blob: ce47619db135a29c3a2da0641834d34725e24f31 [file] [log] [blame]
# DExTer : Debugging Experience Tester
# ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
"""Interface for communicating with the LLDB debugger via its python interface.
import imp
import os
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output, STDOUT
import sys
from dex.debugger.DebuggerBase import DebuggerBase, watch_is_active
from dex.dextIR import FrameIR, LocIR, StepIR, StopReason, ValueIR
from dex.dextIR import StackFrame, SourceLocation, ProgramState
from dex.utils.Exceptions import DebuggerException, LoadDebuggerException
from dex.utils.ReturnCode import ReturnCode
class LLDB(DebuggerBase):
def __init__(self, context, *args):
self.lldb_executable = context.options.lldb_executable
self._debugger = None
self._target = None
self._process = None
self._thread = None
# Map {id (int): condition (str)} for breakpoints which have a
# condition. See get_triggered_breakpoint_ids usage for more info.
self._breakpoint_conditions = {}
super(LLDB, self).__init__(context, *args)
def _custom_init(self):
self._debugger = self._interface.SBDebugger.Create()
self._target = self._debugger.CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(
self.context.options.executable, self.context.options.arch)
if not self._target:
raise LoadDebuggerException(
'could not create target for executable "{}" with arch:{}'.
def _custom_exit(self):
if getattr(self, '_process', None):
if getattr(self, '_debugger', None) and getattr(self, '_target', None):
def _translate_stop_reason(self, reason):
if reason == self._interface.eStopReasonNone:
return None
if reason == self._interface.eStopReasonBreakpoint:
return StopReason.BREAKPOINT
if reason == self._interface.eStopReasonPlanComplete:
return StopReason.STEP
if reason == self._interface.eStopReasonThreadExiting:
return StopReason.PROGRAM_EXIT
if reason == self._interface.eStopReasonException:
return StopReason.ERROR
return StopReason.OTHER
def _load_interface(self):
args = [self.lldb_executable, '-P']
pythonpath = check_output(
args, stderr=STDOUT).rstrip().decode('utf-8')
except CalledProcessError as e:
raise LoadDebuggerException(str(e), sys.exc_info())
except OSError as e:
raise LoadDebuggerException(
'{} ["{}"]'.format(e.strerror, self.lldb_executable),
if not os.path.isdir(pythonpath):
raise LoadDebuggerException(
'path "{}" does not exist [result of {}]'.format(
pythonpath, args), sys.exc_info())
module_info = imp.find_module('lldb', [pythonpath])
return imp.load_module('lldb', *module_info)
except ImportError as e:
msg = str(e)
if msg.endswith('not a valid Win32 application.'):
msg = '{} [Are you mixing 32-bit and 64-bit binaries?]'.format(
raise LoadDebuggerException(msg, sys.exc_info())
def get_name(cls):
return 'lldb'
def get_option_name(cls):
return 'lldb'
def version(self):
return self._interface.SBDebugger_GetVersionString()
except AttributeError:
return None
def clear_breakpoints(self):
def _add_breakpoint(self, file_, line):
return self._add_conditional_breakpoint(file_, line, None)
def _add_conditional_breakpoint(self, file_, line, condition):
bp = self._target.BreakpointCreateByLocation(file_, line)
if not bp:
raise DebuggerException(
'could not add breakpoint [{}:{}]'.format(file_, line))
id = bp.GetID()
if condition:
assert id not in self._breakpoint_conditions
self._breakpoint_conditions[id] = condition
return id
def _evaulate_breakpoint_condition(self, id):
"""Evaluate the breakpoint condition and return the result.
Returns True if a conditional breakpoint with the specified id cannot
be found (i.e. assume it is an unconditional breakpoint).
condition = self._breakpoint_conditions[id]
except KeyError:
# This must be an unconditional breakpoint.
return True
valueIR = self.evaluate_expression(condition)
return valueIR.type_name == 'bool' and valueIR.value == 'true'
def get_triggered_breakpoint_ids(self):
# Breakpoints can only have been triggered if we've hit one.
stop_reason = self._translate_stop_reason(self._thread.GetStopReason())
if stop_reason != StopReason.BREAKPOINT:
return []
breakpoint_ids = set()
# When the stop reason is eStopReasonBreakpoint, GetStopReasonDataCount
# counts all breakpoints associated with the location that lldb has
# stopped at, regardless of their condition. I.e. Even if we have two
# breakpoints at the same source location that have mutually exclusive
# conditions, both will be counted by GetStopReasonDataCount when
# either condition is true. Check each breakpoint condition manually to
# filter the list down to breakpoints that have caused this stop.
# Breakpoints have two data parts: Breakpoint ID, Location ID. We're
# only interested in the Breakpoint ID so we skip every other item.
for i in range(0, self._thread.GetStopReasonDataCount(), 2):
id = self._thread.GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(i)
if self._evaulate_breakpoint_condition(id):
return breakpoint_ids
def delete_breakpoint(self, id):
bp = self._target.FindBreakpointByID(id)
if not bp:
# The ID is not valid.
raise KeyError
del self._breakpoint_conditions[id]
except KeyError:
# This must be an unconditional breakpoint.
def launch(self):
self._process = self._target.LaunchSimple(None, None, os.getcwd())
if not self._process or self._process.GetNumThreads() == 0:
raise DebuggerException('could not launch process')
if self._process.GetNumThreads() != 1:
raise DebuggerException('multiple threads not supported')
self._thread = self._process.GetThreadAtIndex(0)
assert self._thread, (self._process, self._thread)
def step(self):
def go(self) -> ReturnCode:
return ReturnCode.OK
def _get_step_info(self, watches, step_index):
frames = []
state_frames = []
for i in range(0, self._thread.GetNumFrames()):
sb_frame = self._thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i)
sb_line = sb_frame.GetLineEntry()
sb_filespec = sb_line.GetFileSpec()
path = os.path.join(sb_filespec.GetDirectory(),
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
path = None
function = self._sanitize_function_name(sb_frame.GetFunctionName())
loc_dict = {
'path': path,
'lineno': sb_line.GetLine(),
'column': sb_line.GetColumn()
loc = LocIR(**loc_dict)
valid_loc_for_watch = loc.path and os.path.exists(loc.path)
frame = FrameIR(
function=function, is_inlined=sb_frame.IsInlined(), loc=loc)
if any(
name in (frame.function or '') # pylint: disable=no-member
for name in self.frames_below_main):
state_frame = StackFrame(function=frame.function,
if valid_loc_for_watch:
for expr in map(
# Filter out watches that are not active in the current frame,
# and then evaluate all the active watches.
lambda watch_info, idx=i:
self.evaluate_expression(watch_info.expression, idx),
lambda watch_info, idx=i, line_no=loc.lineno, loc_path=loc.path:
watch_is_active(watch_info, loc_path, idx, line_no),
watches)):[expr.expression] = expr
if len(frames) == 1 and frames[0].function is None:
frames = []
state_frames = []
reason = self._translate_stop_reason(self._thread.GetStopReason())
return StepIR(
step_index=step_index, frames=frames, stop_reason=reason,
def is_running(self):
# We're not running in async mode so this is always False.
return False
def is_finished(self):
return not self._thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
def frames_below_main(self):
return ['__scrt_common_main_seh', '__libc_start_main']
def evaluate_expression(self, expression, frame_idx=0) -> ValueIR:
result = self._thread.GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx
error_string = str(result.error)
value = result.value
could_evaluate = not any(s in error_string for s in [
"Can't run the expression locally",
"use of undeclared identifier",
"no member named",
"Couldn't lookup symbols",
"reference to local variable",
"invalid use of 'this' outside of a non-static member function",
is_optimized_away = any(s in error_string for s in [
'value may have been optimized out',
is_irretrievable = any(s in error_string for s in [
"couldn't get the value of variable",
"couldn't read its memory",
"couldn't read from memory",
"Cannot access memory at address",
"invalid address (fault address:",
if could_evaluate and not is_irretrievable and not is_optimized_away:
assert error_string == 'success', (error_string, expression, value)
# assert result.value is not None, (result.value, expression)
if error_string == 'success':
error_string = None
# attempt to find expression as a variable, if found, take the variable
# obj's type information as it's 'usually' more accurate.
var_result = self._thread.GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx).FindVariable(expression)
if str(var_result.error) == 'success':
type_name = var_result.type.GetDisplayTypeName()
type_name = result.type.GetDisplayTypeName()
return ValueIR(