blob: c913e3514a8ad53513b90a94f8d7098de87dc8ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines common utilities for generating C++ from tablegen
// structures.
#include "mlir/TableGen/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Format.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
namespace llvm {
class RecordKeeper;
} // namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
namespace tblgen {
class Constraint;
class DagLeaf;
// Simple RAII helper for defining ifdef-undef-endif scopes.
class IfDefScope {
IfDefScope(llvm::StringRef name, llvm::raw_ostream &os)
: name(name.str()), os(os) {
os << "#ifdef " << name << "\n"
<< "#undef " << name << "\n\n";
~IfDefScope() { os << "\n#endif // " << name << "\n\n"; }
std::string name;
llvm::raw_ostream &os;
// A helper RAII class to emit nested namespaces for this op.
class NamespaceEmitter {
NamespaceEmitter(raw_ostream &os, const Dialect &dialect) : os(os) {
if (!dialect)
emitNamespaceStarts(os, dialect.getCppNamespace());
NamespaceEmitter(raw_ostream &os, StringRef cppNamespace) : os(os) {
emitNamespaceStarts(os, cppNamespace);
~NamespaceEmitter() {
for (StringRef ns : llvm::reverse(namespaces))
os << "} // namespace " << ns << "\n";
void emitNamespaceStarts(raw_ostream &os, StringRef cppNamespace) {
llvm::SplitString(cppNamespace, namespaces, "::");
for (StringRef ns : namespaces)
os << "namespace " << ns << " {\n";
raw_ostream &os;
SmallVector<StringRef, 2> namespaces;
/// This class deduplicates shared operation verification code by emitting
/// static functions alongside the op definitions. These methods are local to
/// the definition file, and are invoked within the operation verify methods.
/// An example is shown below:
/// static LogicalResult localVerify(...)
/// LogicalResult OpA::verify(...) {
/// if (failed(localVerify(...)))
/// return failure();
/// ...
/// }
/// LogicalResult OpB::verify(...) {
/// if (failed(localVerify(...)))
/// return failure();
/// ...
/// }
class StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter {
StaticVerifierFunctionEmitter(raw_ostream &os,
const llvm::RecordKeeper &records);
/// Collect and unique all compatible type, attribute, successor, and region
/// constraints from the operations in the file and emit them at the top of
/// the generated file.
/// Constraints that do not meet the restriction that they can only reference
/// `$_self` and `$_op` are not uniqued.
void emitOpConstraints(ArrayRef<llvm::Record *> opDefs, bool emitDecl);
/// Unique all compatible type and attribute constraints from a pattern file
/// and emit them at the top of the generated file.
/// Constraints that do not meet the restriction that they can only reference
/// `$_self`, `$_op`, and `$_builder` are not uniqued.
void emitPatternConstraints(const DenseSet<DagLeaf> &constraints);
/// Get the name of the static function used for the given type constraint.
/// These functions are used for operand and result constraints and have the
/// form:
/// LogicalResult(Operation *op, Type type, StringRef valueKind,
/// unsigned valueIndex);
/// Pattern constraints have the form:
/// LogicalResult(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Operation *op, Type type,
/// StringRef failureStr);
StringRef getTypeConstraintFn(const Constraint &constraint) const;
/// Get the name of the static function used for the given attribute
/// constraint. These functions are in the form:
/// LogicalResult(Operation *op, Attribute attr, StringRef attrName);
/// If a uniqued constraint was not found, this function returns None. The
/// uniqued constraints cannot be used in the context of an OpAdaptor.
/// Pattern constraints have the form:
/// LogicalResult(PatternRewriter &rewriter, Operation *op, Attribute attr,
/// StringRef failureStr);
Optional<StringRef> getAttrConstraintFn(const Constraint &constraint) const;
/// Get the name of the static function used for the given successor
/// constraint. These functions are in the form:
/// LogicalResult(Operation *op, Block *successor, StringRef successorName,
/// unsigned successorIndex);
StringRef getSuccessorConstraintFn(const Constraint &constraint) const;
/// Get the name of the static function used for the given region constraint.
/// These functions are in the form:
/// LogicalResult(Operation *op, Region &region, StringRef regionName,
/// unsigned regionIndex);
/// The region name may be empty.
StringRef getRegionConstraintFn(const Constraint &constraint) const;
/// Emit static type constraint functions.
void emitTypeConstraints();
/// Emit static attribute constraint functions.
void emitAttrConstraints();
/// Emit static successor constraint functions.
void emitSuccessorConstraints();
/// Emit static region constraint functions.
void emitRegionConstraints();
/// Emit pattern constraints.
void emitPatternConstraints();
/// Collect and unique all the constraints used by operations.
void collectOpConstraints(ArrayRef<llvm::Record *> opDefs);
/// Collect and unique all pattern constraints.
void collectPatternConstraints(const DenseSet<DagLeaf> &constraints);
/// The output stream.
raw_ostream &os;
/// A unique label for the file currently being generated. This is used to
/// ensure that the static functions have a unique name.
std::string uniqueOutputLabel;
/// Unique constraints by their predicate and summary. Constraints that share
/// the same predicate may have different descriptions; ensure that the
/// correct error message is reported when verification fails.
struct ConstraintUniquer {
static Constraint getEmptyKey();
static Constraint getTombstoneKey();
static unsigned getHashValue(Constraint constraint);
static bool isEqual(Constraint lhs, Constraint rhs);
/// Use a MapVector to ensure that functions are generated deterministically.
using ConstraintMap =
llvm::MapVector<Constraint, std::string,
llvm::DenseMap<Constraint, unsigned, ConstraintUniquer>>;
/// A generic function to emit constraints
void emitConstraints(const ConstraintMap &constraints, StringRef selfName,
const char *const codeTemplate);
/// Assign a unique name to a unique constraint.
std::string getUniqueName(StringRef kind, unsigned index);
/// Unique a constraint in the map.
void collectConstraint(ConstraintMap &map, StringRef kind,
Constraint constraint);
/// The set of type constraints used for operand and result verification in
/// the current file.
ConstraintMap typeConstraints;
/// The set of attribute constraints used in the current file.
ConstraintMap attrConstraints;
/// The set of successor constraints used in the current file.
ConstraintMap successorConstraints;
/// The set of region constraints used in the current file.
ConstraintMap regionConstraints;
/// Escape a string using C++ encoding. E.g. foo"bar -> foo\x22bar.
std::string escapeString(StringRef value);
namespace detail {
template <typename> struct stringifier {
template <typename T> static std::string apply(T &&t) {
return std::string(std::forward<T>(t));
template <> struct stringifier<Twine> {
static std::string apply(const Twine &twine) {
return twine.str();
} // end namespace detail
/// Generically convert a value to a std::string.
template <typename T> std::string stringify(T &&t) {
return detail::stringifier<std::remove_reference_t<std::remove_const_t<T>>>::
} // namespace tblgen
} // namespace mlir