[flang] Re-fold bounds expressions in DATA implied DO loops

To accommodate triangular implied DO loops in DATA statements, in which
the bounds of nested implied DO loops might depend on the values of the
indices of outer implied DO loops in the same DATA statement set, it
is necessary to run them through constant folding each time they are

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D114754
diff --git a/flang/lib/Semantics/data-to-inits.cpp b/flang/lib/Semantics/data-to-inits.cpp
index 958184c..4f540f3 100644
--- a/flang/lib/Semantics/data-to-inits.cpp
+++ b/flang/lib/Semantics/data-to-inits.cpp
@@ -155,14 +155,24 @@
   const auto *stepExpr{
       bounds.step ? GetExpr(bounds.step->thing.thing) : nullptr};
   if (lowerExpr && upperExpr) {
-    auto lower{ToInt64(*lowerExpr)};
-    auto upper{ToInt64(*upperExpr)};
-    auto step{stepExpr ? ToInt64(*stepExpr) : std::nullopt};
-    auto stepVal{step.value_or(1)};
-    if (stepVal == 0) {
-      exprAnalyzer_.Say(name.source,
-          "DATA statement implied DO loop has a step value of zero"_err_en_US);
-    } else if (lower && upper) {
+    // Fold the bounds expressions (again) in case any of them depend
+    // on outer implied DO loops.
+    evaluate::FoldingContext &context{exprAnalyzer_.GetFoldingContext()};
+    std::int64_t stepVal{1};
+    if (stepExpr) {
+      auto foldedStep{evaluate::Fold(context, SomeExpr{*stepExpr})};
+      stepVal = ToInt64(foldedStep).value_or(1);
+      if (stepVal == 0) {
+        exprAnalyzer_.Say(name.source,
+            "DATA statement implied DO loop has a step value of zero"_err_en_US);
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    auto foldedLower{evaluate::Fold(context, SomeExpr{*lowerExpr})};
+    auto lower{ToInt64(foldedLower)};
+    auto foldedUpper{evaluate::Fold(context, SomeExpr{*upperExpr})};
+    auto upper{ToInt64(foldedUpper)};
+    if (lower && upper) {
       int kind{evaluate::ResultType<evaluate::ImpliedDoIndex>::kind};
       if (const auto dynamicType{evaluate::DynamicType::From(*name.symbol)}) {
         if (dynamicType->category() == TypeCategory::Integer) {
@@ -170,8 +180,7 @@
       if (exprAnalyzer_.AddImpliedDo(name.source, kind)) {
-        auto &value{exprAnalyzer_.GetFoldingContext().StartImpliedDo(
-            name.source, *lower)};
+        auto &value{context.StartImpliedDo(name.source, *lower)};
         bool result{true};
         for (auto n{(*upper - value + stepVal) / stepVal}; n > 0;
              --n, value += stepVal) {
@@ -183,7 +192,7 @@
-        exprAnalyzer_.GetFoldingContext().EndImpliedDo(name.source);
+        context.EndImpliedDo(name.source);
         return result;