blob: 7995b2d57f08989178f66aed787aa35a7633231d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown -std=c++11 -fopenmp -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -O0 -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s
// Check that regions that install a terminate scope in the exception stack can
// correctly generate complex arithmetic.
// CHECK-LABEL: ffcomplex
void ffcomplex (int a) {
double _Complex dc = (double)a;
// CHECK: call noundef { double, double } @__muldc3(double noundef %{{.+}}, double noundef %{{.+}}, double noundef %{{.+}}, double noundef %{{.+}})
dc *= dc;
// CHECK: call {{.+}} @__kmpc_fork_call({{.+}} [[REGNAME1:@.*]] to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), { double, double }* %{{.+}})
#pragma omp parallel
dc *= dc;
// CHECK: ret void
// CHECK: define internal {{.+}}[[REGNAME1]](
// CHECK-NOT: invoke
// CHECK: call noundef { double, double } @__muldc3(double noundef %{{.+}}, double noundef %{{.+}}, double noundef %{{.+}}, double noundef %{{.+}})
// CHECK-NOT: invoke
// CHECK: ret void
// Check if we are observing the function pointer attribute regardless what is
// in the exception specification of the callees.
void fnoexcp(void) noexcept;
void foo(int a, int b) {
void (*fptr)(void) noexcept = fnoexcp;
// CHECK: call {{.+}} @__kmpc_fork_call({{.+}} [[REGNAME2:@.*]] to void (i32*, i32*, ...)*), void ()** %{{.+}})
#pragma omp parallel
// CHECK: ret void
// CHECK: define internal {{.+}}[[REGNAME2]](
// CHECK-NOT: invoke
// CHECK: call void %{{[0-9]+}}()
// CHECK-NOT: invoke
// CHECK: ret void