blob: 581f5eab250cf3c5fdeba1db1efbcd7177d02797 [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: %PYTHON %s | FileCheck %s
from import *
from mlir.dialects import sparse_tensor as st
def run(f):
print("\nTEST:", f.__name__)
return f
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testEncodingAttr1D
def testEncodingAttr1D():
with Context() as ctx:
parsed = Attribute.parse(
'#sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], '
'pointerBitWidth = 16, indexBitWidth = 32 }>')
casted = st.EncodingAttr(parsed)
# CHECK: equal: True
print(f"equal: {casted == parsed}")
# CHECK: dim_level_types: [<DimLevelType.compressed: 1>]
print(f"dim_level_types: {casted.dim_level_types}")
# CHECK: dim_ordering: None
# Note that for 1D, the ordering is None, which exercises several special
# cases.
print(f"dim_ordering: {casted.dim_ordering}")
# CHECK: pointer_bit_width: 16
print(f"pointer_bit_width: {casted.pointer_bit_width}")
# CHECK: index_bit_width: 32
print(f"index_bit_width: {casted.index_bit_width}")
created = st.EncodingAttr.get(casted.dim_level_types, None, 16, 32)
# CHECK: created_equal: True
print(f"created_equal: {created == casted}")
# Verify that the factory creates an instance of the proper type.
# CHECK: is_proper_instance: True
print(f"is_proper_instance: {isinstance(created, st.EncodingAttr)}")
# CHECK: created_pointer_bit_width: 16
print(f"created_pointer_bit_width: {created.pointer_bit_width}")
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testEncodingAttr2D
def testEncodingAttr2D():
with Context() as ctx:
parsed = Attribute.parse(
'#sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "dense", "compressed" ], '
'dimOrdering = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>, '
'pointerBitWidth = 16, indexBitWidth = 32 }>')
casted = st.EncodingAttr(parsed)
# CHECK: equal: True
print(f"equal: {casted == parsed}")
# CHECK: dim_level_types: [<DimLevelType.dense: 0>, <DimLevelType.compressed: 1>]
print(f"dim_level_types: {casted.dim_level_types}")
# CHECK: dim_ordering: (d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)
print(f"dim_ordering: {casted.dim_ordering}")
# CHECK: pointer_bit_width: 16
print(f"pointer_bit_width: {casted.pointer_bit_width}")
# CHECK: index_bit_width: 32
print(f"index_bit_width: {casted.index_bit_width}")
created = st.EncodingAttr.get(casted.dim_level_types, casted.dim_ordering,
16, 32)
# CHECK: created_equal: True
print(f"created_equal: {created == casted}")
# CHECK-LABEL: TEST: testEncodingAttrOnTensor
def testEncodingAttrOnTensor():
with Context() as ctx, Location.unknown():
encoding = st.EncodingAttr(Attribute.parse(
'#sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ], '
'pointerBitWidth = 16, indexBitWidth = 32 }>'))
tt = RankedTensorType.get((1024,), F32Type.get(), encoding=encoding)
# CHECK: tensor<1024xf32, #sparse_tensor
# CHECK: #sparse_tensor.encoding
assert tt.encoding == encoding