blob: de74b01e1391141a503cbc4c8c58823af63f07cc [file] [log] [blame]
//===- UseDefLists.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines generic use/def list machinery and manipulation utilities.
#include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
namespace mlir {
class Block;
class Operation;
class Value;
template <typename OperandType> class ValueUseIterator;
template <typename OperandType> class FilteredValueUseIterator;
template <typename UseIteratorT, typename OperandType> class ValueUserIterator;
// IRObjectWithUseList
/// This class represents a single IR object that contains a use list.
template <typename OperandType> class IRObjectWithUseList {
~IRObjectWithUseList() {
assert(use_empty() && "Cannot destroy a value that still has uses!");
/// Drop all uses of this object from their respective owners.
void dropAllUses() {
while (!use_empty())
/// Replace all uses of 'this' value with the new value, updating anything in
/// the IR that uses 'this' to use the other value instead. When this returns
/// there are zero uses of 'this'.
void replaceAllUsesWith(typename OperandType::ValueType newValue) {
assert((!newValue || this != OperandType::getUseList(newValue)) &&
"cannot RAUW a value with itself");
while (!use_empty())
// Uses
using use_iterator = ValueUseIterator<OperandType>;
using use_range = iterator_range<use_iterator>;
use_iterator use_begin() const { return use_iterator(firstUse); }
use_iterator use_end() const { return use_iterator(nullptr); }
/// Returns a range of all uses, which is useful for iterating over all uses.
use_range getUses() const { return {use_begin(), use_end()}; }
/// Returns true if this value has exactly one use.
bool hasOneUse() const {
return firstUse && firstUse->getNextOperandUsingThisValue() == nullptr;
/// Returns true if this value has no uses.
bool use_empty() const { return firstUse == nullptr; }
// Users
using user_iterator = ValueUserIterator<use_iterator, OperandType>;
using user_range = iterator_range<user_iterator>;
user_iterator user_begin() const { return user_iterator(use_begin()); }
user_iterator user_end() const { return user_iterator(use_end()); }
/// Returns a range of all users.
user_range getUsers() const { return {user_begin(), user_end()}; }
IRObjectWithUseList() {}
/// Return the first operand that is using this value, for use by custom
/// use/def iterators.
OperandType *getFirstUse() const { return firstUse; }
template <typename DerivedT, typename IRValueTy> friend class IROperand;
OperandType *firstUse = nullptr;
// IROperand
/// A reference to a value, suitable for use as an operand of an operation.
/// IRValueTy is the root type to use for values this tracks. Derived operand
/// types are expected to provide the following:
/// * static IRObjectWithUseList *getUseList(IRValueTy value);
/// - Provide the use list that is attached to the given value.
template <typename DerivedT, typename IRValueTy> class IROperand {
using ValueType = IRValueTy;
IROperand(Operation *owner) : owner(owner) {}
IROperand(Operation *owner, ValueType value) : value(value), owner(owner) {
/// Return the current value being used by this operand.
ValueType get() const { return value; }
/// Set the current value being used by this operand.
void set(ValueType newValue) {
// It isn't worth optimizing for the case of switching operands on a single
// value.
value = newValue;
/// Returns true if this operand contains the given value.
bool is(ValueType other) const { return value == other; }
/// Return the owner of this operand.
Operation *getOwner() { return owner; }
Operation *getOwner() const { return owner; }
/// \brief Remove this use of the operand.
void drop() {
value = nullptr;
nextUse = nullptr;
back = nullptr;
~IROperand() { removeFromCurrent(); }
/// Return the next operand on the use-list of the value we are referring to.
/// This should generally only be used by the internal implementation details
/// of the SSA machinery.
DerivedT *getNextOperandUsingThisValue() { return nextUse; }
/// We support a move constructor so IROperand's can be in vectors, but this
/// shouldn't be used by general clients.
IROperand(IROperand &&other) : owner(other.owner) {
*this = std::move(other);
IROperand &operator=(IROperand &&other) {
value = other.value;
other.value = nullptr;
other.back = nullptr;
nextUse = nullptr;
back = nullptr;
if (value)
return *this;
/// The value used as this operand. This can be null when in a 'dropAllUses'
/// state.
ValueType value = {};
/// The next operand in the use-chain.
DerivedT *nextUse = nullptr;
/// This points to the previous link in the use-chain.
DerivedT **back = nullptr;
/// The operation owner of this operand.
Operation *const owner;
/// Operands are not copyable or assignable.
IROperand(const IROperand &use) = delete;
IROperand &operator=(const IROperand &use) = delete;
void removeFromCurrent() {
if (!back)
*back = nextUse;
if (nextUse)
nextUse->back = back;
void insertIntoCurrent() {
auto *useList = DerivedT::getUseList(value);
back = &useList->firstUse;
nextUse = useList->firstUse;
if (nextUse)
nextUse->back = &nextUse;
useList->firstUse = static_cast<DerivedT *>(this);
// BlockOperand
/// Terminator operations can have Block operands to represent successors.
class BlockOperand : public IROperand<BlockOperand, Block *> {
using IROperand<BlockOperand, Block *>::IROperand;
/// Provide the use list that is attached to the given block.
static IRObjectWithUseList<BlockOperand> *getUseList(Block *value);
/// Return which operand this is in the operand list of the User.
unsigned getOperandNumber();
// OpOperand
namespace detail {
/// This class provides an opaque type erased wrapper around a `Value`.
class OpaqueValue {
/// Implicit conversion from 'Value'.
OpaqueValue(Value value);
OpaqueValue(std::nullptr_t = nullptr) : impl(nullptr) {}
OpaqueValue(const OpaqueValue &) = default;
OpaqueValue &operator=(const OpaqueValue &) = default;
bool operator==(const OpaqueValue &other) const { return impl == other.impl; }
operator bool() const { return impl; }
/// Implicit conversion back to 'Value'.
operator Value() const;
void *impl;
} // namespace detail
/// This class represents an operand of an operation. Instances of this class
/// contain a reference to a specific `Value`.
class OpOperand : public IROperand<OpOperand, detail::OpaqueValue> {
/// Provide the use list that is attached to the given value.
static IRObjectWithUseList<OpOperand> *getUseList(Value value);
/// Return the current value being used by this operand.
Value get() const;
/// Set the operand to the given value.
void set(Value value);
/// Return which operand this is in the operand list of the User.
unsigned getOperandNumber();
/// Keep the constructor private and accessible to the OperandStorage class
/// only to avoid hard-to-debug typo/programming mistakes.
friend class OperandStorage;
using IROperand<OpOperand, detail::OpaqueValue>::IROperand;
// ValueUseIterator
/// An iterator class that allows for iterating over the uses of an IR operand
/// type.
template <typename OperandType>
class ValueUseIterator
: public llvm::iterator_facade_base<ValueUseIterator<OperandType>,
OperandType> {
ValueUseIterator(OperandType *current = nullptr) : current(current) {}
/// Returns the user that owns this use.
Operation *getUser() const { return current->getOwner(); }
/// Returns the current operands.
OperandType *getOperand() const { return current; }
OperandType &operator*() const { return *current; }
using llvm::iterator_facade_base<ValueUseIterator<OperandType>,
ValueUseIterator &operator++() {
assert(current && "incrementing past end()!");
current = (OperandType *)current->getNextOperandUsingThisValue();
return *this;
bool operator==(const ValueUseIterator &rhs) const {
return current == rhs.current;
OperandType *current;
// ValueUserIterator
/// An iterator over the users of an IRObject. This is a wrapper iterator around
/// a specific use iterator.
template <typename UseIteratorT, typename OperandType>
class ValueUserIterator final
: public llvm::mapped_iterator<UseIteratorT,
Operation *(*)(OperandType &)> {
static Operation *unwrap(OperandType &value) { return value.getOwner(); }
using pointer = Operation *;
using reference = Operation *;
/// Initializes the user iterator to the specified use iterator.
ValueUserIterator(UseIteratorT it)
: llvm::mapped_iterator<UseIteratorT, Operation *(*)(OperandType &)>(
it, &unwrap) {}
Operation *operator->() { return **this; }
} // namespace mlir