blob: 14c4e0d95fdad959527bcb952e3bbdf27935b0f7 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-apple-darwin %s -o - | FileCheck %s
declare swifttailcc void @swifttail_callee()
define swifttailcc void @swifttail() {
; CHECK-LABEL: swifttail:
; CHECK-NOT: popq %r14
call void asm "","~{r14}"()
tail call swifttailcc void @swifttail_callee()
ret void
define swifttailcc void @no_preserve_swiftself() {
; CHECK-LABEL: no_preserve_swiftself:
; CHECK-NOT: popq %r13
call void asm "","~{r13}"()
ret void
declare swifttailcc i8* @SwiftSelf(i8 * swiftasync %context, i8* swiftself %closure)
define swiftcc i8* @CallSwiftSelf(i8* swiftself %closure, i8* %context) {
; CHECK-LABEL: CallSwiftSelf:
; CHECK: pushq %r13
;call void asm "","~{r13}"() ; We get a push r13 but why not with the call
; below?
%res = call swifttailcc i8* @SwiftSelf(i8 * swiftasync %context, i8* swiftself %closure)
ret i8* %res