blob: 9572f45dc4cef5862e5843cc6409a558594245fb [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-translate -test-spirv-roundtrip -split-input-file %s | FileCheck %s
// Selection with both then and else branches
spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
spv.func @selection(%cond: i1) -> () "None" {
// CHECK: spv.Branch ^bb1
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb1:
%zero = spv.Constant 0: i32
%one = spv.Constant 1: i32
%two = spv.Constant 2: i32
%var = spv.Variable init(%zero) : !spv.ptr<i32, Function>
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.mlir.selection control(Flatten)
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Constant 0
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Variable
spv.mlir.selection control(Flatten) {
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.BranchConditional %{{.*}} [5, 10], ^bb1, ^bb2
spv.BranchConditional %cond [5, 10], ^then, ^else
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb1:
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Constant 1
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Store
spv.Store "Function" %var, %one : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Branch ^bb3
spv.Branch ^merge
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb2:
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Constant 2
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Store
spv.Store "Function" %var, %two : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.Branch ^bb3
spv.Branch ^merge
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb3:
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.mlir.merge
spv.func @main() -> () "None" {
spv.EntryPoint "GLCompute" @main
spv.ExecutionMode @main "LocalSize", 1, 1, 1
// -----
// Selection with only then branch
// Selection in function entry block
spv.module Logical GLSL450 requires #spv.vce<v1.0, [Shader], []> {
// CHECK: spv.func @selection(%[[ARG:.*]]: i1
spv.func @selection(%cond: i1) -> (i32) "None" {
// CHECK: spv.Branch ^bb1
// CHECK-NEXT: ^bb1:
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.mlir.selection
spv.mlir.selection {
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.BranchConditional %[[ARG]], ^bb1, ^bb2
spv.BranchConditional %cond, ^then, ^merge
// CHECK: ^bb1:
%zero = spv.Constant 0 : i32
spv.ReturnValue %zero : i32
// CHECK: ^bb2:
// CHECK-NEXT: spv.mlir.merge
%one = spv.Constant 1 : i32
spv.ReturnValue %one : i32
spv.func @main() -> () "None" {
spv.EntryPoint "GLCompute" @main
spv.ExecutionMode @main "LocalSize", 1, 1, 1