blob: 5c04d9411fee91e0d5b9ac6fd5f8da138b0687fd [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_extdef_map %s -- | FileCheck --implicit-check-not "c:@y" --implicit-check-not "c:@z" %s
int f(int) {
return 0;
// CHECK-DAG: c:@F@f#I#
extern const int x = 5;
// CHECK-DAG: c:@x
// Non-const variables should not be collected.
int y = 5;
// In C++, const implies internal linkage, so not collected.
const int z = 5;
struct S {
int a;
extern S const s = {.a = 2};
// CHECK-DAG: c:@s
struct SF {
const int a;
SF sf = {.a = 2};
// CHECK-DAG: c:@sf
struct SStatic {
static const int a = 4;
const int SStatic::a;
// CHECK-DAG: c:@S@SStatic@a
extern int const arr[5] = { 0, 1 };
// CHECK-DAG: c:@arr
union U {
const int a;
const unsigned int b;
U u = {.a = 6};
// CHECK-DAG: c:@u
// No USR can be generated for this.
// Check for no crash in this case.
static union {
float uf;
const int ui;