlevel__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isAppleClang),
Feature(name='clang', when=_isClang,
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'clang-{__clang_major__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isClang),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'clang-{__clang_major__}.{__clang_minor__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isClang),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'clang-{__clang_major__}.{__clang_minor__}.{__clang_patchlevel__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isClang),
Feature(name='gcc', when=_isGCC),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'gcc-{__GNUC__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isGCC),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'gcc-{__GNUC__}.{__GNUC_MINOR__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isGCC),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'gcc-{__GNUC__}.{__GNUC_MINOR__}.{__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__}'.format(**compilerMacros(cfg)), when=_isGCC),
Feature(name='msvc', when=_isMSVC),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'msvc-{}'.format(*_msvcVersion(cfg)), when=_isMSVC),
Feature(name=lambda cfg: 'msvc-{}.{}'.format(*_msvcVersion(cfg)), when=_isMSVC),
# Deduce and add the test features that that are implied by the #defines in
# the <__config_site> header.
# For each macro of the form `_LIBCPP_XXX_YYY_ZZZ` defined below that
# is defined after including <__config_site>, add a Lit feature called
# `libcpp-xxx-yyy-zzz`. When a macro is defined to a specific value
# (e.g. `_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION=2`), the feature is `libcpp-xxx-yyy-zzz=<value>`.
macros = {
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_MONOTONIC_CLOCK': 'libcpp-has-no-monotonic-clock',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS': 'libcpp-has-no-threads',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_THREAD_API_EXTERNAL': 'libcpp-has-thread-api-external',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_THREAD_API_PTHREAD': 'libcpp-has-thread-api-pthread',
'_LIBCPP_NO_VCRUNTIME': 'libcpp-no-vcruntime',
'_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION': 'libcpp-abi-version',
'_LIBCPP_ABI_UNSTABLE': 'libcpp-abi-unstable',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY': 'libcpp-has-no-filesystem-library',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_RANDOM_DEVICE': 'libcpp-has-no-random-device',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_LOCALIZATION': 'libcpp-has-no-localization',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS': 'libcpp-has-no-wide-characters',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_INCOMPLETE_FORMAT': 'libcpp-has-no-incomplete-format',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_INCOMPLETE_RANGES': 'libcpp-has-no-incomplete-ranges',
'_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE': 'libcpp-has-no-unicode',
for macro, feature in macros.items():
Feature(name=lambda cfg, m=macro, f=feature: f + (
'={}'.format(compilerMacros(cfg)[m]) if compilerMacros(cfg)[m] else ''
when=lambda cfg, m=macro: m in compilerMacros(cfg),
# FIXME: This is a hack that should be fixed using module maps.
# If modules are enabled then we have to lift all of the definitions
# in <__config_site> onto the command line.
actions=lambda cfg, m=macro: [
AddCompileFlag('-Wno-macro-redefined -D{}'.format(m) + (
'={}'.format(compilerMacros(cfg)[m]) if compilerMacros(cfg)[m] else ''
# Mapping from canonical locale names (used in the tests) to possible locale
# names on various systems. Each locale is considered supported if any of the
# alternative names is supported.
locales = {
'en_US.UTF-8': ['en_US.UTF-8', 'en_US.utf8', 'English_United States.1252'],
'fr_FR.UTF-8': ['fr_FR.UTF-8', 'fr_FR.utf8', 'French_France.1252'],
'ru_RU.UTF-8': ['ru_RU.UTF-8', 'ru_RU.utf8', 'Russian_Russia.1251'],
'zh_CN.UTF-8': ['zh_CN.UTF-8', 'zh_CN.utf8', 'Chinese_China.936'],
'fr_CA.ISO8859-1': ['fr_CA.ISO8859-1', 'French_Canada.1252'],
'cs_CZ.ISO8859-2': ['cs_CZ.ISO8859-2', 'Czech_Czech Republic.1250']
for locale, alts in locales.items():
# Note: Using alts directly in the lambda body here will bind it to the value at the
# end of the loop. Assigning it to a default argument works around this issue.
when=lambda cfg, alts=alts: hasAnyLocale(cfg, alts)))
# Add features representing the platform name: darwin, linux, windows, etc...
Feature(name='darwin', when=lambda cfg: '__APPLE__' in compilerMacros(cfg)),
Feature(name='windows', when=lambda cfg: '_WIN32' in compilerMacros(cfg)),
Feature(name='windows-dll', when=lambda cfg: '_WIN32' in compilerMacros(cfg) and not '_LIBCPP_DISABLE_VISIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS' in compilerMacros(cfg)),
Feature(name='linux', when=lambda cfg: '__linux__' in compilerMacros(cfg)),
Feature(name='netbsd', when=lambda cfg: '__NetBSD__' in compilerMacros(cfg)),
Feature(name='freebsd', when=lambda cfg: '__FreeBSD__' in compilerMacros(cfg))
# Add features representing the build host platform name.
# The build host could differ from the target platform for cross-compilation.
# sys.platform can be represented by "sub-system" on Windows host, such as 'win32', 'cygwin', 'mingw' & etc.
# Here is a consolidated feature for the build host plaform name on Windows.
Feature(name='buildhost=windows', when=lambda cfg: platform.system().lower().startswith('windows'))
# Detect whether GDB is on the system, has Python scripting and supports
# adding breakpoint commands. If so add a substitution to access it.
def check_gdb(cfg):
gdb_path = shutil.which('gdb')
if gdb_path is None:
return False
# Check that we can set breakpoint commands, which was added in 8.3.
# Using the quit command here means that gdb itself exits, not just
# the "python <...>" command.
test_src = """\
except AttributeError:
gdb.execute(\"quit 1\")
stdout = subprocess.check_output(
[gdb_path, "-ex", "python " + test_src, "--batch"],
stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# We can't set breakpoint commands
return False
# Check we actually ran the Python
return not "Python scripting is not supported" in stdout
actions=[AddSubstitution('%{gdb}', lambda cfg: shutil.which('gdb'))]