blob: c24435af90d7b4253b6ee8572c5324632a76d760 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-no-concepts
// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-no-incomplete-ranges
// std::views::all;
#include <ranges>
#include <cassert>
#include <concepts>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "test_iterators.h"
int globalBuff[8];
template<bool IsNoexcept>
struct View : std::ranges::view_base {
int start_ = 0;
explicit View() noexcept(IsNoexcept) = default;
constexpr explicit View(int start) : start_(start) {}
View(View&&) noexcept(IsNoexcept) = default;
View& operator=(View&&) noexcept(IsNoexcept) = default;
constexpr int* begin() const { return globalBuff + start_; }
constexpr int* end() const { return globalBuff + 8; }
template<bool IsNoexcept>
struct CopyableView : std::ranges::view_base {
int start_ = 0;
explicit CopyableView() noexcept(IsNoexcept) = default;
CopyableView(CopyableView const&) noexcept(IsNoexcept) = default;
CopyableView& operator=(CopyableView const&) noexcept(IsNoexcept) = default;
constexpr explicit CopyableView(int start) noexcept : start_(start) {}
constexpr int* begin() const { return globalBuff + start_; }
constexpr int* end() const { return globalBuff + 8; }
struct Range {
int start_;
constexpr explicit Range(int start) noexcept : start_(start) {}
constexpr int* begin() const { return globalBuff + start_; }
constexpr int* end() const { return globalBuff + 8; }
struct BorrowableRange {
int start_;
constexpr explicit BorrowableRange(int start) noexcept : start_(start) {}
constexpr int* begin() const { return globalBuff + start_; }
constexpr int* end() const { return globalBuff + 8; }
inline constexpr bool std::ranges::enable_borrowed_range<BorrowableRange> = true;
struct RandomAccessRange {
struct sentinel {
friend constexpr bool operator==(sentinel, const random_access_iterator<int*> rai) { return rai.base() == globalBuff + 8; }
friend constexpr std::ptrdiff_t operator-(sentinel, random_access_iterator<int*>) { return -8; }
friend constexpr std::ptrdiff_t operator-(random_access_iterator<int*>, sentinel) { return 8; }
constexpr random_access_iterator<int*> begin() { return random_access_iterator<int*>{globalBuff}; }
constexpr sentinel end() { return {}; }
inline constexpr bool std::ranges::enable_borrowed_range<RandomAccessRange> = true;
template <class View, class T>
concept CanBePiped = requires (View&& view, T&& t) {
{ std::forward<View>(view) | std::forward<T>(t) };
constexpr bool test() {
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(std::views::all(View<true>())), View<true>);
auto viewCopy = std::views::all(View<true>(2));
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(viewCopy), View<true>);
assert(std::ranges::begin(viewCopy) == globalBuff + 2);
assert(std::ranges::end(viewCopy) == globalBuff + 8);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(std::views::all(std::declval<const CopyableView<true>&>())), CopyableView<true>);
CopyableView<true> view(2);
auto viewCopy = std::views::all(view);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(viewCopy), CopyableView<true>);
assert(std::ranges::begin(viewCopy) == globalBuff + 2);
assert(std::ranges::end(viewCopy) == globalBuff + 8);
Range range(2);
auto ref = std::views::all(range);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(ref), std::ranges::ref_view<Range>);
assert(std::ranges::begin(ref) == globalBuff + 2);
assert(std::ranges::end(ref) == globalBuff + 8);
static_assert(!std::is_invocable_v<decltype(std::views::all), Range>);
const Range range(2);
auto ref = std::views::all(range);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(ref), std::ranges::ref_view<const Range>);
assert(std::ranges::begin(ref) == globalBuff + 2);
assert(std::ranges::end(ref) == globalBuff + 8);
auto subrange = std::views::all(BorrowableRange(2));
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(subrange), std::ranges::subrange<int*>);
assert(std::ranges::begin(subrange) == globalBuff + 2);
assert(std::ranges::end(subrange) == globalBuff + 8);
auto subrange = std::views::all(RandomAccessRange());
std::ranges::subrange<random_access_iterator<int*>, RandomAccessRange::sentinel>);
assert(std::ranges::begin(subrange).base() == globalBuff);
assert(std::ranges::end(subrange) == std::ranges::begin(subrange) + 8);
// Check SFINAE friendliness of the call operator
static_assert(!std::is_invocable_v<decltype(std::views::all), RandomAccessRange, RandomAccessRange>);
// Test that std::views::all is a range adaptor
// Test `v | views::all`
Range range(0);
auto result = range | std::views::all;
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(result), std::ranges::ref_view<Range>);
assert(&result.base() == &range);
// Test `adaptor | views::all`
Range range(0);
auto f = [](int i) { return i; };
auto const partial = std::views::transform(f) | std::views::all;
using Result = std::ranges::transform_view<std::ranges::ref_view<Range>, decltype(f)>;
std::same_as<Result> auto result = partial(range);
assert(&result.base().base() == &range);
// Test `views::all | adaptor`
Range range(0);
auto f = [](int i) { return i; };
auto const partial = std::views::all | std::views::transform(f);
using Result = std::ranges::transform_view<std::ranges::ref_view<Range>, decltype(f)>;
std::same_as<Result> auto result = partial(range);
assert(&result.base().base() == &range);
struct NotAView { };
static_assert( CanBePiped<Range&, decltype(std::views::all)>);
static_assert(!CanBePiped<NotAView, decltype(std::views::all)>);
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(std::views::all), decltype(std::ranges::views::all)>);
return true;
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;