| #==============================================================================# |
| # This file specifies intentionally untracked files that git should ignore. |
| # See: http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitignore.html |
| # |
| # This file is intentionally different from the output of `git svn show-ignore`, |
| # as most of those are useless. |
| #==============================================================================# |
| |
| #==============================================================================# |
| # Nested build directory. |
| #==============================================================================# |
| /build |
| |
| #==============================================================================# |
| # Explicit files to ignore (only matches one). |
| #==============================================================================# |
| # Various tag programs |
| /tags |
| /TAGS |
| /GPATH |
| /GSYMS |
| /GTAGS |
| .gitusers |
| autom4te.cache |
| cscope.files |
| cscope.out |
| autoconf/aclocal.m4 |
| autoconf/autom4te.cache |
| /compile_commands.json |
| # Visual Studio built-in CMake configuration |
| /CMakeSettings.json |
| # CLion project configuration |
| /.idea |
| # Qt Creator project configuration |
| /CMakeLists.txt.user |
| |
| #==============================================================================# |
| # Directories to ignore (do not add trailing '/'s, they skip symlinks). |
| #==============================================================================# |
| # External projects that are tracked independently. |
| projects/* |
| !projects/*.* |
| !projects/Makefile |
| runtimes/* |
| !runtimes/*.* |
| # Sphinx build tree, if building in-source dir. |
| docs/_build |
| # VS2017 and VSCode config files. |
| .vscode |
| .vs |
| |
| #==============================================================================# |
| # Files created in tree by the Go bindings. |
| #==============================================================================# |
| bindings/go/llvm/llvm_config.go |
| bindings/go/llvm/workdir |
| |
| #==============================================================================# |
| # File extensions to be ignored anywhere in the tree. |
| # Placed at the end to override any previous ! patterns. |
| #==============================================================================# |
| # Temp files created by most text editors. |
| *~ |
| # Merge files created by git. |
| *.orig |
| # Byte compiled python modules. |
| *.pyc |
| # vim swap files |
| .*.sw? |
| .sw? |
| #OS X specific files. |
| .DS_store |