blob: 71af17a1f3d02e8139ae69705ac6087733bab420 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -std=c++11 -analyzer-checker=core,cplusplus,alpha.cplusplus.IteratorRange -analyzer-config aggressive-binary-operation-simplification=true -analyzer-config c++-container-inlining=false %s -verify
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -std=c++11 -analyzer-checker=core,cplusplus,alpha.cplusplus.IteratorRange -analyzer-config aggressive-binary-operation-simplification=true -analyzer-config c++-container-inlining=true -DINLINE=1 %s -verify
#include "Inputs/system-header-simulator-cxx.h"
void clang_analyzer_warnIfReached();
// Dereference - operator*()
void deref_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
*i; // no-warning
void deref_begind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
*i; // no-warning
template <typename Iter> Iter return_any_iterator(const Iter &It);
void deref_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
*i; // no-warning
void deref_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
*i; // no-warning
void deref_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
*i; // expected-warning{{Past-the-end iterator dereferenced}}
// Prefix increment - operator++()
void incr_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
++i; // no-warning
void incr_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
++i; // no-warning
void incr_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
++i; // no-warning
void incr_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
++i; // no-warning
void incr_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
++i; // expected-warning{{Iterator incremented behind the past-the-end iterator}}
// Postfix increment - operator++(int)
void begin_incr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
i++; // no-warning
void behind_begin_incr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
i++; // no-warning
void unknown_incr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
i++; // no-warning
void ahead_of_end_incr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
i++; // no-warning
void end_incr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
i++; // expected-warning{{Iterator incremented behind the past-the-end iterator}}
// Prefix decrement - operator--()
void decr_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
--i; // expected-warning{{Iterator decremented ahead of its valid range}}
void decr_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
--i; // no-warning
void decr_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
--i; // no-warning
void decr_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
--i; // no-warning
void decr_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
--i; // no-warning
// Postfix decrement - operator--(int)
void begin_decr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
i--; // expected-warning{{Iterator decremented ahead of its valid range}}
void behind_begin_decr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
i--; // no-warning
void unknown_decr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
i--; // no-warning
void ahead_of_end_decr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
i--; // no-warning
void end_decr(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
i--; // no-warning
// Addition assignment - operator+=(int)
void incr_by_2_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
i += 2; // no-warning
void incr_by_2_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
i += 2; // no-warning
void incr_by_2_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
i += 2; // no-warning
void incr_by_2_ahead_by_2_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
i += 2; // no-warning
void incr_by_2_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
i += 2; // expected-warning{{Iterator incremented behind the past-the-end iterator}}
void incr_by_2_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
i += 2; // expected-warning{{Iterator incremented behind the past-the-end iterator}}
// Addition - operator+(int)
void incr_by_2_copy_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
auto j = i + 2; // no-warning
void incr_by_2_copy_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
auto j = i + 2; // no-warning
void incr_by_2_copy_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
auto j = i + 2; // no-warning
void incr_by_2_copy_ahead_by_2_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
auto j = i + 2; // no-warning
void incr_by_2_copy_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
auto j = i + 2; // expected-warning{{Iterator incremented behind the past-the-end iterator}}
void incr_by_2_copy_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
auto j = i + 2; // expected-warning{{Iterator incremented behind the past-the-end iterator}}
// Subtraction assignment - operator-=(int)
void decr_by_2_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
i -= 2; // expected-warning{{Iterator decremented ahead of its valid range}}
void decr_by_2_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
i -= 2; // expected-warning{{Iterator decremented ahead of its valid range}}
void decr_by_2_behind_begin_by_2(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
i -= 2; // no-warning
void decr_by_2_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
i -= 2; // no-warning
void decr_by_2_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
i -= 2; // no-warning
void decr_by_2_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
i -= 2; // no-warning
// Subtraction - operator-(int)
void decr_by_2_copy_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
auto j = i - 2; // expected-warning{{Iterator decremented ahead of its valid range}}
void decr_by_2_copy_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
auto j = i - 2; // expected-warning{{Iterator decremented ahead of its valid range}}
void decr_by_2_copy_behind_begin_by_2(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
auto j = i - 2; // no-warning
void decr_by_2_copy_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
auto j = i - 2; // no-warning
void decr_by_2_copy_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
auto j = i - 2; // no-warning
void decr_by_2_copy_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
auto j = i - 2; // no-warning
// Subscript - operator[](int)
// By zero
void subscript_zero_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
auto j = i[0]; // no-warning
void subscript_zero_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
auto j = i[0]; // no-warning
void subscript_zero_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
auto j = i[0]; // no-warning
void subscript_zero_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
auto j = i[0]; // no-warning
void subscript_zero_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
auto j = i[0]; // expected-warning{{Past-the-end iterator dereferenced}}
// By negative number
void subscript_negative_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
auto j = i[-1]; // no-warning FIXME: expect warning Iterator decremented ahead of its valid range
void subscript_negative_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
auto j = i[-1]; // no-warning
void subscript_negative_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
auto j = i[-1]; // no-warning
void subscript_negative_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
auto j = i[-1]; // no-warning
void subscript_negative_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
auto j = i[-1]; // // expected-warning{{Past-the-end iterator dereferenced}} FIXME: expect no warning
// By positive number
void subscript_positive_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
auto j = i[1]; // no-warning
void subscript_positive_behind_begin(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = ++V.begin();
auto j = i[1]; // no-warning
void subscript_positive_unknown(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = return_any_iterator(V.begin());
auto j = i[1]; // no-warning
void subscript_positive_ahead_of_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = --V.end();
auto j = i[1]; // no-warning FIXME: expected warning Past-the-end iterator dereferenced
void subscript_positive_end(const std::vector<int> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
auto j = i[1]; // expected-warning{{Past-the-end iterator dereferenced}} FIXME: expect warning Iterator incremented behind the past-the-end iterator
// Structure member dereference operators
struct S {
int n;
// Member dereference - operator->()
void arrow_deref_begin(const std::vector<S> &V) {
auto i = V.begin();
int n = i->n; // no-warning
void arrow_deref_end(const std::vector<S> &V) {
auto i = V.end();
int n = i->n; // expected-warning{{Past-the-end iterator dereferenced}}