blob: ebdf86416a8ccd0763bd5d4f9e53d02f859c0c5f [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt < %s -dfsan -dfsan-event-callbacks=true -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,EVENT_CALLBACKS
; RUN: opt < %s -dfsan -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,FAST
; RUN: opt < %s -dfsan -dfsan-combine-pointer-labels-on-load=false -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR
; RUN: opt < %s -dfsan -dfsan-combine-pointer-labels-on-store=true -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,COMBINE_STORE_PTR
; RUN: opt < %s -dfsan -dfsan-debug-nonzero-labels -S | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS
target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
; CHECK: @__dfsan_arg_tls = external thread_local(initialexec) global [[TLS_ARR:\[100 x i64\]]]
; CHECK: @__dfsan_retval_tls = external thread_local(initialexec) global [[TLS_ARR]]
; CHECK: @__dfsan_shadow_width_bits = weak_odr constant i32 [[#SBITS:]]
; CHECK: @__dfsan_shadow_width_bytes = weak_odr constant i32 [[#SBYTES:]]
define [4 x i8] @pass_array([4 x i8] %a) {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @pass_array.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: %1 = load [4 x i[[#SBITS]]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] %1, [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: @pass_array.dfsan
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: [[L:%.*]] = load [4 x i[[#SBITS]]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: [[L0:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[L]], 0
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: [[L1:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[L]], 1
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: [[L01:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[L0]], [[L1]]
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: [[L2:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[L]], 2
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: [[L012:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[L01]], [[L2]]
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: [[L3:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[L]], 3
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: [[L0123:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[L012]], [[L3]]
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: {{.*}} = icmp ne i[[#SBITS]] [[L0123]], 0
; DEBUG_NONZERO_LABELS: call void @__dfsan_nonzero_label()
ret [4 x i8] %a
%ArrayOfStruct = type [4 x {i8*, i32}]
define %ArrayOfStruct @pass_array_of_struct(%ArrayOfStruct %as) {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @pass_array_of_struct.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: %1 = load [4 x { i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]] }], [4 x { i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]] }]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [4 x { i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]] }]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store [4 x { i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]] }] %1, [4 x { i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]] }]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [4 x { i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]] }]*), align [[ALIGN]]
ret %ArrayOfStruct %as
define [4 x i1]* @alloca_ret_array() {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @alloca_ret_array.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store i[[#SBITS]] 0, i[[#SBITS]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to i[[#SBITS]]*), align 2
%p = alloca [4 x i1]
ret [4 x i1]* %p
define [4 x i1] @load_alloca_array() {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-LABEL: @load_alloca_array.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: %[[#R:]] = alloca i[[#SBITS]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: %p = alloca [4 x i1]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: %[[#R+1]] = load i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* %[[#R]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: %[[#R+2]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] undef, i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+1]], 0
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: %[[#R+3]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R+2]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+1]], 1
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: %[[#R+4]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R+3]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+1]], 2
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: %[[#R+5]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R+4]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+1]], 3
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: %a = load [4 x i1], [4 x i1]* %p
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: store [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R+5]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align 2
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-NEXT: ret [4 x i1] %a
%p = alloca [4 x i1]
%a = load [4 x i1], [4 x i1]* %p
ret [4 x i1] %a
define [0 x i1] @load_array0([0 x i1]* %p) {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @load_array0.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store [0 x i[[#SBITS]]] zeroinitializer, [0 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [0 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align 2
%a = load [0 x i1], [0 x i1]* %p
ret [0 x i1] %a
define [1 x i1] @load_array1([1 x i1]* %p) {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @load_array1.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[L:%.*]] = load i[[#SBITS]],
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[S:%.*]] = insertvalue [1 x i[[#SBITS]]] undef, i[[#SBITS]] [[L]], 0
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store [1 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S]], [1 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [1 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align 2
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: @load_array1.dfsan
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[L:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: call void @__dfsan_load_callback(i[[#SBITS]] [[L]], i8* {{.*}})
; FAST: @load_array1.dfsan
; FAST: [[P:%.*]] = load i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to i[[#SBITS]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; FAST: [[L:%.*]] = load i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* {{.*}}, align [[#SBYTES]]
; FAST: [[U:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[L]], [[P]]
; FAST: [[S1:%.*]] = insertvalue [1 x i[[#SBITS]]] undef, i[[#SBITS]] [[U]], 0
; FAST: store [1 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S1]], [1 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [1 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
%a = load [1 x i1], [1 x i1]* %p
ret [1 x i1] %a
define [2 x i1] @load_array2([2 x i1]* %p) {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @load_array2.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[P1:%.*]] = getelementptr i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[P0:%.*]], i64 1
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-DAG: [[E1:%.*]] = load i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[P1]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-DAG: [[E0:%.*]] = load i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[P0]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[U:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[E0]], [[E1]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[S1:%.*]] = insertvalue [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] undef, i[[#SBITS]] [[U]], 0
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[S2:%.*]] = insertvalue [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S1]], i[[#SBITS]] [[U]], 1
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S2]], [2 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [2 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: @load_array2.dfsan
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[O1:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[O2:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[O1]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: call void @__dfsan_load_callback(i[[#SBITS]] [[O2]], i8* {{.*}})
; FAST: @load_array2.dfsan
; FAST: [[P:%.*]] = load i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to i[[#SBITS]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; FAST: [[O:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]]
; FAST: [[U:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[O]], [[P]]
; FAST: [[S:%.*]] = insertvalue [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] undef, i[[#SBITS]] [[U]], 0
; FAST: [[S1:%.*]] = insertvalue [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S]], i[[#SBITS]] [[U]], 1
; FAST: store [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S1]], [2 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [2 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
%a = load [2 x i1], [2 x i1]* %p
ret [2 x i1] %a
define [4 x i1] @load_array4([4 x i1]* %p) {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @load_array4.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[T:%.*]] = trunc i[[#mul(4, SBITS)]] {{.*}} to i[[#SBITS]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[S1:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] undef, i[[#SBITS]] [[T]], 0
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[S2:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S1]], i[[#SBITS]] [[T]], 1
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[S3:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S2]], i[[#SBITS]] [[T]], 2
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[S4:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S3]], i[[#SBITS]] [[T]], 3
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S4]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align 2
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: @load_array4.dfsan
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[O0:%.*]] = or i[[#mul(4, SBITS)]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[O1:%.*]] = or i[[#mul(4, SBITS)]] [[O0]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[O2:%.*]] = trunc i[[#mul(4, SBITS)]] [[O1]] to i[[#SBITS]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[O3:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[O2]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: call void @__dfsan_load_callback(i[[#SBITS]] [[O3]], i8* {{.*}})
; FAST: @load_array4.dfsan
; FAST: [[T:%.*]] = trunc i[[#mul(4, SBITS)]] {{.*}} to i[[#SBITS]]
; FAST: [[O:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[T]]
; FAST: [[S1:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] undef, i[[#SBITS]] [[O]], 0
; FAST: [[S2:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S1]], i[[#SBITS]] [[O]], 1
; FAST: [[S3:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S2]], i[[#SBITS]] [[O]], 2
; FAST: [[S4:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S3]], i[[#SBITS]] [[O]], 3
; FAST: store [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S4]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align 2
%a = load [4 x i1], [4 x i1]* %p
ret [4 x i1] %a
define i1 @extract_array([4 x i1] %a) {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @extract_array.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[AM:%.*]] = load [4 x i[[#SBITS]]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[EM:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[AM]], 2
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store i[[#SBITS]] [[EM]], i[[#SBITS]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to i[[#SBITS]]*), align 2
%e2 = extractvalue [4 x i1] %a, 2
ret i1 %e2
define [4 x i1] @insert_array([4 x i1] %a, i1 %e2) {
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: @insert_array.dfsan
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[EM:%.*]] = load i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]*
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR-SAME: inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to i64), i64 [[#mul(4, SBYTES)]]) to i[[#SBITS]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[AM:%.*]] = load [4 x i[[#SBITS]]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: [[AM1:%.*]] = insertvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[AM]], i[[#SBITS]] [[EM]], 0
; NO_COMBINE_LOAD_PTR: store [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[AM1]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
%a1 = insertvalue [4 x i1] %a, i1 %e2, 0
ret [4 x i1] %a1
define void @store_alloca_array([4 x i1] %a) {
; FAST: @store_alloca_array.dfsan
; FAST: [[S:%.*]] = load [4 x i[[#SBITS]]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; FAST: [[SP:%.*]] = alloca i[[#SBITS]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; FAST: [[E0:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S]], 0
; FAST: [[E1:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S]], 1
; FAST: [[E01:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[E0]], [[E1]]
; FAST: [[E2:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S]], 2
; FAST: [[E012:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[E01]], [[E2]]
; FAST: [[E3:%.*]] = extractvalue [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S]], 3
; FAST: [[E0123:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[E012]], [[E3]]
; FAST: store i[[#SBITS]] [[E0123]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[SP]], align [[#SBYTES]]
%p = alloca [4 x i1]
store [4 x i1] %a, [4 x i1]* %p
ret void
define void @store_zero_array([4 x i1]* %p) {
; FAST: @store_zero_array.dfsan
; FAST: store i[[#mul(4, SBITS)]] 0, i[[#mul(4, SBITS)]]* {{.*}}
store [4 x i1] zeroinitializer, [4 x i1]* %p
ret void
define void @store_array2([2 x i1] %a, [2 x i1]* %p) {
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: @store_array2.dfsan
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[E12:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]]
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: [[P:%.*]] = bitcast [2 x i1]* %p to i8*
; EVENT_CALLBACKS: call void @__dfsan_store_callback(i[[#SBITS]] [[E12]], i8* [[P]])
; FAST: @store_array2.dfsan
; FAST: [[S:%.*]] = load [2 x i[[#SBITS]]], [2 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [2 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; FAST: [[E1:%.*]] = extractvalue [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S]], 0
; FAST: [[E2:%.*]] = extractvalue [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] [[S]], 1
; FAST: [[E12:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[E1]], [[E2]]
; FAST: [[SP0:%.*]] = getelementptr i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[SP:%.*]], i32 0
; FAST: store i[[#SBITS]] [[E12]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[SP0]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; FAST: [[SP1:%.*]] = getelementptr i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[SP]], i32 1
; FAST: store i[[#SBITS]] [[E12]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[SP1]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; COMBINE_STORE_PTR: @store_array2.dfsan
; COMBINE_STORE_PTR: [[O:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]]
; COMBINE_STORE_PTR: [[U:%.*]] = or i[[#SBITS]] [[O]]
; COMBINE_STORE_PTR: [[P1:%.*]] = getelementptr i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[P:%.*]], i32 0
; COMBINE_STORE_PTR: store i[[#SBITS]] [[U]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[P1]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; COMBINE_STORE_PTR: [[P2:%.*]] = getelementptr i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[P]], i32 1
; COMBINE_STORE_PTR: store i[[#SBITS]] [[U]], i[[#SBITS]]* [[P2]], align [[#SBYTES]]
store [2 x i1] %a, [2 x i1]* %p
ret void
define void @store_array17([17 x i1] %a, [17 x i1]* %p) {
; FAST: @store_array17.dfsan
; FAST: %[[#R:]] = load [17 x i[[#SBITS]]], [17 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [17 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align 2
; FAST: %[[#R+1]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 0
; FAST: %[[#R+2]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 1
; FAST: %[[#R+3]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+1]], %[[#R+2]]
; FAST: %[[#R+4]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 2
; FAST: %[[#R+5]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+3]], %[[#R+4]]
; FAST: %[[#R+6]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 3
; FAST: %[[#R+7]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+5]], %[[#R+6]]
; FAST: %[[#R+8]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 4
; FAST: %[[#R+9]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+7]], %[[#R+8]]
; FAST: %[[#R+10]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 5
; FAST: %[[#R+11]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+9]], %[[#R+10]]
; FAST: %[[#R+12]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 6
; FAST: %[[#R+13]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+11]], %[[#R+12]]
; FAST: %[[#R+14]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 7
; FAST: %[[#R+15]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+13]], %[[#R+14]]
; FAST: %[[#R+16]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 8
; FAST: %[[#R+17]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+15]], %[[#R+16]]
; FAST: %[[#R+18]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 9
; FAST: %[[#R+19]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+17]], %[[#R+18]]
; FAST: %[[#R+20]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 10
; FAST: %[[#R+21]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+19]], %[[#R+20]]
; FAST: %[[#R+22]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 11
; FAST: %[[#R+23]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+21]], %[[#R+22]]
; FAST: %[[#R+24]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 12
; FAST: %[[#R+25]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+23]], %[[#R+24]]
; FAST: %[[#R+26]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 13
; FAST: %[[#R+27]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+25]], %[[#R+26]]
; FAST: %[[#R+28]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 14
; FAST: %[[#R+29]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+27]], %[[#R+28]]
; FAST: %[[#R+30]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 15
; FAST: %[[#R+31]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+29]], %[[#R+30]]
; FAST: %[[#R+32]] = extractvalue [17 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], 16
; FAST: %[[#R+33]] = or i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+31]], %[[#R+32]]
; FAST: %[[#VREG:]] = insertelement <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> undef, i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i32 0
; FAST: %[[#VREG+1]] = insertelement <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i32 1
; FAST: %[[#VREG+2]] = insertelement <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG+1]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i32 2
; FAST: %[[#VREG+3]] = insertelement <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG+2]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i32 3
; FAST: %[[#VREG+4]] = insertelement <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG+3]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i32 4
; FAST: %[[#VREG+5]] = insertelement <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG+4]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i32 5
; FAST: %[[#VREG+6]] = insertelement <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG+5]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i32 6
; FAST: %[[#VREG+7]] = insertelement <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG+6]], i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i32 7
; FAST: %[[#VREG+8]] = bitcast i[[#SBITS]]* %[[P:.*]] to <8 x i[[#SBITS]]>*
; FAST: %[[#VREG+9]] = getelementptr <8 x i[[#SBITS]]>, <8 x i[[#SBITS]]>* %[[#VREG+8]], i32 0
; FAST: store <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG+7]], <8 x i[[#SBITS]]>* %[[#VREG+9]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; FAST: %[[#VREG+10]] = getelementptr <8 x i[[#SBITS]]>, <8 x i[[#SBITS]]>* %[[#VREG+8]], i32 1
; FAST: store <8 x i[[#SBITS]]> %[[#VREG+7]], <8 x i[[#SBITS]]>* %[[#VREG+10]], align [[#SBYTES]]
; FAST: %[[#VREG+11]] = getelementptr i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* %[[P]], i32 16
; FAST: store i[[#SBITS]] %[[#R+33]], i[[#SBITS]]* %[[#VREG+11]], align [[#SBYTES]]
store [17 x i1] %a, [17 x i1]* %p
ret void
define [2 x i32] @const_array() {
; FAST: @const_array.dfsan
; FAST: store [2 x i[[#SBITS]]] zeroinitializer, [2 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [2 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align 2
ret [2 x i32] [ i32 42, i32 11 ]
define [4 x i8] @call_array([4 x i8] %a) {
; FAST-LABEL: @call_array.dfsan
; FAST: %[[#R:]] = load [4 x i[[#SBITS]]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; FAST: store [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] %[[#R]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
; FAST: %_dfsret = load [4 x i[[#SBITS]]], [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
; FAST: store [4 x i[[#SBITS]]] %_dfsret, [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to [4 x i[[#SBITS]]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
%r = call [4 x i8] @pass_array([4 x i8] %a)
ret [4 x i8] %r
%LargeArr = type [1000 x i8]
define i8 @fun_with_large_args(i1 %i, %LargeArr %a) {
; FAST: @fun_with_large_args.dfsan
; FAST: store i[[#SBITS]] 0, i[[#SBITS]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to i[[#SBITS]]*), align 2
%r = extractvalue %LargeArr %a, 0
ret i8 %r
define %LargeArr @fun_with_large_ret() {
; FAST: @fun_with_large_ret.dfsan
; FAST-NEXT: ret [1000 x i8] zeroinitializer
ret %LargeArr zeroinitializer
define i8 @call_fun_with_large_ret() {
; FAST: @call_fun_with_large_ret.dfsan
; FAST: store i[[#SBITS]] 0, i[[#SBITS]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_retval_tls to i[[#SBITS]]*), align 2
%r = call %LargeArr @fun_with_large_ret()
%e = extractvalue %LargeArr %r, 0
ret i8 %e
define i8 @call_fun_with_large_args(i1 %i, %LargeArr %a) {
; FAST: @call_fun_with_large_args.dfsan
; FAST: [[I:%.*]] = load i[[#SBITS]], i[[#SBITS]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to i[[#SBITS]]*), align [[ALIGN:2]]
; FAST: store i[[#SBITS]] [[I]], i[[#SBITS]]* bitcast ([[TLS_ARR]]* @__dfsan_arg_tls to i[[#SBITS]]*), align [[ALIGN]]
; FAST: %r = call i8 @fun_with_large_args.dfsan(i1 %i, [1000 x i8] %a)
%r = call i8 @fun_with_large_args(i1 %i, %LargeArr %a)
ret i8 %r