blob: 66cd8c002ff2cdae0b2542dd12dff504c22e5e1d [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Builders.h - MLIR Declarative Linalg Builders ------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Provides intuitive composable interfaces for building structured MLIR
// snippets in a declarative fashion.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/IR/LinalgOps.h"
// TODO(ntv): Needed for SubViewOp::Range, clean this up.
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StructuredOpsUtils.h"
#include "mlir/EDSC/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/EDSC/Intrinsics.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
namespace mlir {
class AffineForOp;
class BlockArgument;
class SubViewOp;
namespace loop {
class ParallelOp;
} // namespace loop
namespace edsc {
class AffineLoopNestBuilder;
class ParallelLoopNestBuilder;
/// A LoopRangeBuilder is a generic NestedBuilder for loop.for operations.
/// More specifically it is meant to be used as a temporary object for
/// representing any nested MLIR construct that is "related to" an mlir::Value
/// (for now an induction variable).
class LoopRangeBuilder : public NestedBuilder {
/// Constructs a new loop.for and captures the associated induction
/// variable. A ValueHandle pointer is passed as the first argument and is the
/// *only* way to capture the loop induction variable.
LoopRangeBuilder(ValueHandle *iv, ValueHandle range);
LoopRangeBuilder(ValueHandle *iv, Value range);
LoopRangeBuilder(ValueHandle *iv, SubViewOp::Range range);
LoopRangeBuilder(const LoopRangeBuilder &) = delete;
LoopRangeBuilder(LoopRangeBuilder &&) = default;
LoopRangeBuilder &operator=(const LoopRangeBuilder &) = delete;
LoopRangeBuilder &operator=(LoopRangeBuilder &&) = default;
/// The only purpose of this operator is to serve as a sequence point so that
/// the evaluation of `fun` (which build IR snippets in a scoped fashion) is
/// scoped within a LoopRangeBuilder.
ValueHandle operator()(std::function<void(void)> fun = nullptr);
/// Helper class to sugar building loop.for loop nests from ranges.
/// This is similar to edsc::AffineLoopNestBuilder except it works on ranges
/// directly. In the current implementation it produces loop.for operations.
class LoopNestRangeBuilder {
LoopNestRangeBuilder(ArrayRef<edsc::ValueHandle *> ivs,
ArrayRef<edsc::ValueHandle> ranges);
LoopNestRangeBuilder(ArrayRef<edsc::ValueHandle *> ivs,
ArrayRef<Value> ranges);
LoopNestRangeBuilder(ArrayRef<edsc::ValueHandle *> ivs,
ArrayRef<SubViewOp::Range> ranges);
edsc::ValueHandle operator()(std::function<void(void)> fun = nullptr);
SmallVector<LoopRangeBuilder, 4> loops;
/// Helper template class for building loop.for and affine.loop nests from
/// ranges.
template <typename LoopTy> class GenericLoopNestRangeBuilder {
GenericLoopNestRangeBuilder(ArrayRef<edsc::ValueHandle *> ivs,
ArrayRef<Value> ranges);
void operator()(std::function<void(void)> fun = nullptr) { (*builder)(fun); }
using LoopOrAffineLoopBuilder =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<LoopTy, AffineForOp>::value,
AffineLoopNestBuilder, LoopNestRangeBuilder>;
using BuilderType =
typename std::conditional_t<std::is_same<LoopTy, loop::ParallelOp>::value,
std::unique_ptr<BuilderType> builder;
inline void defaultRegionBuilder(ArrayRef<BlockArgument> args) {}
/// Build a `linalg.generic` op with the specified `inputs`, `outputs` and
/// `region`.
/// `otherValues` and `otherAttributes` may be passed and will be appended as
/// operands and attributes respectively.
/// Prerequisites:
/// =============
/// 1. `inputs` may contain StructuredIndexed that capture either buffer or
/// tensor values.
/// 2. `outputs` may contain StructuredIndexed that capture either buffer values
/// or tensor types. If both buffer values and tensor types are present, then
/// all buffer values must appear before any tensor type. Without this
/// restriction output tensor results would need to be reordered, which would
/// result in surprising behavior when combined with region definition.
Operation *makeGenericLinalgOp(
ArrayRef<IteratorType> iteratorTypes, ArrayRef<StructuredIndexed> inputs,
ArrayRef<StructuredIndexed> outputs,
function_ref<void(ArrayRef<BlockArgument>)> regionBuilder =
ArrayRef<Value> otherValues = {}, ArrayRef<Attribute> otherAttributes = {});
namespace ops {
using edsc::StructuredIndexed;
using edsc::ValueHandle;
// EDSC builders for linalg generic operations.
/// Build the body of a region to compute a scalar multiply, under the current
/// ScopedContext, at the current insert point.
void mulRegionBuilder(ArrayRef<BlockArgument> args);
/// Build the body of a region to compute a scalar multiply-accumulate, under
/// the current ScopedContext, at the current insert point.
void macRegionBuilder(ArrayRef<BlockArgument> args);
/// TODO(ntv): In the future we should tie these implementations to something in
/// Tablegen that generates the proper interfaces and the proper sugared named
/// ops.
/// Build a linalg.pointwise, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (i0, ..., in) = (par, ..., par)
/// |
/// | O...(some_subset...(i0, ..., in)) =
/// | some_pointwise_func...(I...(some_other_subset...(i0, ..., in)))
/// ```
/// This is a very generic entry point that can be configured in many ways to
/// build a perfect loop nest of parallel loops with arbitrarily complex
/// innermost loop code and whatever (explicit) broadcast semantics.
/// This can be used with both out-of-place and in-place semantics.
/// The client is responsible for ensuring the region operations are compatible
/// with in-place semantics and parallelism.
/// Unary pointwise operation (with broadcast) entry point.
using UnaryPointwiseOpBuilder = function_ref<Value(ValueHandle)>;
Operation *linalg_generic_pointwise(UnaryPointwiseOpBuilder unaryOp,
StructuredIndexed I, StructuredIndexed O);
/// Build a linalg.pointwise with all `parallel` iterators and a region that
/// computes `O = tanh(I)`. The client is responsible for specifying the proper
/// indexings when creating the StructuredIndexed.
Operation *linalg_generic_pointwise_tanh(StructuredIndexed I,
StructuredIndexed O);
/// Binary pointwise operation (with broadcast) entry point.
using BinaryPointwiseOpBuilder = function_ref<Value(ValueHandle, ValueHandle)>;
Operation *linalg_generic_pointwise(BinaryPointwiseOpBuilder binaryOp,
StructuredIndexed I1, StructuredIndexed I2,
StructuredIndexed O);
/// Build a linalg.pointwise with all `parallel` iterators and a region that
/// computes `O = I1 + I2`. The client is responsible for specifying the proper
/// indexings when creating the StructuredIndexed.
Operation *linalg_generic_pointwise_add(StructuredIndexed I1,
StructuredIndexed I2,
StructuredIndexed O);
/// Build a linalg.pointwise with all `parallel` iterators and a region that
/// computes `O = max(I1, I2)`. The client is responsible for specifying the
/// proper indexings when creating the StructuredIndexed.
Operation *linalg_generic_pointwise_max(StructuredIndexed I1,
StructuredIndexed I2,
StructuredIndexed O);
// TODO(ntv): Implement more useful pointwise operations on a per-need basis.
using MatmulRegionBuilder = function_ref<void(ArrayRef<BlockArgument> args)>;
/// Build a linalg.generic, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (m, n, k) = (par, par, seq)
/// |
/// | C(m, n) += A(m, k) * B(k, n)
/// ```
Operation *
linalg_generic_matmul(ValueHandle vA, ValueHandle vB, ValueHandle vC,
MatmulRegionBuilder regionBuilder = macRegionBuilder);
/// Build a linalg.generic, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (m, n, k) = (par, par, seq)
/// |
/// | C(m, n) = sum_k(A(m, k) * B(k, n))
/// ```
/// and returns the tensor `C`.
Operation *
linalg_generic_matmul(ValueHandle vA, ValueHandle vB, RankedTensorType tC,
MatmulRegionBuilder regionBuilder = mulRegionBuilder);
/// Build a linalg.generic, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (m, n, k) = (par, par, seq)
/// |
/// | D(m, n) = C(m, n) + sum_k(A(m, k) * B(k, n))
/// ```
/// and returns the tensor `D`.
Operation *
linalg_generic_matmul(ValueHandle vA, ValueHandle vB, ValueHandle vC,
RankedTensorType tD,
MatmulRegionBuilder regionBuilder = macRegionBuilder);
template <typename Container>
Operation *
linalg_generic_matmul(Container values,
MatmulRegionBuilder regionBuilder = macRegionBuilder) {
assert(values.size() == 3 && "Expected exactly 3 values");
return linalg_generic_matmul(values[0], values[1], values[2], regionBuilder);
/// Build a linalg.generic, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (batch, f, [h, w, ...], [kh, kw, ...], c) =
/// | (par, par, [par, par, ...], [red, red, ...], red)
/// |
/// | O(batch, [h, w, ...], f) +=
/// | I(batch,
/// | [
/// | stride[0] * h + dilations[0] * kh,
/// | stride[1] * w + dilations[1] * kw, ...
/// ],
/// | c)
/// | *
/// | W([kh, kw, ...], c, f)
/// ```
/// If `dilations` or `strides` are left empty, the default value of `1` is used
/// along each relevant dimension.
/// For now `...` must be empty (i.e. only 2-D convolutions are supported).
// TODO(ntv) Extend convolution rank with some template magic.
Operation *linalg_generic_conv_nhwc(ValueHandle vI, ValueHandle vW,
ValueHandle vO, ArrayRef<int> strides = {},
ArrayRef<int> dilations = {});
template <typename Container>
Operation *linalg_generic_conv_nhwc(Container values,
ArrayRef<int> strides = {},
ArrayRef<int> dilations = {}) {
assert(values.size() == 3 && "Expected exactly 3 values");
return linalg_generic_conv_nhwc(values[0], values[1], values[2], strides,
/// Build a linalg.generic, under the current ScopedContext, at the current
/// insert point, that computes:
/// ```
/// (batch, dm, c, [h, w, ...], [kh, kw, ...]) =
/// | (par, par, par, [par, par, ...], [red, red, ...])
/// |
/// | O(batch, [h, w, ...], c * depth_multiplier) +=
/// | I(batch,
/// | [
/// | stride[0] * h + dilations[0] * kh,
/// | stride[1] * w + dilations[1] * kw, ...
/// ],
/// | c)
/// | *
/// | W([kh, kw, ...], c, depth_multiplier)
/// ```
/// If `dilations` or `strides` are left empty, the default value of `1` is used
/// along each relevant dimension.
/// For now `...` must be empty (i.e. only 2-D convolutions are supported).
// TODO(ntv) Extend convolution rank with some template magic.
Operation *linalg_generic_dilated_conv_nhwc(ValueHandle vI, ValueHandle vW,
ValueHandle vO,
int depth_multiplier = 1,
ArrayRef<int> strides = {},
ArrayRef<int> dilations = {});
template <typename Container>
Operation *linalg_generic_dilated_conv_nhwc(Container values,
int depth_multiplier,
ArrayRef<int> strides = {},
ArrayRef<int> dilations = {}) {
assert(values.size() == 3 && "Expected exactly 3 values");
return linalg_generic_dilated_conv_nhwc(values[0], values[1], values[2],
depth_multiplier, strides, dilations);
} // namespace ops
} // namespace edsc
} // namespace mlir