blob: 6df99beda043af7a95e5a42b014a8f2d21ef7fbb [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt %s -linalg-bufferize -std-bufferize \
// RUN: -tensor-constant-bufferize -tensor-bufferize -func-bufferize \
// RUN: -finalizing-bufferize -buffer-deallocation -convert-linalg-to-llvm \
// RUN: -convert-memref-to-llvm -convert-std-to-llvm -reconcile-unrealized-casts | \
// RUN: mlir-cpu-runner -e main -entry-point-result=void \
// RUN: -shared-libs=%mlir_integration_test_dir/libmlir_runner_utils%shlibext \
// RUN: | FileCheck %s
func @main() {
%const = arith.constant dense<[[[-3.9058,0.9072],[-2.9470,-2.2055],[18.3946,8.2997],[3.4700,5.9006],[-17.2267,4.9777],[1.0450,-0.8201]],[[17.6996,-11.1763],[26.7775,-3.8823],[-4.2492,-5.8966],[2.1259,13.1794],[-10.7136,0.8428],[16.4233,9.4589]]]> : tensor<2x6x2xf32>
%dynamic = tensor.cast %const: tensor<2x6x2xf32> to tensor<2x?x?xf32>
%expanded = call @expand_dynamic_shape(%dynamic) : (tensor<2x?x?xf32>) -> (tensor<2x2x?x1x?xf32>)
%unranked = tensor.cast %expanded: tensor<2x2x?x1x?xf32> to tensor<*xf32>
call @print_memref_f32(%unranked) : (tensor<*xf32>) -> ()
// CHECK: Unranked Memref base@ = {{0x[-9a-f]*}}
// CHECK-SAME: rank = 5 offset = 0 sizes = [2, 2, 3, 1, 2] strides = [12, 6, 2, 2, 1] data =
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[[[[-3.9058, 0.9072]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[-2.947, -2.2055]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[18.3946, 8.2997]]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[[3.47, 5.9006]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[-17.2267, 4.9777]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[1.045, -0.8201]]]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[[[17.6996, -11.1763]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[26.7775, -3.8823]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[-4.2492, -5.8966]]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[[2.1259, 13.1794]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[-10.7136, 0.8428]],
// CHECK-NEXT{LITERAL}: [[16.4233, 9.4589]]]]]
func private @print_memref_f32(%ptr : tensor<*xf32>)
func @expand_dynamic_shape(%arg0 : tensor<2x?x?xf32>) -> tensor<2x2x?x1x?xf32> {
%0 = linalg.tensor_expand_shape %arg0 [[0], [1, 2, 3], [4]]: tensor<2x?x?xf32> into tensor<2x2x?x1x?xf32>
return %0 : tensor<2x2x?x1x?xf32>