blob: 8113970ceabf835f1b1f8363fe5e35a761b63eae [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -triple i686-windows-msvc -o - | FileCheck %s
// Statement allow the user to exit the evaluation scope of a CallExpr without
// executing the call. Check that clang generates reasonable IR for that case.
// Not trivially copyable, subject to inalloca.
struct Foo {
int x;
void inalloca(Foo x, Foo y);
// PR25102: In this case, clang attempts to clean up unreachable blocks *during*
// IR generation. inalloca defers some RAUW operations to the end of codegen,
// and those references would become stale when the unreachable call to
// 'inalloca' got deleted.
extern "C" void pr25102() {
inalloca(Foo(), ({
goto out;
// CHECK-LABEL: define dso_local void @pr25102()
// CHECK: br label %out
// CHECK: out:
// CHECK: ret void
bool cond();
extern "C" void seqAbort() {
inalloca(Foo(), ({
if (cond())
goto out;
// FIXME: This can cause a stack leak. We should really have a "normal" cleanup
// that goto branches through.
// CHECK-LABEL: define dso_local void @seqAbort()
// CHECK: alloca inalloca <{ %struct.Foo, %struct.Foo }>
// CHECK: call noundef zeroext i1 @"?cond@@YA_NXZ"()
// CHECK: br i1
// CHECK: br label %out
// CHECK: call void @"?inalloca@@YAXUFoo@@0@Z"(<{ %struct.Foo, %struct.Foo }>* inalloca(<{ %struct.Foo, %struct.Foo }>) %{{.*}})
// CHECK: call void @llvm.stackrestore(i8*
// CHECK: out: