blob: 14be5a3faf3ebe3155ad6a47aa9c1b920d79e130 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AffineStructuresParserTest.cpp - FAC parsing unit tests --*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains tests for parsing IntegerSets to FlatAffineConstraints.
// The tests with invalid input check that the parser only accepts well-formed
// IntegerSets. The tests with well-formed input compare the returned FACs to
// manually constructed FACs with a PresburgerSet equality check.
#include "./AffineStructuresParser.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/PresburgerSet.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace mlir {
/// Construct a FlatAffineConstraints from a set of inequality, equality, and
/// division onstraints.
static FlatAffineConstraints makeFACFromConstraints(
unsigned dims, unsigned syms, ArrayRef<SmallVector<int64_t, 4>> ineqs,
ArrayRef<SmallVector<int64_t, 4>> eqs = {},
ArrayRef<std::pair<SmallVector<int64_t, 4>, int64_t>> divs = {}) {
FlatAffineConstraints fac(ineqs.size(), eqs.size(), dims + syms + 1, dims,
syms, 0);
for (const auto &div : divs)
fac.addLocalFloorDiv(div.first, div.second);
for (const auto &eq : eqs)
for (const auto &ineq : ineqs)
return fac;
TEST(ParseFACTest, InvalidInputTest) {
MLIRContext context;
FailureOr<FlatAffineConstraints> fac;
fac = parseIntegerSetToFAC("(x)", &context, false);
<< "should not accept strings with no constraint list";
fac = parseIntegerSetToFAC("(x)[] : ())", &context, false);
<< "should not accept strings that contain remaining characters";
fac = parseIntegerSetToFAC("(x)[] : (x - >= 0)", &context, false);
<< "should not accept strings that contain incomplete constraints";
fac = parseIntegerSetToFAC("(x)[] : (y == 0)", &context, false);
<< "should not accept strings that contain unkown identifiers";
fac = parseIntegerSetToFAC("(x, x) : (2 * x >= 0)", &context, false);
<< "should not accept strings that contain repeated identifier names";
fac = parseIntegerSetToFAC("(x)[x] : (2 * x >= 0)", &context, false);
<< "should not accept strings that contain repeated identifier names";
fac = parseIntegerSetToFAC("(x) : (2 * x + 9223372036854775808 >= 0)",
&context, false);
EXPECT_TRUE(failed(fac)) << "should not accept strings with integer literals "
"that do not fit into int64_t";
/// Parses and compares the `str` to the `ex`. The equality check is performed
/// by using PresburgerSet::isEqual
static bool parseAndCompare(StringRef str, FlatAffineConstraints ex,
MLIRContext *context) {
FailureOr<FlatAffineConstraints> fac = parseIntegerSetToFAC(str, context);
return PresburgerSet(*fac).isEqual(PresburgerSet(ex));
TEST(ParseFACTest, ParseAndCompareTest) {
MLIRContext context;
// simple ineq
"(x)[] : (x >= 0)", makeFACFromConstraints(1, 0, {{1, 0}}), &context));
// simple eq
EXPECT_TRUE(parseAndCompare("(x)[] : (x == 0)",
makeFACFromConstraints(1, 0, {}, {{1, 0}}),
// multiple constraints
EXPECT_TRUE(parseAndCompare("(x)[] : (7 * x >= 0, -7 * x + 5 >= 0)",
makeFACFromConstraints(1, 0, {{7, 0}, {-7, 5}}),
// multiple dimensions
EXPECT_TRUE(parseAndCompare("(x,y,z)[] : (x + y - z >= 0)",
makeFACFromConstraints(3, 0, {{1, 1, -1, 0}}),
// dimensions and symbols
"(x,y,z)[a,b] : (x + y - z + 2 * a - 15 * b >= 0)",
makeFACFromConstraints(3, 2, {{1, 1, -1, 2, -15, 0}}), &context));
// only symbols
EXPECT_TRUE(parseAndCompare("()[a] : (2 * a - 4 == 0)",
makeFACFromConstraints(0, 1, {}, {{2, -4}}),
// simple floordiv
"(x, y) : (y - 3 * ((x + y - 13) floordiv 3) - 42 == 0)",
makeFACFromConstraints(2, 0, {}, {{0, 1, -3, -42}}, {{{1, 1, -13}, 3}}),
// multiple floordiv
"(x, y) : (y - x floordiv 3 - y floordiv 2 == 0)",
makeFACFromConstraints(2, 0, {}, {{0, 1, -1, -1, 0}},
{{{1, 0, 0}, 3}, {{0, 1, 0, 0}, 2}}),
// nested floordiv
"(x, y) : (y - (x + y floordiv 2) floordiv 3 == 0)",
makeFACFromConstraints(2, 0, {}, {{0, 1, 0, -1, 0}},
{{{0, 1, 0}, 2}, {{1, 0, 1, 0}, 3}}),
} // namespace mlir