blob: 7fdab33167e51aecb63e9e9b28eb445f8a61bd87 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: not opt -S %s -verify 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
declare token
declare i8*, i32)
; Fake LLVM intrinsic to return a token
declare token @llvm.what()
declare void @foo0()
declare void @foo1(i32* preallocated(i32))
declare void @foo2(i32* preallocated(i32), i32*, i32* preallocated(i32))
declare i32 @blackbox()
; CHECK: must be called with a "preallocated" call site attribute
define void @preallocated_arg_missing_preallocated_attribute() {
%cs = call token 1)
%x = call i8* %cs, i32 0)
%y = bitcast i8* %x to i32*
call void @foo1(i32* preallocated(i32) %y) ["preallocated"(token %cs)]
ret void
; CHECK: preallocated as a call site attribute can only be on
define void @preallocated_call_site_attribute_not_on_arg() {
call void @foo0() preallocated(i32)
ret void
; CHECK: "preallocated" argument must be a token from
define void @preallocated_bundle_token() {
%i = call i32 @blackbox()
call void @foo0() ["preallocated"(i32 %i)]
ret void
; CHECK: "preallocated" argument must be a token from
define void @preallocated_bundle_token_from_setup() {
%cs = call token @llvm.what()
call void @foo0() ["preallocated"(token %cs)]
ret void
; CHECK: Expected exactly one preallocated bundle operand
define void @preallocated_bundle_one_token() {
%cs0 = call token 0)
%cs1 = call token 0)
call void @foo0() ["preallocated"(token %cs0, token %cs1)]
ret void
; CHECK: Multiple preallocated operand bundles
define void @preallocated_multiple_bundles() {
%cs0 = call token 0)
%cs1 = call token 0)
call void @foo0() ["preallocated"(token %cs0), "preallocated"(token %cs1)]
ret void
; CHECK: Can have at most one call
define void @preallocated_one_call() {
%cs = call token 1)
%x = call i8* %cs, i32 0) preallocated(i32)
%y = bitcast i8* %x to i32*
call void @foo1(i32* preallocated(i32) %y) ["preallocated"(token %cs)]
call void @foo1(i32* preallocated(i32) %y) ["preallocated"(token %cs)]
ret void
; CHECK: must be a constant
define void @preallocated_setup_constant() {
%ac = call i32 @blackbox()
%cs = call token %ac)
ret void
; CHECK: must be between 0 and corresponding
define void @preallocated_setup_arg_index_in_bounds() {
%cs = call token 2)
%a0 = call i8* %cs, i32 2) preallocated(i32)
ret void
; CHECK: Attribute 'preallocated' type does not match parameter
define void @preallocated_attribute_type_mismatch() {
%cs = call token 1)
%x = call i8* %cs, i32 0) preallocated(i32)
%y = bitcast i8* %x to i32*
call void @foo1(i32* preallocated(i8) %y) ["preallocated"(token %cs)]
ret void
; CHECK: preallocated operand either requires a preallocated bundle or the call to be musttail
define void @preallocated_require_bundle() {
%cs = call token 1)
%x = call i8* %cs, i32 0) preallocated(i32)
%y = bitcast i8* %x to i32*
call void @foo1(i32* preallocated(i32) %y)
ret void
; CHECK: arg size must be equal to number of preallocated arguments
define void @preallocated_num_args() {
%cs = call token 3)
%x = call i8* %cs, i32 0) preallocated(i32)
%x1 = bitcast i8* %x to i32*
%y = call i8* %cs, i32 1) preallocated(i32)
%y1 = bitcast i8* %y to i32*
%a = inttoptr i32 0 to i32*
call void @foo2(i32* preallocated(i32) %x1, i32* %a, i32* preallocated(i32) %y1) ["preallocated"(token %cs)]
ret void
; CHECK: token argument must be a
define void @preallocated_arg_token() {
%t = call token @llvm.what()
%x = call i8* %t, i32 1) preallocated(i32)
ret void
; CHECK: cannot use preallocated intrinsics on a call without preallocated arguments
define void @preallocated_no_preallocated_args() {
%cs = call token 0)
call void @foo0() ["preallocated"(token %cs)]
ret void
; CHECK: preallocated operand either requires a preallocated bundle or the call to be musttail
define void @musttail_and_bundle(i32* preallocated(i32) %a) {
%cs = call token 0)
musttail call void @musttail_and_bundle(i32* preallocated(i32) %a) ["preallocated"(token %cs)]
ret void
; CHECK: cannot guarantee tail call due to mismatched ABI impacting function attributes
define void @musttail_attr_no_match(i32* preallocated(i32) %a) {
musttail call void @musttail_and_bundle(i32* %a)
ret void