blob: 69a17db39e1e3356c061b32ee81a352eb8ee2e3d [file] [log] [blame]
declare_args() {
# Use exceptions.
libcxxabi_enable_exceptions = true
# Build libc++abi with definitions for operator new/delete.
libcxxabi_enable_new_delete_definitions = true
# Build libcxxabi as a shared library.
libcxxabi_enable_shared = true
# Build libcxxabi as a static library.
libcxxabi_enable_static = true
# Do not export any symbols from the static library.
libcxxabi_hermetic_static_library = true
cxxabi_headers = [
# Make `gn format` not collapse this, for
cxxabi_sources = [
# C++ABI files
# C++ STL files
# Internal files
if (libcxxabi_enable_new_delete_definitions) {
cxxabi_sources += [ "stdlib_new_delete.cpp" ]
if (libcxxabi_enable_exceptions) {
cxxabi_sources += [
} else {
cxxabi_sources += [ "cxa_noexception.cpp" ]
if (target_os == "linux" || target_os == "fuchsia") {
cxxabi_sources += [ "cxa_thread_atexit.cpp" ]
config("cxxabi_config") {
include_dirs = [
# Some files depend on libc++ internals.
cflags_cc = [ "-nostdinc++" ]
if (target_os == "win") {
if (libcxxabi_enable_shared) {
shared_library("cxxabi_shared") {
output_dir = runtimes_dir
output_name = "c++abi"
if (target_os == "linux" || target_os == "mac") {
cflags = [ "-fPIC" ]
ldflags = [ "-nostdlib++" ]
libs = [
sources = cxxabi_sources
public = cxxabi_headers
deps = [
configs += [ ":cxxabi_config" ]
configs -= [
if (libcxxabi_enable_static) {
static_library("cxxabi_static") {
output_dir = runtimes_dir
output_name = "c++abi"
complete_static_lib = true
configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ]
sources = cxxabi_sources
public = cxxabi_headers
if (libcxxabi_hermetic_static_library) {
cflags = [ "-fvisibility=hidden" ]
if (libcxxabi_enable_new_delete_definitions) {
cflags_cc = [ "-fvisibility-global-new-delete-hidden" ]
defines = [
deps = [
configs += [ ":cxxabi_config" ]
configs -= [
group("src") {
deps = []
if (libcxxabi_enable_shared) {
deps += [ ":cxxabi_shared" ]
if (libcxxabi_enable_static) {
deps += [ ":cxxabi_static" ]