blob: b3014e4c7b19fee5e1e92094fb874b63fb83501b [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=aarch64-linux-gnu -o - %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes CHECK,CHECK-SDAG
; RUN: llc -global-isel -mtriple=aarch64-linux-gnu -o - %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes CHECK,CHECK-GISEL
%big = type i32
@var = dso_local global %big 0
; AAPCS: low 8 bits of %in (== w0) will be either 0 or 1. Need to extend to
; 32-bits.
define dso_local void @consume_i1_arg(i1 %in) {
; CHECK-LABEL: consume_i1_arg:
; CHECK: and [[BOOL32:w[0-9]+]], w0, #{{0x1|0xff}}
; CHECK: str [[BOOL32]], [{{x[0-9]+}}, :lo12:var]
%val = zext i1 %in to %big
store %big %val, %big* @var
ret void
; AAPCS: low 8 bits of %val1 (== w0) will be either 0 or 1. Need to extend to
; 32-bits (doesn't really matter if it's from 1 or 8 bits).
define dso_local void @consume_i1_ret() {
; CHECK-LABEL: consume_i1_ret:
; CHECK: bl produce_i1_ret
; CHECK: and [[BOOL32:w[0-9]+]], w0, #{{0x1|0xff}}
; CHECK: str [[BOOL32]], [{{x[0-9]+}}, :lo12:var]
%val1 = call i1 @produce_i1_ret()
%val = zext i1 %val1 to %big
store %big %val, %big* @var
ret void
; AAPCS: low 8 bits of w0 must be either 0 or 1. Need to mask them off.
define dso_local i1 @produce_i1_ret() {
; CHECK-LABEL: produce_i1_ret:
; CHECK: ldr [[VAR32:w[0-9]+]], [{{x[0-9]+}}, :lo12:var]
; CHECK: and w0, [[VAR32]], #{{0x1|0xff}}
%val = load %big, %big* @var
%val1 = trunc %big %val to i1
ret i1 %val1
define dso_local void @produce_i1_arg() {
; CHECK-LABEL: produce_i1_arg:
; CHECK: ldr [[VAR32:w[0-9]+]], [{{x[0-9]+}}, :lo12:var]
; CHECK: and w0, [[VAR32]], #{{0x1|0xff}}
; CHECK: bl consume_i1_arg
%val = load %big, %big* @var
%val1 = trunc %big %val to i1
call void @consume_i1_arg(i1 %val1)
ret void
define dso_local void @forward_i1_arg1(i1 %in) {
; CHECK-LABEL: forward_i1_arg1:
; CHECK-NOT: and
; CHECK: bl consume_i1_arg
call void @consume_i1_arg(i1 %in)
ret void
define dso_local void @forward_i1_arg2(i1 %in, i1 %cond) {
; CHECK-LABEL: forward_i1_arg2:
; The optimization in SelectionDAG currently fails to recognize that
; %in is already zero-extended to i8 if the call is not in the entry
; block.
; CHECK: bl consume_i1_arg
br i1 %cond, label %true, label %false
call void @consume_i1_arg(i1 %in)
ret void
ret void
;define zeroext i1 @foo(i8 %in) {
; %val = trunc i8 %in to i1
; ret i1 %val