blob: 52befbd7260599fbac43ca529ce6feb822040361 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BufferizableOpInterface.h - Comprehensive Bufferize ------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/EquivalenceClasses.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
namespace mlir {
class BlockAndValueMapping;
class DominanceInfo;
class FuncOp;
namespace linalg {
namespace comprehensive_bufferize {
class BufferizationAliasInfo;
/// Specify fine-grain relationship between buffers to enable more analysis.
enum class BufferRelation {
// TODO: ResultContainsOperand,
// TODO: OperandContainsResult,
/// The BufferizationAliasInfo class maintains a list of buffer aliases and
/// equivalence classes to support bufferization.
class BufferizationAliasInfo {
explicit BufferizationAliasInfo(Operation *rootOp);
// BufferizationAliasInfo should be passed as a reference.
BufferizationAliasInfo(const BufferizationAliasInfo &) = delete;
/// Add a new entry for `v` in the `aliasInfo` and `equivalentInfo`. In the
/// beginning the alias and equivalence sets only contain `v` itself.
void createAliasInfoEntry(Value v);
/// Insert an info entry for `newValue` and merge its alias set with that of
/// `alias`.
void insertNewBufferAlias(Value newValue, Value alias);
/// Insert an info entry for `newValue` and merge its alias set with that of
/// `alias`. Additionally, merge their equivalence classes.
void insertNewBufferEquivalence(Value newValue, Value alias);
/// Set the inPlace bufferization spec to true.
/// Merge result's and operand's aliasing sets and iterate to a fixed point.
void bufferizeInPlace(OpResult result, OpOperand &operand);
/// Set the inPlace bufferization spec to false.
void bufferizeOutOfPlace(OpResult result);
/// Return true if `v1` and `v2` bufferize to equivalent buffers.
bool areEquivalentBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const {
return equivalentInfo.isEquivalent(v1, v2);
/// Return true if `v1` and `v2` bufferize to aliasing buffers.
bool areAliasingBufferizedValues(Value v1, Value v2) const {
return aliasInfo.isEquivalent(v1, v2);
/// Union the alias sets of `v1` and `v2`.
void unionAliasSets(Value v1, Value v2) { aliasInfo.unionSets(v1, v2); }
/// Union the equivalence classes of `v1` and `v2`.
void unionEquivalenceClasses(Value v1, Value v2) {
equivalentInfo.unionSets(v1, v2);
/// Apply `fun` to all the members of the equivalence class of `v`.
void applyOnEquivalenceClass(Value v, function_ref<void(Value)> fun) const;
/// Apply `fun` to all aliases of `v`.
void applyOnAliases(Value v, function_ref<void(Value)> fun) const;
// TODO: Move these out of BufferizationAliasInfo.
/// Return true if the value is known to bufferize to writable memory.
bool bufferizesToWritableMemory(Value v) const;
/// Specify that the value is known to bufferize to writable memory.
void setBufferizesToWritableMemory(Value v);
/// Mark a value as in-place bufferized.
void markInPlace(OpResult v) { inplaceBufferized.insert(v); }
/// Return `true` if a value was marked as in-place bufferized.
bool isInPlace(OpResult opResult) const;
/// llvm::EquivalenceClasses wants comparable elements. This comparator uses
/// uses pointer comparison on the defining op. This is a poor man's
/// comparison but it's not like UnionFind needs ordering anyway.
struct ValueComparator {
bool operator()(const Value &lhs, const Value &rhs) const {
return lhs.getImpl() < rhs.getImpl();
using EquivalenceClassRangeType = llvm::iterator_range<
llvm::EquivalenceClasses<Value, ValueComparator>::member_iterator>;
/// Check that aliasInfo for `v` exists and return a reference to it.
EquivalenceClassRangeType getAliases(Value v) const;
/// Set of tensors that are known to bufferize to writable memory.
llvm::DenseSet<Value> bufferizeToWritableMemory;
/// Set of all OpResults that were decided to bufferize in-place.
llvm::DenseSet<OpResult> inplaceBufferized;
/// Auxiliary structure to store all the values a given value may alias with.
/// Alias information is "may be" conservative: In the presence of branches, a
/// value may alias with one of multiple other values. The concrete aliasing
/// value may not even be known at compile time. All such values are
/// considered to be aliases.
llvm::EquivalenceClasses<Value, ValueComparator> aliasInfo;
/// Auxiliary structure to store all the equivalent buffer classes. Equivalent
/// buffer information is "must be" conservative: Only if two values are
/// guaranteed to be equivalent at runtime, they said to be equivalent. It is
/// possible that, in the presence of branches, it cannot be determined
/// statically if two values are equivalent. In that case, the values are
/// considered to be not equivalent.
llvm::EquivalenceClasses<Value, ValueComparator> equivalentInfo;
/// Determine which OpOperand* will alias with `result` if the op is bufferized
/// in place. Return an empty vector if the op is not bufferizable.
SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(OpResult result);
/// Determine which OpResult will alias with `opOperand` if the op is bufferized
/// in place. Return an empty OpResult if the op is not bufferizable.
OpResult getAliasingOpResult(OpOperand &opOperand);
/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory read. Return `true` if the
/// op is not bufferizable.
bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(OpOperand &opOperand);
/// Return true if `opOperand` bufferizes to a memory write. Return
/// `true` if the op is not bufferizable.
bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand);
/// Return true if `opOperand` does neither read nor write but bufferizes to an
/// alias. Return false if the op is not bufferizable.
bool bufferizesToAliasOnly(OpOperand &opOperand);
/// Return true if the given value is read by an op that bufferizes to a memory
/// read. Also takes into account ops that create an alias but do not read by
/// themselves (e.g., ExtractSliceOp).
bool isValueRead(Value value);
/// Return the relationship between the operand and the its corresponding
/// OpResult that it may alias with. Return None if the op is not bufferizable.
BufferRelation bufferRelation(OpOperand &opOperand);
/// Starting from `value`, follow the use-def chain in reverse, always selecting
/// the aliasing OpOperands. Find and return Values for which `condition`
/// evaluates to true. OpOperands of such matching Values are not traversed any
/// further.
/// When reaching the end of a chain (BlockArgument or Value without aliasing
/// OpOperands), also return the last Value of that chain.
/// Example:
/// 8
/// |
/// 6* 7* +-----+----+
/// | | | |
/// 2* 3 4* 5
/// | | | |
/// +----------+----------+----------+
/// |
/// 1
/// In the above example, Values with a star satisfy the condition. When
/// starting the traversal from Value 1, the resulting SetVector is:
/// { 2, 7, 8, 5 }
findValueInReverseUseDefChain(Value value,
std::function<bool(Value)> condition);
/// Find the Value of the last preceding write of a given Value.
/// Note: Unknown ops are handled conservatively and assumed to be writes.
/// Furthermore, BlockArguments are also assumed to be writes. There is no
/// analysis across block boundaries.
/// Note: When reaching an end of the reverse SSA use-def chain, that value
/// is returned regardless of whether it is a memory write or not.
Value findLastPrecedingWrite(Value value);
struct BufferizationState;
/// Callback functions that are used to allocate/deallocate/copy memory buffers.
/// Comprehensive Bufferize provides default implementations of these functions.
// TODO: Could be replaced with a "bufferization strategy" object with virtual
// functions in the future.
struct AllocationCallbacks {
using AllocationFn = std::function<Optional<Value>(
OpBuilder &, Location, MemRefType, ArrayRef<Value>)>;
using DeallocationFn = std::function<void(OpBuilder &, Location, Value)>;
using MemCpyFn = std::function<void(OpBuilder &, Location, Value, Value)>;
AllocationCallbacks(AllocationFn allocFn, DeallocationFn deallocFn,
MemCpyFn copyFn)
: allocationFn(allocFn), deallocationFn(deallocFn), memCpyFn(copyFn) {}
/// A function that allocates memory.
AllocationFn allocationFn;
/// A function that deallocated memory. Must be allocated by `allocationFn`.
DeallocationFn deallocationFn;
/// A function that copies memory between two allocations.
MemCpyFn memCpyFn;
/// Dialect-specific bufferization state. Analysis/bufferization information
/// that is specific to ops from a certain dialect can be stored in derived
/// variants of this struct.
struct DialectBufferizationState {
virtual ~DialectBufferizationState() = default;
/// BufferizationState keeps track of bufferization state and provides access to
/// the results of the analysis.
struct BufferizationState {
BufferizationState(ModuleOp moduleOp, AllocationCallbacks &allocationFns)
: aliasInfo(moduleOp), allocationFns(allocationFns) {}
// BufferizationState should be passed as a reference.
BufferizationState(const BufferizationState &) = delete;
/// A function that creates an alloc-dealloc pair. This function may perform
/// additional optimizations such as buffer allocation hoisting. This function
/// calls `allocationFn` and `deallocationFn` to create (de)allocations.
Value createAllocDeallocFn(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
Value shapedValue);
/// Map tensor values to memref buffers.
void mapBuffer(ValueRange tensors, ValueRange buffers);
/// Map a value to another value.
void mapValue(Value from, Value to);
/// Map a tensor value to a memref buffer.
void mapBuffer(Value tensor, Value buffer);
/// Lookup the memref buffer that is associated to the given tensor value.
/// Asserts if no buffer is associated.
Value lookupBuffer(Value tensor) const;
/// Lookup the value that is associated to the given value. Asserts if no
/// value is associated.
Value lookupValue(Value value) const;
/// Return `true` if the given value is mapped.
bool isMapped(Value value) const;
/// Mark `op` as obsolete, so that it is deleted after bufferization.
void markOpObsolete(Operation *op);
/// Erase all ops that were marked obsolete.
void eraseObsoleteOps();
/// Return dialect-specific bufferization state.
template <typename StateT> StateT &getDialectState(StringRef name) {
// Create state if it does not exist yet.
if (!dialectState.count(name))
dialectState[name] = std::make_unique<StateT>();
return static_cast<StateT &>(*dialectState[name]);
/// `aliasInfo` keeps track of aliasing and equivalent values.
BufferizationAliasInfo aliasInfo;
/// `allocationFns` contains helper functions for creating alloc ops, dealloc
/// ops and memcpy ops.
AllocationCallbacks &allocationFns;
/// The mapping of tensors to buffers. May also contain mappings of non-tensor
/// values.
BlockAndValueMapping mapping;
/// Obsolete ops that should be deleted after bufferization.
SmallVector<Operation *> obsoleteOps;
/// Dialect-specific bufferization state.
DenseMap<StringRef, std::unique_ptr<DialectBufferizationState>> dialectState;
/// Return the result buffer (memref) for a given OpResult (tensor). Allocate
/// a new buffer and copy over data from the existing buffer if out-of-place
/// bufferization is necessary.
Value getResultBuffer(OpBuilder &b, OpResult result, BufferizationState &state);
/// Bufferize all ops in the given region.
LogicalResult bufferize(Region *region, BufferizationState &state);
/// Bufferize all ops in the given block.
LogicalResult bufferize(Block *block, BufferizationState &state);
/// Bufferize the given op. If the op has no tensor OpOperands/OpResults, this
/// function returns immediately. Otherwise, it calls the `bufferize` interface
/// method of `BufferizableOpInterface`.
LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, BufferizationState &state);
/// PostAnalysisSteps can be registered with `BufferizationOptions` and are
/// executed after the analysis, but before bufferization. They can be used
/// implement custom dialect-specific optimizations.
struct PostAnalysisStep {
virtual ~PostAnalysisStep() {}
/// Run the post analysis step. This function may modify the IR, but must keep
/// `aliasInfo` (inside `state`) consistent. Newly created operations and
/// operations that should be re-analyzed must be stored in `newOps`.
virtual LogicalResult run(FuncOp funcOp, BufferizationState &state,
SmallVector<Operation *> &newOps) = 0;
/// Return a contiguous MemRefType (i.e. with canonical/empty layout map)
/// with the same shape as `shapedType` and specified `layout` and
/// `addressSpace`.
MemRefType getContiguousMemRefType(ShapedType shapedType,
MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout = {},
Attribute memorySpace = {});
/// Return a contiguous MemRefType (i.e. with canonical/empty layout map)
/// with the same shape as `shapedType` and specified `layout` and
/// `addressSpace` or an UnrankedMemRefType otherwise.
Type getContiguousOrUnrankedMemRefType(Type type,
MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout = {},
Attribute memorySpace = {});
/// Return a MemRefType to which the `tensorType` can be bufferized in a
/// composable fashion. The layout must be the most dynamic possible and
/// canonicalize away once bufferization is finished.
MemRefType getDynamicMemRefType(RankedTensorType tensorType,
unsigned addressSpace = 0);
} // namespace comprehensive_bufferize
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace mlir
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/ComprehensiveBufferize/"
namespace mlir {
namespace linalg {
namespace comprehensive_bufferize {
/// AllocationHoistingBarrierOnly is an external implementation of
/// BufferizableOpInterface for ops that are (not yet) bufferizable, but are
/// known to be allocation hoisting barriers. All interface methods (except for
/// `isAllocationHoistingBarrier`) are implemented conservatively.
template <typename OpTy>
struct AllocationHoistingBarrierOnly
: public BufferizableOpInterface::ExternalModel<
AllocationHoistingBarrierOnly<OpTy>, OpTy> {
bool bufferizesToMemoryRead(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
return true;
bool bufferizesToMemoryWrite(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
return false;
SmallVector<OpOperand *> getAliasingOpOperand(Operation *op,
OpResult opResult) const {
return {};
OpResult getAliasingOpResult(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
return OpResult();
BufferRelation bufferRelation(Operation *op, OpOperand &opOperand) const {
return BufferRelation::None;
bool isWritable(Operation *op, Value value) const { return false; }
LogicalResult bufferize(Operation *op, OpBuilder &b,
BufferizationState &state) const {
auto isaTensor = [](Type t) { return t.isa<TensorType>(); };
if (any_of(op->getOperandTypes(), isaTensor) ||
any_of(op->getResultTypes(), isaTensor))
return op->emitError() << "unsupported op with tensors";
return success();
bool isAllocationHoistingBarrier(Operation *op) const { return true; }
} // namespace comprehensive_bufferize
} // namespace linalg
} // namespace mlir