| //===-- lib/Parser/openacc-parsers.cpp ------------------------------------===// |
| // |
| // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. |
| // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception |
| // |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| // Top-level grammar specification for OpenACC 3.1. |
| |
| #include "basic-parsers.h" |
| #include "expr-parsers.h" |
| #include "misc-parsers.h" |
| #include "stmt-parser.h" |
| #include "token-parsers.h" |
| #include "type-parser-implementation.h" |
| #include "flang/Parser/parse-tree.h" |
| |
| // OpenACC Directives and Clauses |
| namespace Fortran::parser { |
| |
| constexpr auto startAccLine = skipStuffBeforeStatement >> "!$ACC "_sptok; |
| constexpr auto endAccLine = space >> endOfLine; |
| |
| // Basic clauses |
| TYPE_PARSER("AUTO" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Auto>()) || |
| "ASYNC" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Async>( |
| maybe(parenthesized(scalarIntExpr)))) || |
| "ATTACH" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Attach>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "BIND" >> construct<AccClause>( |
| construct<AccClause::Bind>(Parser<AccBindClause>{})) || |
| "CAPTURE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Capture>()) || |
| "COLLAPSE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Collapse>( |
| parenthesized(scalarIntConstantExpr))) || |
| ("COPY"_tok || "PRESENT_OR_COPY"_tok || "PCOPY"_tok) >> |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Copy>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| ("COPYIN"_tok || "PRESENT_OR_COPYIN"_tok || "PCOPYIN"_tok) >> |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Copyin>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectListWithModifier>{}))) || |
| ("COPYOUT"_tok || "PRESENT_OR_COPYOUT"_tok || "PCOPYOUT"_tok) >> |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Copyout>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectListWithModifier>{}))) || |
| ("CREATE"_tok || "PRESENT_OR_CREATE"_tok || "PCREATE"_tok) >> |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Create>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectListWithModifier>{}))) || |
| "DEFAULT" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Default>( |
| Parser<AccDefaultClause>{})) || |
| "DEFAULT_ASYNC" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::DefaultAsync>( |
| parenthesized(scalarIntExpr))) || |
| "DELETE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Delete>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "DETACH" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Detach>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "DEVICE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Device>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "DEVICEPTR" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Deviceptr>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "DEVICE_NUM" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::DeviceNum>( |
| parenthesized(scalarIntExpr))) || |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::DeviceResident>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| ("DEVICE_TYPE"_tok || "DTYPE"_tok) >> |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::DeviceType>(parenthesized( |
| "*" >> construct<std::optional<std::list<ScalarIntExpr>>>()))) || |
| ("DEVICE_TYPE"_tok || "DTYPE"_tok) >> |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::DeviceType>( |
| parenthesized(maybe(nonemptyList(scalarIntExpr))))) || |
| "FINALIZE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Finalize>()) || |
| "FIRSTPRIVATE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Firstprivate>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "GANG" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Gang>( |
| maybe(parenthesized(Parser<AccGangArgument>{})))) || |
| "HOST" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Host>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "IF" >> construct<AccClause>( |
| construct<AccClause::If>(parenthesized(scalarLogicalExpr))) || |
| "IF_PRESENT" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::IfPresent>()) || |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Independent>()) || |
| "LINK" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Link>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "NO_CREATE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::NoCreate>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "NOHOST" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Nohost>()) || |
| "NUM_GANGS" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::NumGangs>( |
| parenthesized(scalarIntExpr))) || |
| "NUM_WORKERS" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::NumWorkers>( |
| parenthesized(scalarIntExpr))) || |
| "PRESENT" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Present>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "PRIVATE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Private>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "READ" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Read>()) || |
| "REDUCTION" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Reduction>( |
| parenthesized(construct<AccObjectListWithReduction>( |
| Parser<AccReductionOperator>{} / ":", |
| Parser<AccObjectList>{})))) || |
| "SELF" >> construct<AccClause>( |
| construct<AccClause::Self>(Parser<AccSelfClause>{})) || |
| "SEQ" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Seq>()) || |
| "TILE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Tile>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccTileExprList>{}))) || |
| "USE_DEVICE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::UseDevice>( |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{}))) || |
| "VECTOR_LENGTH" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::VectorLength>( |
| parenthesized(scalarIntExpr))) || |
| "VECTOR" >> |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Vector>(maybe( |
| parenthesized(("LENGTH:" >> scalarIntExpr || scalarIntExpr))))) || |
| "WAIT" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Wait>( |
| maybe(parenthesized(Parser<AccWaitArgument>{})))) || |
| "WORKER" >> |
| construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Worker>(maybe( |
| parenthesized(("NUM:" >> scalarIntExpr || scalarIntExpr))))) || |
| "WRITE" >> construct<AccClause>(construct<AccClause::Auto>())) |
| |
| construct<AccObject>(designator) || construct<AccObject>("/" >> name / "/")) |
| |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccObjectList>(nonemptyList(Parser<AccObject>{}))) |
| |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccObjectListWithModifier>( |
| maybe(Parser<AccDataModifier>{}), Parser<AccObjectList>{})) |
| |
| // 2.16.3 (2485) wait-argument is: |
| // [devnum : int-expr :] [queues :] int-expr-list |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccWaitArgument>(maybe("DEVNUM:" >> scalarIntExpr / ":"), |
| "QUEUES:" >> nonemptyList(scalarIntExpr) || nonemptyList(scalarIntExpr))) |
| |
| // 2.9 (1609) size-expr is one of: |
| // * (represented as an empty std::optional<ScalarIntExpr>) |
| // int-expr |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccSizeExpr>(scalarIntExpr) || |
| construct<AccSizeExpr>("*" >> construct<std::optional<ScalarIntExpr>>())) |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccSizeExprList>(nonemptyList(Parser<AccSizeExpr>{}))) |
| |
| // tile size is one of: |
| // * (represented as an empty std::optional<ScalarIntExpr>) |
| // constant-int-expr |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccTileExpr>(scalarIntConstantExpr) || |
| construct<AccTileExpr>( |
| "*" >> construct<std::optional<ScalarIntConstantExpr>>())) |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccTileExprList>(nonemptyList(Parser<AccTileExpr>{}))) |
| |
| // 2.9 (1607) gang-arg is: |
| // [[num:]int-expr][[,]static:size-expr] |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccGangArgument>( |
| maybe(("NUM:"_tok >> scalarIntExpr || scalarIntExpr)), |
| maybe(", STATIC:" >> Parser<AccSizeExpr>{}))) |
| |
| // 2.5.13 Reduction |
| // Operator for reduction |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccReductionOperator>( |
| first("+" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Plus), |
| "*" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Multiply), |
| "MAX" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Max), |
| "MIN" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Min), |
| "IAND" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Iand), |
| "IOR" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ior), |
| "IEOR" >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Ieor), |
| ".AND." >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::And), |
| ".OR." >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Or), |
| ".EQV." >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Eqv), |
| ".NEQV." >> pure(AccReductionOperator::Operator::Neqv))))) |
| |
| // 2.15.1 Bind clause |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccBindClause>(parenthesized(name))) || |
| sourced(construct<AccBindClause>(parenthesized(scalarDefaultCharExpr)))) |
| |
| // 2.5.14 Default clause |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccDefaultClause>(parenthesized( |
| first("NONE" >> pure(llvm::acc::DefaultValue::ACC_Default_none), |
| "PRESENT" >> pure(llvm::acc::DefaultValue::ACC_Default_present))))) |
| |
| // SELF clause is either a simple optional condition for compute construct |
| // or a synonym of the HOST clause for the update directive 2.14.4 holding |
| // an object list. |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccSelfClause>(parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectList>{})) || |
| construct<AccSelfClause>(maybe(parenthesized(scalarLogicalExpr)))) |
| |
| // Modifier for copyin, copyout, cache and create |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccDataModifier>( |
| first("ZERO:" >> pure(AccDataModifier::Modifier::Zero), |
| "READONLY:" >> pure(AccDataModifier::Modifier::ReadOnly)))) |
| |
| // Combined directives |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccCombinedDirective>( |
| first("KERNELS LOOP" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_kernels_loop), |
| "PARALLEL LOOP" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_parallel_loop), |
| "SERIAL LOOP" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_serial_loop))))) |
| |
| // Block directives |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccBlockDirective>( |
| first("DATA" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_data), |
| "HOST_DATA" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_host_data), |
| "KERNELS" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_kernels), |
| "PARALLEL" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_parallel), |
| "SERIAL" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_serial))))) |
| |
| // Standalone directives |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccStandaloneDirective>( |
| first("ENTER DATA" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_enter_data), |
| "EXIT DATA" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_exit_data), |
| "INIT" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_init), |
| "SHUTDOWN" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_shutdown), |
| "SET" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_set), |
| "UPDATE" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_update))))) |
| |
| // Loop directives |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccLoopDirective>( |
| first("LOOP" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_loop))))) |
| |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccBeginLoopDirective>( |
| sourced(Parser<AccLoopDirective>{}), Parser<AccClauseList>{})) |
| |
| construct<OpenACCLoopConstruct>(sourced(Parser<AccBeginLoopDirective>{}))) |
| |
| // 2.15.1 Routine directive |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<OpenACCRoutineConstruct>(verbatim("ROUTINE"_tok), |
| maybe(parenthesized(name)), Parser<AccClauseList>{}))) |
| |
| // 2.10 Cache directive |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced( |
| construct<OpenACCCacheConstruct>(sourced(construct<Verbatim>("CACHE"_tok)), |
| parenthesized(Parser<AccObjectListWithModifier>{})))) |
| |
| // 2.11 Combined constructs |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccBeginCombinedDirective>( |
| sourced(Parser<AccCombinedDirective>{}), Parser<AccClauseList>{})) |
| |
| // 2.12 Atomic constructs |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<AccEndAtomic>(startAccLine >> "END ATOMIC"_tok)) |
| |
| construct<AccAtomicRead>(verbatim("READ"_tok) / endAccLine, |
| statement(assignmentStmt), maybe(Parser<AccEndAtomic>{} / endAccLine))) |
| |
| construct<AccAtomicWrite>(verbatim("WRITE"_tok) / endAccLine, |
| statement(assignmentStmt), maybe(Parser<AccEndAtomic>{} / endAccLine))) |
| |
| construct<AccAtomicUpdate>(maybe(verbatim("UPDATE"_tok)) / endAccLine, |
| statement(assignmentStmt), maybe(Parser<AccEndAtomic>{} / endAccLine))) |
| |
| construct<AccAtomicCapture>(verbatim("CAPTURE"_tok) / endAccLine, |
| statement(assignmentStmt), statement(assignmentStmt), |
| Parser<AccEndAtomic>{} / endAccLine)) |
| |
| sourced(construct<OpenACCAtomicConstruct>(Parser<AccAtomicRead>{})) || |
| sourced(construct<OpenACCAtomicConstruct>(Parser<AccAtomicCapture>{})) || |
| sourced(construct<OpenACCAtomicConstruct>(Parser<AccAtomicWrite>{})) || |
| sourced(construct<OpenACCAtomicConstruct>(Parser<AccAtomicUpdate>{}))) |
| |
| // 2.13 Declare constructs |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccDeclarativeDirective>( |
| first("DECLARE" >> pure(llvm::acc::Directive::ACCD_declare))))) |
| |
| // [Clause, [Clause], ...] |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccClauseList>( |
| many(maybe(","_tok) >> sourced(Parser<AccClause>{}))))) |
| |
| // 2.16.3 Wait directive |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<OpenACCWaitConstruct>( |
| sourced(construct<Verbatim>("WAIT"_tok)), |
| maybe(parenthesized(Parser<AccWaitArgument>{})), Parser<AccClauseList>{}))) |
| |
| // Block Constructs |
| TYPE_PARSER(sourced(construct<AccBeginBlockDirective>( |
| sourced(Parser<AccBlockDirective>{}), Parser<AccClauseList>{}))) |
| |
| TYPE_PARSER(startAccLine >> sourced(construct<AccEndBlockDirective>("END"_tok >> |
| sourced(Parser<AccBlockDirective>{})))) |
| |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<OpenACCBlockConstruct>( |
| Parser<AccBeginBlockDirective>{} / endAccLine, block, |
| Parser<AccEndBlockDirective>{} / endAccLine)) |
| |
| // Standalone constructs |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<OpenACCStandaloneConstruct>( |
| sourced(Parser<AccStandaloneDirective>{}), Parser<AccClauseList>{})) |
| |
| // Standalone declarative constructs |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<OpenACCStandaloneDeclarativeConstruct>( |
| sourced(Parser<AccDeclarativeDirective>{}), Parser<AccClauseList>{})) |
| |
| startAccLine >> first(sourced(construct<OpenACCDeclarativeConstruct>( |
| Parser<OpenACCStandaloneDeclarativeConstruct>{})), |
| sourced(construct<OpenACCDeclarativeConstruct>( |
| Parser<OpenACCRoutineConstruct>{})))) |
| |
| // OpenACC constructs |
| TYPE_CONTEXT_PARSER("OpenACC construct"_en_US, |
| startAccLine >> |
| first(construct<OpenACCConstruct>(Parser<OpenACCBlockConstruct>{}), |
| construct<OpenACCConstruct>(Parser<OpenACCCombinedConstruct>{}), |
| construct<OpenACCConstruct>(Parser<OpenACCLoopConstruct>{}), |
| construct<OpenACCConstruct>(Parser<OpenACCStandaloneConstruct>{}), |
| construct<OpenACCConstruct>(Parser<OpenACCCacheConstruct>{}), |
| construct<OpenACCConstruct>(Parser<OpenACCWaitConstruct>{}), |
| construct<OpenACCConstruct>(Parser<OpenACCAtomicConstruct>{}))) |
| |
| TYPE_PARSER(startAccLine >> sourced(construct<AccEndCombinedDirective>(sourced( |
| "END"_tok >> Parser<AccCombinedDirective>{})))) |
| |
| TYPE_PARSER(construct<OpenACCCombinedConstruct>( |
| sourced(Parser<AccBeginCombinedDirective>{} / endAccLine))) |
| |
| } // namespace Fortran::parser |