[lldb][NFC] Format 'type' commands in Options.td

llvm-svn: 366426
diff --git a/lldb/source/Commands/Options.td b/lldb/source/Commands/Options.td
index 29f8a3d..9cfbcd2 100644
--- a/lldb/source/Commands/Options.td
+++ b/lldb/source/Commands/Options.td
@@ -139,82 +139,134 @@
 let Command = "type summary add" in {
-  def type_summary_add_category : Option<"category", "w">, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Add this to the given category instead of the default one.">;
-  def type_summary_add_cascade : Option<"cascade", "C">, Arg<"Boolean">, Desc<"If true, cascade through typedef chains.">;
-  def type_summary_add_no_value : Option<"no-value", "v">, Desc<"Don't show the value, just show the summary, for this type.">;
-  def type_summary_add_skip_pointers : Option<"skip-pointers", "p">, Desc<"Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects.">;
-  def type_summary_add_skip_references : Option<"skip-references", "r">, Desc<"Don't use this format for references-to-type objects.">;
-  def type_summary_add_regex : Option<"regex", "x">, Desc<"Type names are actually regular expressions.">;
-  def type_summary_add_inline_children : Option<"inline-children", "c">, Group<1>, Required, Desc<"If true, inline all child values into summary string.">;
-  def type_summary_add_omit_names : Option<"omit-names", "O">, Group<1>, Desc<"If true, omit value names in the summary display.">;
-  def type_summary_add_summary_string : Option<"summary-string", "s">, Group<2>, Arg<"SummaryString">, Required, Desc<"Summary string used to display text and object contents.">;
-  def type_summary_add_python_script : Option<"python-script", "o">, Group<3>, Arg<"PythonScript">, Desc<"Give a one-liner Python script as part of the command.">;
-  def type_summary_add_python_function : Option<"python-function", "F">, Group<3>, Arg<"PythonFunction">, Desc<"Give the name of a Python function to use for this type.">;
-  def type_summary_add_input_python : Option<"input-python", "P">, Group<3>, Desc<"Input Python code to use for this type manually.">;
-  def type_summary_add_expand : Option<"expand", "e">, Groups<[2,3]>, Desc<"Expand aggregate data types to show children on separate lines.">;
-  def type_summary_add_hide_empty : Option<"hide-empty", "h">, Groups<[2,3]>, Desc<"Do not expand aggregate data types with no children.">;
-  def type_summary_add_name : Option<"name", "n">, Groups<[2,3]>, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"A name for this summary string.">;
+  def type_summary_add_category : Option<"category", "w">, Arg<"Name">,
+    Desc<"Add this to the given category instead of the default one.">;
+  def type_summary_add_cascade : Option<"cascade", "C">, Arg<"Boolean">,
+    Desc<"If true, cascade through typedef chains.">;
+  def type_summary_add_no_value : Option<"no-value", "v">,
+    Desc<"Don't show the value, just show the summary, for this type.">;
+  def type_summary_add_skip_pointers : Option<"skip-pointers", "p">,
+    Desc<"Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects.">;
+  def type_summary_add_skip_references : Option<"skip-references", "r">,
+    Desc<"Don't use this format for references-to-type objects.">;
+  def type_summary_add_regex : Option<"regex", "x">,
+    Desc<"Type names are actually regular expressions.">;
+  def type_summary_add_inline_children : Option<"inline-children", "c">,
+    Group<1>, Required,
+    Desc<"If true, inline all child values into summary string.">;
+  def type_summary_add_omit_names : Option<"omit-names", "O">, Group<1>,
+    Desc<"If true, omit value names in the summary display.">;
+  def type_summary_add_summary_string : Option<"summary-string", "s">, Group<2>,
+    Arg<"SummaryString">, Required,
+    Desc<"Summary string used to display text and object contents.">;
+  def type_summary_add_python_script : Option<"python-script", "o">, Group<3>,
+    Arg<"PythonScript">,
+    Desc<"Give a one-liner Python script as part of the command.">;
+  def type_summary_add_python_function : Option<"python-function", "F">,
+    Group<3>, Arg<"PythonFunction">,
+    Desc<"Give the name of a Python function to use for this type.">;
+  def type_summary_add_input_python : Option<"input-python", "P">, Group<3>,
+    Desc<"Input Python code to use for this type manually.">;
+  def type_summary_add_expand : Option<"expand", "e">, Groups<[2,3]>,
+    Desc<"Expand aggregate data types to show children on separate lines.">;
+  def type_summary_add_hide_empty : Option<"hide-empty", "h">, Groups<[2,3]>,
+    Desc<"Do not expand aggregate data types with no children.">;
+  def type_summary_add_name : Option<"name", "n">, Groups<[2,3]>, Arg<"Name">,
+    Desc<"A name for this summary string.">;
 let Command = "type synth add" in {
-  def type_synth_add_cascade : Option<"cascade", "C">, Arg<"Boolean">, Desc<"If true, cascade through typedef chains.">;
-  def type_synth_add_skip_pointers : Option<"skip-pointers", "p">, Desc<"Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects.">;
-  def type_synth_add_skip_references : Option<"skip-references", "r">, Desc<"Don't use this format for references-to-type objects.">;
-  def type_synth_add_category : Option<"category", "w">, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Add this to the given category instead of the default one.">;
-  def type_synth_add_python_class : Option<"python-class", "l">, Group<2>, Arg<"PythonClass">, Desc<"Use this Python class to produce synthetic children.">;
-  def type_synth_add_input_python : Option<"input-python", "P">, Group<3>, Desc<"Type Python code to generate a class that provides synthetic children.">;
-  def type_synth_add_regex : Option<"regex", "x">, Desc<"Type names are actually regular expressions.">;
+  def type_synth_add_cascade : Option<"cascade", "C">, Arg<"Boolean">,
+    Desc<"If true, cascade through typedef chains.">;
+  def type_synth_add_skip_pointers : Option<"skip-pointers", "p">,
+    Desc<"Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects.">;
+  def type_synth_add_skip_references : Option<"skip-references", "r">,
+    Desc<"Don't use this format for references-to-type objects.">;
+  def type_synth_add_category : Option<"category", "w">, Arg<"Name">,
+    Desc<"Add this to the given category instead of the default one.">;
+  def type_synth_add_python_class : Option<"python-class", "l">, Group<2>,
+    Arg<"PythonClass">,
+    Desc<"Use this Python class to produce synthetic children.">;
+  def type_synth_add_input_python : Option<"input-python", "P">, Group<3>,
+    Desc<"Type Python code to generate a class that provides synthetic "
+    "children.">;
+  def type_synth_add_regex : Option<"regex", "x">,
+    Desc<"Type names are actually regular expressions.">;
 let Command = "type format add" in {
-  def type_format_add_category : Option<"category", "w">, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Add this to the given category instead of the default one.">;
-  def type_format_add_cascade : Option<"cascade", "C">, Arg<"Boolean">, Desc<"If true, cascade through typedef chains.">;
-  def type_format_add_skip_pointers : Option<"skip-pointers", "p">, Desc<"Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects.">;
-  def type_format_add_skip_references : Option<"skip-references", "r">, Desc<"Don't use this format for references-to-type objects.">;
-  def type_format_add_regex : Option<"regex", "x">, Desc<"Type names are actually regular expressions.">;
-  def type_format_add_type : Option<"type", "t">, Group<2>, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Format variables as if they were of this type.">;
+  def type_format_add_category : Option<"category", "w">, Arg<"Name">,
+    Desc<"Add this to the given category instead of the default one.">;
+  def type_format_add_cascade : Option<"cascade", "C">, Arg<"Boolean">,
+    Desc<"If true, cascade through typedef chains.">;
+  def type_format_add_skip_pointers : Option<"skip-pointers", "p">,
+    Desc<"Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects.">;
+  def type_format_add_skip_references : Option<"skip-references", "r">,
+    Desc<"Don't use this format for references-to-type objects.">;
+  def type_format_add_regex : Option<"regex", "x">,
+    Desc<"Type names are actually regular expressions.">;
+  def type_format_add_type : Option<"type", "t">, Group<2>, Arg<"Name">,
+    Desc<"Format variables as if they were of this type.">;
 let Command = "type formatter delete" in {
-  def type_formatter_delete_all : Option<"all", "a">, Group<1>, Desc<"Delete from every category.">;
-  def type_formatter_delete_category : Option<"category", "w">, Group<2>, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Delete from given category.">;
-  def type_formatter_delete_language : Option<"language", "l">, Group<3>, Arg<"Language">, Desc<"Delete from given language's category.">;
+  def type_formatter_delete_all : Option<"all", "a">, Group<1>,
+    Desc<"Delete from every category.">;
+  def type_formatter_delete_category : Option<"category", "w">, Group<2>,
+    Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Delete from given category.">;
+  def type_formatter_delete_language : Option<"language", "l">, Group<3>,
+    Arg<"Language">, Desc<"Delete from given language's category.">;
 let Command = "type formatter clear" in {
-  def type_formatter_clear_all : Option<"all", "a">, Desc<"Clear every category.">;
+  def type_formatter_clear_all : Option<"all", "a">,
+    Desc<"Clear every category.">;
 let Command = "type formatter list" in {
-  def type_formatter_list_category_regex : Option<"category-regex", "w">, Group<1>, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Only show categories matching this filter.">;
-  def type_formatter_list_language : Option<"language", "l">, Group<2>, Arg<"Language">, Desc<"Only show the category for a specific language.">;
+  def type_formatter_list_category_regex : Option<"category-regex", "w">,
+    Group<1>, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Only show categories matching this filter.">;
+  def type_formatter_list_language : Option<"language", "l">, Group<2>,
+    Arg<"Language">, Desc<"Only show the category for a specific language.">;
 let Command = "type category define" in {
-  def type_category_define_enabled : Option<"enabled", "e">, Desc<"If specified, this category will be created enabled.">;
-  def type_category_define_language : Option<"language", "l">, Arg<"Language">, Desc<"Specify the language that this category is supported for.">;
+  def type_category_define_enabled : Option<"enabled", "e">,
+    Desc<"If specified, this category will be created enabled.">;
+  def type_category_define_language : Option<"language", "l">, Arg<"Language">,
+    Desc<"Specify the language that this category is supported for.">;
 let Command = "type category enable" in {
-  def type_category_enable_language : Option<"language", "l">, Arg<"Language">, Desc<"Enable the category for this language.">;
+  def type_category_enable_language : Option<"language", "l">, Arg<"Language">,
+    Desc<"Enable the category for this language.">;
 let Command = "type category disable" in {
-  def type_category_disable_language : Option<"language", "l">, Arg<"Language">, Desc<"Enable the category for this language.">;
+  def type_category_disable_language : Option<"language", "l">, Arg<"Language">,
+    Desc<"Enable the category for this language.">;
 let Command = "type filter add" in {
-  def type_filter_add_cascade : Option<"cascade", "C">, Arg<"Boolean">, Desc<"If true, cascade through typedef chains.">;
-  def type_filter_add_skip_pointers : Option<"skip-pointers", "p">, Desc<"Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects.">;
-  def type_filter_add_skip_references : Option<"skip-references", "r">, Desc<"Don't use this format for references-to-type objects.">;
-  def type_filter_add_category : Option<"category", "w">, Arg<"Name">, Desc<"Add this to the given category instead of the default one.">;
-  def type_filter_add_child : Option<"child", "c">, Arg<"ExpressionPath">, Desc<"Include this expression path in the synthetic view.">;
-  def type_filter_add_regex : Option<"regex", "x">, Desc<"Type names are actually regular expressions.">;
+  def type_filter_add_cascade : Option<"cascade", "C">, Arg<"Boolean">,
+    Desc<"If true, cascade through typedef chains.">;
+  def type_filter_add_skip_pointers : Option<"skip-pointers", "p">,
+    Desc<"Don't use this format for pointers-to-type objects.">;
+  def type_filter_add_skip_references : Option<"skip-references", "r">,
+    Desc<"Don't use this format for references-to-type objects.">;
+  def type_filter_add_category : Option<"category", "w">, Arg<"Name">,
+    Desc<"Add this to the given category instead of the default one.">;
+  def type_filter_add_child : Option<"child", "c">, Arg<"ExpressionPath">,
+    Desc<"Include this expression path in the synthetic view.">;
+  def type_filter_add_regex : Option<"regex", "x">,
+    Desc<"Type names are actually regular expressions.">;
 let Command = "type lookup" in {
-  def type_lookup_show_help : Option<"show-help", "h">, Desc<"Display available help for types">;
-  def type_lookup_language : Option<"language", "l">, Arg<"Language">, Desc<"Which language's types should the search scope be">;
+  def type_lookup_show_help : Option<"show-help", "h">,
+    Desc<"Display available help for types">;
+  def type_lookup_language : Option<"language", "l">, Arg<"Language">,
+    Desc<"Which language's types should the search scope be">;
 let Command = "watchpoint list" in {