blob: bbd08ae1581714909651883379c77b6ec48d17b0 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc -mtriple=riscv32 -mattr=+f -verify-machineinstrs < %s \
; RUN: | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=RV32IF
; Exercises the ILP32 calling convention code in the case that f32 is a legal
; type. As well as testing that lowering is correct, these tests also aim to
; check that floating point load/store or integer load/store is chosen
; optimally when floats are passed on the stack.
define float @onstack_f32_noop(i64 %a, i64 %b, i64 %c, i64 %d, float %e, float %f) nounwind {
; RV32IF-LABEL: onstack_f32_noop:
; RV32IF: # %bb.0:
; RV32IF-NEXT: lw a0, 4(sp)
; RV32IF-NEXT: ret
ret float %f
define float @onstack_f32_fadd(i64 %a, i64 %b, i64 %c, i64 %d, float %e, float %f) nounwind {
; RV32IF-LABEL: onstack_f32_fadd:
; RV32IF: # %bb.0:
; RV32IF-NEXT: flw ft0, 4(sp)
; RV32IF-NEXT: flw ft1, 0(sp)
; RV32IF-NEXT: fadd.s ft0, ft1, ft0
; RV32IF-NEXT: fmv.x.w a0, ft0
; RV32IF-NEXT: ret
%1 = fadd float %e, %f
ret float %1
define float @caller_onstack_f32_noop(float %a) nounwind {
; RV32IF-LABEL: caller_onstack_f32_noop:
; RV32IF: # %bb.0:
; RV32IF-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -16
; RV32IF-NEXT: sw ra, 12(sp) # 4-byte Folded Spill
; RV32IF-NEXT: sw a0, 4(sp)
; RV32IF-NEXT: lui a1, 264704
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a0, 1
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a2, 2
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a4, 3
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a6, 4
; RV32IF-NEXT: sw a1, 0(sp)
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a1, 0
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a3, 0
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a5, 0
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a7, 0
; RV32IF-NEXT: call onstack_f32_noop@plt
; RV32IF-NEXT: lw ra, 12(sp) # 4-byte Folded Reload
; RV32IF-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 16
; RV32IF-NEXT: ret
%1 = call float @onstack_f32_noop(i64 1, i64 2, i64 3, i64 4, float 5.0, float %a)
ret float %1
define float @caller_onstack_f32_fadd(float %a, float %b) nounwind {
; RV32IF-LABEL: caller_onstack_f32_fadd:
; RV32IF: # %bb.0:
; RV32IF-NEXT: addi sp, sp, -16
; RV32IF-NEXT: sw ra, 12(sp) # 4-byte Folded Spill
; RV32IF-NEXT: fmv.w.x ft0, a1
; RV32IF-NEXT: fmv.w.x ft1, a0
; RV32IF-NEXT: fadd.s ft2, ft1, ft0
; RV32IF-NEXT: fsub.s ft0, ft0, ft1
; RV32IF-NEXT: fsw ft0, 4(sp)
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a0, 1
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a2, 2
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a4, 3
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a6, 4
; RV32IF-NEXT: fsw ft2, 0(sp)
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a1, 0
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a3, 0
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a5, 0
; RV32IF-NEXT: li a7, 0
; RV32IF-NEXT: call onstack_f32_noop@plt
; RV32IF-NEXT: lw ra, 12(sp) # 4-byte Folded Reload
; RV32IF-NEXT: addi sp, sp, 16
; RV32IF-NEXT: ret
%1 = fadd float %a, %b
%2 = fsub float %b, %a
%3 = call float @onstack_f32_noop(i64 1, i64 2, i64 3, i64 4, float %1, float %2)
ret float %3