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//===- VectorToSCF.h - Convert vector to SCF dialect ------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
namespace mlir {
class MLIRContext;
class Pass;
class RewritePatternSet;
/// When lowering an N-d vector transfer op to an (N-1)-d vector transfer op,
/// a temporary buffer is created through which individual (N-1)-d vector are
/// staged. This pattern can be applied multiple time, until the transfer op
/// is 1-d.
/// This is consistent with the lack of an LLVM instruction to dynamically
/// index into an aggregate (see the Vector dialect lowering to LLVM deep dive).
/// An instruction such as:
/// ```
/// vector.transfer_write %vec, %A[%a, %b, %c] :
/// vector<9x17x15xf32>, memref<?x?x?xf32>
/// ```
/// Lowers to pseudo-IR resembling (unpacking one dimension):
/// ```
/// %0 = alloca() : memref<vector<9x17x15xf32>>
/// store %vec, %0[] : memref<vector<9x17x15xf32>>
/// %1 = vector.type_cast %0 :
/// memref<vector<9x17x15xf32>> to memref<9xvector<17x15xf32>>
/// affine.for %I = 0 to 9 {
/// %dim = dim %A, 0 : memref<?x?x?xf32>
/// %add = affine.apply %I + %a
/// %cmp = arith.cmpi "slt", %add, %dim : index
/// scf.if %cmp {
/// %vec_2d = load %1[%I] : memref<9xvector<17x15xf32>>
/// vector.transfer_write %vec_2d, %A[%add, %b, %c] :
/// vector<17x15xf32>, memref<?x?x?xf32>
/// ```
/// When applying the pattern a second time, the existing alloca() operation
/// is reused and only a second vector.type_cast is added.
struct VectorTransferToSCFOptions {
/// Minimal rank to which vector transfer are lowered.
unsigned targetRank = 1;
VectorTransferToSCFOptions &setTargetRank(unsigned r) {
targetRank = r;
return *this;
bool lowerPermutationMaps = false;
VectorTransferToSCFOptions &enableLowerPermutationMaps(bool l = true) {
lowerPermutationMaps = l;
return *this;
/// Allows vector transfers that operated on tensors to be lowered (this is an
/// uncommon alternative).
bool lowerTensors = false;
VectorTransferToSCFOptions &enableLowerTensors(bool l = true) {
lowerTensors = l;
return *this;
/// Triggers full unrolling (vs iterating with a loop) during transfer to scf.
bool unroll = false;
VectorTransferToSCFOptions &enableFullUnroll(bool u = true) {
unroll = u;
return *this;
/// Collect a set of patterns to convert from the Vector dialect to SCF + std.
void populateVectorToSCFConversionPatterns(
RewritePatternSet &patterns,
const VectorTransferToSCFOptions &options = VectorTransferToSCFOptions());
/// Create a pass to convert a subset of vector ops to SCF.
std::unique_ptr<Pass> createConvertVectorToSCFPass(
const VectorTransferToSCFOptions &options = VectorTransferToSCFOptions());
} // namespace mlir