blob: 0a220a268c9c17f2843848c1743ffe90e3761a98 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- x86_64 floating point env manipulation functions --------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <fenv.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "src/__support/sanitizer.h"
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace fputil {
namespace internal {
// Normally, one should be able to define FE_* macros to the exact rounding mode
// encodings. However, since we want LLVM libc to be compiled against headers
// from other libcs, we cannot assume that FE_* macros are always defined in
// such a manner. So, we will define enums corresponding to the x86_64 bit
// encodings. The implementations can map from FE_* to the corresponding enum
// values.
// The rounding control values in the x87 control register and the MXCSR
// register have the same 2-bit enoding but have different bit positions.
// See below for the bit positions.
struct RoundingControlValue {
static constexpr uint16_t ToNearest = 0x0;
static constexpr uint16_t Downward = 0x1;
static constexpr uint16_t Upward = 0x2;
static constexpr uint16_t TowardZero = 0x3;
static constexpr uint16_t X87RoundingControlBitPosition = 10;
static constexpr uint16_t MXCSRRoundingControlBitPosition = 13;
// The exception flags in the x87 status register and the MXCSR have the same
// encoding as well as the same bit positions.
struct ExceptionFlags {
static constexpr uint16_t Invalid = 0x1;
// Some libcs define __FE_DENORM corresponding to the denormal input
// exception and include it in FE_ALL_EXCEPTS. We define and use it to
// support compiling against headers provided by such libcs.
static constexpr uint16_t Denormal = 0x2;
static constexpr uint16_t DivByZero = 0x4;
static constexpr uint16_t Overflow = 0x8;
static constexpr uint16_t Underflow = 0x10;
static constexpr uint16_t Inexact = 0x20;
// The exception control bits occupy six bits, one bit for each exception.
// In the x87 control word, they occupy the first 6 bits. In the MXCSR
// register, they occupy bits 7 to 12.
static constexpr uint16_t X87ExceptionControlBitPosition = 0;
static constexpr uint16_t MXCSRExceptionContolBitPoistion = 7;
// Exception flags are individual bits in the corresponding registers.
// So, we just OR the bit values to get the full set of exceptions.
static inline uint16_t getStatusValueForExcept(int excepts) {
// We will make use of the fact that exception control bits are single
// bit flags in the control registers.
return (excepts & FE_INVALID ? ExceptionFlags::Invalid : 0) |
#ifdef __FE_DENORM
(excepts & __FE_DENORM ? ExceptionFlags::Denormal : 0) |
#endif // __FE_DENORM
(excepts & FE_DIVBYZERO ? ExceptionFlags::DivByZero : 0) |
(excepts & FE_OVERFLOW ? ExceptionFlags::Overflow : 0) |
(excepts & FE_UNDERFLOW ? ExceptionFlags::Underflow : 0) |
(excepts & FE_INEXACT ? ExceptionFlags::Inexact : 0);
static inline int exceptionStatusToMacro(uint16_t status) {
return (status & ExceptionFlags::Invalid ? FE_INVALID : 0) |
#ifdef __FE_DENORM
(status & ExceptionFlags::Denormal ? __FE_DENORM : 0) |
#endif // __FE_DENORM
(status & ExceptionFlags::DivByZero ? FE_DIVBYZERO : 0) |
(status & ExceptionFlags::Overflow ? FE_OVERFLOW : 0) |
(status & ExceptionFlags::Underflow ? FE_UNDERFLOW : 0) |
(status & ExceptionFlags::Inexact ? FE_INEXACT : 0);
struct X87StateDescriptor {
uint16_t ControlWord;
uint16_t Unused1;
uint16_t StatusWord;
uint16_t Unused2;
// TODO: Elaborate the remaining 20 bytes as required.
uint32_t _[5];
static inline uint16_t getX87ControlWord() {
uint16_t w;
__asm__ __volatile__("fnstcw %0" : "=m"(w)::);
return w;
static inline void writeX87ControlWord(uint16_t w) {
__asm__ __volatile__("fldcw %0" : : "m"(w) :);
static inline uint16_t getX87StatusWord() {
uint16_t w;
__asm__ __volatile__("fnstsw %0" : "=m"(w)::);
return w;
static inline void clearX87Exceptions() {
__asm__ __volatile__("fnclex" : : :);
static inline uint32_t getMXCSR() {
uint32_t w;
__asm__ __volatile__("stmxcsr %0" : "=m"(w)::);
return w;
static inline void writeMXCSR(uint32_t w) {
__asm__ __volatile__("ldmxcsr %0" : : "m"(w) :);
static inline void getX87StateDescriptor(X87StateDescriptor &s) {
__asm__ __volatile__("fnstenv %0" : "=m"(s));
static inline void writeX87StateDescriptor(const X87StateDescriptor &s) {
__asm__ __volatile__("fldenv %0" : : "m"(s) :);
static inline void fwait() { __asm__ __volatile__("fwait"); }
} // namespace internal
static inline int enableExcept(int excepts) {
// In the x87 control word and in MXCSR, an exception is blocked
// if the corresponding bit is set. That is the reason for all the
// bit-flip operations below as we need to turn the bits to zero
// to enable them.
uint16_t bitMask = internal::getStatusValueForExcept(excepts);
uint16_t x87CW = internal::getX87ControlWord();
uint16_t oldExcepts = ~x87CW & 0x3F; // Save previously enabled exceptions.
x87CW &= ~bitMask;
// Enabling SSE exceptions via MXCSR is a nice thing to do but
// might not be of much use practically as SSE exceptions and the x87
// exceptions are independent of each other.
uint32_t mxcsr = internal::getMXCSR();
mxcsr &= ~(bitMask << internal::MXCSRExceptionContolBitPoistion);
// Since the x87 exceptions and SSE exceptions are independent of each,
// it doesn't make much sence to report both in the return value. Most
// often, the standard floating point functions deal with FPU operations
// so we will retrun only the old x87 exceptions.
return internal::exceptionStatusToMacro(oldExcepts);
static inline int disableExcept(int excepts) {
// In the x87 control word and in MXCSR, an exception is blocked
// if the corresponding bit is set.
uint16_t bitMask = internal::getStatusValueForExcept(excepts);
uint16_t x87CW = internal::getX87ControlWord();
uint16_t oldExcepts = ~x87CW & 0x3F; // Save previously enabled exceptions.
x87CW |= bitMask;
// Just like in enableExcept, it is not clear if disabling SSE exceptions
// is required. But, we will still do it only as a "nice thing to do".
uint32_t mxcsr = internal::getMXCSR();
mxcsr |= (bitMask << internal::MXCSRExceptionContolBitPoistion);
return internal::exceptionStatusToMacro(oldExcepts);
static inline int getExcept() {
uint16_t x87CW = internal::getX87ControlWord();
uint16_t enabledExcepts = ~x87CW & 0x3F;
return internal::exceptionStatusToMacro(enabledExcepts);
static inline int clearExcept(int excepts) {
internal::X87StateDescriptor state;
state.StatusWord &= ~internal::getStatusValueForExcept(excepts);
uint32_t mxcsr = internal::getMXCSR();
mxcsr &= ~internal::getStatusValueForExcept(excepts);
return 0;
static inline int testExcept(int excepts) {
uint16_t statusValue = internal::getStatusValueForExcept(excepts);
// Check both x87 status word and MXCSR.
return internal::exceptionStatusToMacro(
(statusValue & internal::getX87StatusWord()) |
(statusValue & internal::getMXCSR()));
// Sets the exception flags but does not trigger the exception handler.
static inline int setExcept(int excepts) {
uint16_t statusValue = internal::getStatusValueForExcept(excepts);
internal::X87StateDescriptor state;
state.StatusWord |= statusValue;
uint32_t mxcsr = internal::getMXCSR();
mxcsr |= statusValue;
return 0;
static inline int raiseExcept(int excepts) {
uint16_t statusValue = internal::getStatusValueForExcept(excepts);
// We set the status flag for exception one at a time and call the
// fwait instruction to actually get the processor to raise the
// exception by calling the exception handler. This scheme is per
// the description in in "8.6 X87 FPU EXCEPTION SYNCHRONIZATION"
// of the "Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's
// Manual, Vol 1".
// FPU status word is read for each exception seperately as the
// exception handler can potentially write to it (typically to clear
// the corresponding exception flag). By reading it separately, we
// ensure that the writes by the exception handler are maintained
// when raising the next exception.
auto raiseHelper = [](uint16_t singleExceptFlag) {
internal::X87StateDescriptor state;
state.StatusWord |= singleExceptFlag;
if (statusValue & internal::ExceptionFlags::Invalid)
if (statusValue & internal::ExceptionFlags::DivByZero)
if (statusValue & internal::ExceptionFlags::Overflow)
if (statusValue & internal::ExceptionFlags::Underflow)
if (statusValue & internal::ExceptionFlags::Inexact)
#ifdef __FE_DENORM
if (statusValue & internal::ExceptionFlags::Denormal) {
#endif // __FE_DENORM
// There is no special synchronization scheme available to
// raise SEE exceptions. So, we will ignore that for now.
// Just plain writing to the MXCSR register does not guarantee
// the exception handler will be called.
return 0;
static inline int getRound() {
uint16_t bitValue =
(internal::getMXCSR() >> internal::MXCSRRoundingControlBitPosition) & 0x3;
switch (bitValue) {
case internal::RoundingControlValue::ToNearest:
case internal::RoundingControlValue::Downward:
case internal::RoundingControlValue::Upward:
return FE_UPWARD;
case internal::RoundingControlValue::TowardZero:
return -1; // Error value.
static inline int setRound(int mode) {
uint16_t bitValue;
switch (mode) {
bitValue = internal::RoundingControlValue::ToNearest;
bitValue = internal::RoundingControlValue::Downward;
bitValue = internal::RoundingControlValue::Upward;
bitValue = internal::RoundingControlValue::TowardZero;
return 1; // To indicate failure
uint16_t x87Value = static_cast<uint16_t>(
bitValue << internal::X87RoundingControlBitPosition);
uint16_t x87Control = internal::getX87ControlWord();
x87Control = static_cast<uint16_t>(
(x87Control &
~(uint16_t(0x3) << internal::X87RoundingControlBitPosition)) |
uint32_t mxcsrValue = bitValue << internal::MXCSRRoundingControlBitPosition;
uint32_t mxcsrControl = internal::getMXCSR();
mxcsrControl =
(mxcsrControl & ~(0x3 << internal::MXCSRRoundingControlBitPosition)) |
return 0;
namespace internal {
#ifdef _WIN32
// MSVC fenv.h defines a very simple representation of the floating point state
// which just consists of control and status words of the x87 unit.
struct FPState {
uint32_t ControlWord;
uint32_t StatusWord;
struct FPState {
X87StateDescriptor X87Status;
uint32_t MXCSR;
#endif // _WIN32
} // namespace internal
sizeof(fenv_t) == sizeof(internal::FPState),
"Internal floating point state does not match the public fenv_t type.");
#ifdef _WIN32
static inline int getEnv(fenv_t *envp) {
internal::FPState *state = reinterpret_cast<internal::FPState *>(envp);
internal::X87StateDescriptor X87Status;
state->ControlWord = X87Status.ControlWord;
state->StatusWord = X87Status.StatusWord;
return 0;
static inline int setEnv(const fenv_t *envp) {
const internal::FPState *state =
reinterpret_cast<const internal::FPState *>(envp);
internal::X87StateDescriptor X87Status;
X87Status.ControlWord = state->ControlWord;
X87Status.StatusWord = state->StatusWord;
return 0;
static inline int getEnv(fenv_t *envp) {
internal::FPState *state = reinterpret_cast<internal::FPState *>(envp);
state->MXCSR = internal::getMXCSR();
return 0;
static inline int setEnv(const fenv_t *envp) {
// envp contains everything including pieces like the current
// top of FPU stack. We cannot arbitrarily change them. So, we first
// read the current status and update only those pieces which are
// not disruptive.
internal::X87StateDescriptor x87Status;
if (envp == FE_DFL_ENV) {
// Reset the exception flags in the status word.
x87Status.StatusWord &= ~uint16_t(0x3F);
// Reset other non-sensitive parts of the status word.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
x87Status._[i] = 0;
// In the control word, we do the following:
// 1. Mask all exceptions
// 2. Set rounding mode to round-to-nearest
// 3. Set the internal precision to double extended precision.
x87Status.ControlWord |= uint16_t(0x3F); // Mask all exceptions.
x87Status.ControlWord &= ~(uint16_t(0x3) << 10); // Round to nearest.
x87Status.ControlWord |= (uint16_t(0x3) << 8); // Extended precision.
// We take the exact same approach MXCSR register as well.
// MXCSR has two additional fields, "flush-to-zero" and
// "denormals-are-zero". We reset those bits. Also, MXCSR does not
// have a field which controls the precision of internal operations.
uint32_t mxcsr = internal::getMXCSR();
mxcsr &= ~uint16_t(0x3F); // Clear exception flags.
mxcsr &= ~(uint16_t(0x1) << 6); // Reset denormals-are-zero
mxcsr |= (uint16_t(0x3F) << 7); // Mask exceptions
mxcsr &= ~(uint16_t(0x3) << 13); // Round to nearest.
mxcsr &= ~(uint16_t(0x1) << 15); // Reset flush-to-zero
return 0;
const internal::FPState *fpstate =
reinterpret_cast<const internal::FPState *>(envp);
// Copy the exception status flags from envp.
x87Status.StatusWord &= ~uint16_t(0x3F);
x87Status.StatusWord |= (fpstate->X87Status.StatusWord & 0x3F);
// Copy other non-sensitive parts of the status word.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
x87Status._[i] = fpstate->X87Status._[i];
// We can set the x87 control word as is as there no sensitive bits.
x87Status.ControlWord = fpstate->X87Status.ControlWord;
// We can write the MXCSR state as is as there are no sensitive bits.
return 0;
} // namespace fputil
} // namespace __llvm_libc