blob: 185878701d7107d11e5c9adc55d63f81d2c2a93b [file] [log] [blame]
//===- LinalgInterfaceImpl.h - Linalg Impl. of BufferizableOpInterface ----===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/ComprehensiveBufferize/BufferizableOpInterface.h"
namespace mlir {
class DialectRegistry;
namespace linalg {
namespace comprehensive_bufferize {
class BufferizationAliasInfo;
namespace linalg_ext {
struct InitTensorEliminationStep : public PostAnalysisStep {
/// Try to eliminate InitTensorOps inside `funcOp`.
/// * `rewriteFunc` generates the replacement for the InitTensorOp.
/// * Only InitTensorOps that are anchored on a matching OpOperand as per
/// `anchorMatchFunc` are considered. "Anchored" means that there is a path
/// on the reverse SSA use-def chain, starting from the OpOperand and always
/// following the aliasing OpOperand, that eventually ends at a single
/// InitTensorOp.
/// * The result of `rewriteFunc` must usually be analyzed for inplacability.
/// This analysis can be skipped with `skipAnalysis`.
LogicalResult eliminateInitTensors(
FuncOp funcOp, BufferizationState &state,
std::function<bool(OpOperand &)> anchorMatchFunc,
std::function<Value(OpBuilder &, Location, OpOperand &)> rewriteFunc,
SmallVector<Operation *> &newOps);
/// Try to eliminate InitTensorOps inside funcOp that are anchored on an
/// InsertSliceOp, i.e., if it is eventually inserted into another tensor
/// (and some other conditions are met).
struct InsertSliceAnchoredInitTensorEliminationStep
: public InitTensorEliminationStep {
LogicalResult run(FuncOp funcOp, BufferizationState &state,
SmallVector<Operation *> &newOps) override;
void registerBufferizableOpInterfaceExternalModels(DialectRegistry &registry);
} // namespace linalg_ext
} // namespace comprehensive_bufferize
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace mlir