blob: 6aac6e0f7969684f5df86f25f7e471b9d59addc4 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: opt < %s -slp-vectorizer -instcombine -S -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux -mattr=+sse2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,SSE
; RUN: opt < %s -slp-vectorizer -instcombine -S -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux -mattr=+avx | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,AVX
; RUN: opt < %s -slp-vectorizer -instcombine -S -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux -mattr=+avx2 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,AVX2
; RUN: opt < %s -slp-vectorizer -instcombine -S -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux -mattr=+avx512f | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,AVX512F
; RUN: opt < %s -slp-vectorizer -instcombine -S -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-linux -mattr=+avx512vl | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=CHECK,AVX512VL
define void @gather_load(i32* noalias nocapture %0, i32* noalias nocapture readonly %1) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @gather_load(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], i64 1
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP1]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0:![0-9]+]]
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 11
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP5]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 4
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP7]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP3]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 [[TMP4]], i32 0
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP10]], i32 [[TMP6]], i32 1
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP11]], i32 [[TMP8]], i32 2
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP12]], i32 [[TMP9]], i32 3
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = add nsw <4 x i32> [[TMP13]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <4 x i32>*
; CHECK-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP14]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP15]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; CHECK-NEXT: ret void
%3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 1
%4 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4, !tbaa !2
%5 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 1
%6 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 11
%7 = load i32, i32* %6, align 4, !tbaa !2
%8 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 2
%9 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 4
%10 = load i32, i32* %9, align 4, !tbaa !2
%11 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 3
%12 = load i32, i32* %3, align 4, !tbaa !2
%13 = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 %4, i32 0
%14 = insertelement <4 x i32> %13, i32 %7, i32 1
%15 = insertelement <4 x i32> %14, i32 %10, i32 2
%16 = insertelement <4 x i32> %15, i32 %12, i32 3
%17 = add nsw <4 x i32> %16, <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
%18 = bitcast i32* %0 to <4 x i32>*
store <4 x i32> %17, <4 x i32>* %18, align 4, !tbaa !2
ret void
define void @gather_load_2(i32* noalias nocapture %0, i32* noalias nocapture readonly %1) {
; SSE-LABEL: @gather_load_2(
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], i64 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP3]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP4]], 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0:%.*]], i64 1
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP5]], i32* [[TMP0]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 10
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP7]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP8]], 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 2
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP9]], i32* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP11]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP12]], 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 3
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP13]], i32* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 5
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP15]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = add nsw i32 [[TMP16]], 4
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP17]], i32* [[TMP14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: ret void
; AVX-LABEL: @gather_load_2(
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], i64 1
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP3]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 10
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP5]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 3
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP7]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 5
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP9]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 [[TMP4]], i32 0
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP11]], i32 [[TMP6]], i32 1
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP12]], i32 [[TMP8]], i32 2
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP13]], i32 [[TMP10]], i32 3
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = add nsw <4 x i32> [[TMP14]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP15]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: ret void
; AVX2-LABEL: @gather_load_2(
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], i64 1
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP3]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 10
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP5]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 3
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP7]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 5
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP9]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 [[TMP4]], i32 0
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP11]], i32 [[TMP6]], i32 1
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP12]], i32 [[TMP8]], i32 2
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP13]], i32 [[TMP10]], i32 3
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = add nsw <4 x i32> [[TMP14]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX2-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP15]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: ret void
; AVX512F-LABEL: @gather_load_2(
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], i64 1
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP3]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 10
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP5]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 3
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP7]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 5
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP9]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 [[TMP4]], i32 0
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP11]], i32 [[TMP6]], i32 1
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP12]], i32 [[TMP8]], i32 2
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP13]], i32 [[TMP10]], i32 3
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = add nsw <4 x i32> [[TMP14]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX512F-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP15]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: ret void
; AVX512VL-LABEL: @gather_load_2(
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32*> poison, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], i32 0
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32*> [[TMP3]], <4 x i32*> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, <4 x i32*> [[TMP4]], <4 x i64> <i64 1, i64 10, i64 3, i64 5>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.masked.gather.v4i32.v4p0i32(<4 x i32*> [[TMP5]], i32 4, <4 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true>, <4 x i32> undef), !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = add nsw <4 x i32> [[TMP6]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP7]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP8]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: ret void
%3 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 1
%4 = load i32, i32* %3, align 4, !tbaa !2
%5 = add nsw i32 %4, 1
%6 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 1
store i32 %5, i32* %0, align 4, !tbaa !2
%7 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 10
%8 = load i32, i32* %7, align 4, !tbaa !2
%9 = add nsw i32 %8, 2
%10 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 2
store i32 %9, i32* %6, align 4, !tbaa !2
%11 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 3
%12 = load i32, i32* %11, align 4, !tbaa !2
%13 = add nsw i32 %12, 3
%14 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 3
store i32 %13, i32* %10, align 4, !tbaa !2
%15 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 5
%16 = load i32, i32* %15, align 4, !tbaa !2
%17 = add nsw i32 %16, 4
store i32 %17, i32* %14, align 4, !tbaa !2
ret void
define void @gather_load_3(i32* noalias nocapture %0, i32* noalias nocapture readonly %1) {
; SSE-LABEL: @gather_load_3(
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP3]], 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0:%.*]], i64 1
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP4]], i32* [[TMP0]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 11
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP7]], 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 2
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP8]], i32* [[TMP5]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 4
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP11]], 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 3
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP12]], i32* [[TMP9]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 15
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP15]], 4
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 4
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP16]], i32* [[TMP13]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 18
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP18]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP19]], 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 5
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP20]], i32* [[TMP17]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 9
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP22]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP23]], 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 6
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP24]], i32* [[TMP21]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 6
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP27]], 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 7
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP28]], i32* [[TMP25]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 21
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP31:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP32:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP31]], 4
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP32]], i32* [[TMP29]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: ret void
; AVX-LABEL: @gather_load_3(
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 11
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP4]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 4
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 15
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP8]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 18
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 9
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP12]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 6
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 21
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> poison, i32 [[TMP3]], i32 0
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP18]], i32 [[TMP5]], i32 1
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP19]], i32 [[TMP7]], i32 2
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP20]], i32 [[TMP9]], i32 3
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP21]], i32 [[TMP11]], i32 4
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP22]], i32 [[TMP13]], i32 5
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP23]], i32 [[TMP15]], i32 6
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP24]], i32 [[TMP17]], i32 7
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = add <8 x i32> [[TMP25]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <8 x i32>*
; AVX-NEXT: store <8 x i32> [[TMP26]], <8 x i32>* [[TMP27]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: ret void
; AVX2-LABEL: @gather_load_3(
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 11
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP4]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 4
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 15
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP8]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 18
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 9
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP12]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 6
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 21
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> poison, i32 [[TMP3]], i32 0
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP18]], i32 [[TMP5]], i32 1
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP19]], i32 [[TMP7]], i32 2
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP20]], i32 [[TMP9]], i32 3
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP21]], i32 [[TMP11]], i32 4
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP22]], i32 [[TMP13]], i32 5
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP23]], i32 [[TMP15]], i32 6
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP24]], i32 [[TMP17]], i32 7
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = add <8 x i32> [[TMP25]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <8 x i32>*
; AVX2-NEXT: store <8 x i32> [[TMP26]], <8 x i32>* [[TMP27]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: ret void
; AVX512F-LABEL: @gather_load_3(
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 11
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP4]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 4
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 15
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP8]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 [[TMP3]], i32 0
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP10]], i32 [[TMP5]], i32 1
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP11]], i32 [[TMP7]], i32 2
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP12]], i32 [[TMP9]], i32 3
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = add <4 x i32> [[TMP13]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0:%.*]], i64 4
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP0]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX512F-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP14]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 18
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP17]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 9
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP19]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 6
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP21]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 21
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP23]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 [[TMP18]], i32 0
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP25]], i32 [[TMP20]], i32 1
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP26]], i32 [[TMP22]], i32 2
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP27]], i32 [[TMP24]], i32 3
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = add <4 x i32> [[TMP28]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP15]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX512F-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP29]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: ret void
; AVX512VL-LABEL: @gather_load_3(
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP1:%.*]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP3]], 1
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0:%.*]], i64 1
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP4]], i32* [[TMP0]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32*> poison, i32* [[TMP1]], i32 0
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32*> [[TMP6]], <4 x i32*> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, <4 x i32*> [[TMP7]], <4 x i64> <i64 11, i64 4, i64 15, i64 18>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.masked.gather.v4i32.v4p0i32(<4 x i32*> [[TMP8]], i32 4, <4 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true>, <4 x i32> undef), !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = add <4 x i32> [[TMP9]], <i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 1>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 5
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[TMP5]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP10]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP12]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 9
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP13]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP14]], 2
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 6
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP15]], i32* [[TMP11]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 6
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP17]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP18]], 3
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP0]], i64 7
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP19]], i32* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[TMP1]], i64 21
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[TMP21]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = add i32 [[TMP22]], 4
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store i32 [[TMP23]], i32* [[TMP20]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: ret void
%3 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4, !tbaa !2
%4 = add i32 %3, 1
%5 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 1
store i32 %4, i32* %0, align 4, !tbaa !2
%6 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 11
%7 = load i32, i32* %6, align 4, !tbaa !2
%8 = add i32 %7, 2
%9 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 2
store i32 %8, i32* %5, align 4, !tbaa !2
%10 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 4
%11 = load i32, i32* %10, align 4, !tbaa !2
%12 = add i32 %11, 3
%13 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 3
store i32 %12, i32* %9, align 4, !tbaa !2
%14 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 15
%15 = load i32, i32* %14, align 4, !tbaa !2
%16 = add i32 %15, 4
%17 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 4
store i32 %16, i32* %13, align 4, !tbaa !2
%18 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 18
%19 = load i32, i32* %18, align 4, !tbaa !2
%20 = add i32 %19, 1
%21 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 5
store i32 %20, i32* %17, align 4, !tbaa !2
%22 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 9
%23 = load i32, i32* %22, align 4, !tbaa !2
%24 = add i32 %23, 2
%25 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 6
store i32 %24, i32* %21, align 4, !tbaa !2
%26 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 6
%27 = load i32, i32* %26, align 4, !tbaa !2
%28 = add i32 %27, 3
%29 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %0, i64 7
store i32 %28, i32* %25, align 4, !tbaa !2
%30 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %1, i64 21
%31 = load i32, i32* %30, align 4, !tbaa !2
%32 = add i32 %31, 4
store i32 %32, i32* %29, align 4, !tbaa !2
ret void
define void @gather_load_4(i32* noalias nocapture %t0, i32* noalias nocapture readonly %t1) {
; SSE-LABEL: @gather_load_4(
; SSE-NEXT: [[T5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0:%.*]], i64 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[T6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1:%.*]], i64 11
; SSE-NEXT: [[T9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[T10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 4
; SSE-NEXT: [[T13:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[T14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 15
; SSE-NEXT: [[T17:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 4
; SSE-NEXT: [[T18:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 18
; SSE-NEXT: [[T21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 5
; SSE-NEXT: [[T22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 9
; SSE-NEXT: [[T25:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 6
; SSE-NEXT: [[T26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 6
; SSE-NEXT: [[T29:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 7
; SSE-NEXT: [[T30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 21
; SSE-NEXT: [[T3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T1]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[T7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[T11:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[T15:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[T19:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T18]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[T23:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T22]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[T27:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[T31:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[T4:%.*]] = add i32 [[T3]], 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[T8:%.*]] = add i32 [[T7]], 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[T12:%.*]] = add i32 [[T11]], 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[T16:%.*]] = add i32 [[T15]], 4
; SSE-NEXT: [[T20:%.*]] = add i32 [[T19]], 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[T24:%.*]] = add i32 [[T23]], 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[T28:%.*]] = add i32 [[T27]], 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[T32:%.*]] = add i32 [[T31]], 4
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[T4]], i32* [[T0]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[T8]], i32* [[T5]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[T12]], i32* [[T9]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[T16]], i32* [[T13]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[T20]], i32* [[T17]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[T24]], i32* [[T21]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[T28]], i32* [[T25]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: store i32 [[T32]], i32* [[T29]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: ret void
; AVX-LABEL: @gather_load_4(
; AVX-NEXT: [[T6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1:%.*]], i64 11
; AVX-NEXT: [[T10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 4
; AVX-NEXT: [[T14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 15
; AVX-NEXT: [[T18:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 18
; AVX-NEXT: [[T22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 9
; AVX-NEXT: [[T26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 6
; AVX-NEXT: [[T30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 21
; AVX-NEXT: [[T3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T1]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[T7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[T11:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[T15:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[T19:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T18]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[T23:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T22]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[T27:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[T31:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> poison, i32 [[T3]], i32 0
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP1]], i32 [[T7]], i32 1
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP2]], i32 [[T11]], i32 2
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP3]], i32 [[T15]], i32 3
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP4]], i32 [[T19]], i32 4
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP5]], i32 [[T23]], i32 5
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP6]], i32 [[T27]], i32 6
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP7]], i32 [[T31]], i32 7
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = add <8 x i32> [[TMP8]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[T0:%.*]] to <8 x i32>*
; AVX-NEXT: store <8 x i32> [[TMP9]], <8 x i32>* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: ret void
; AVX2-LABEL: @gather_load_4(
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1:%.*]], i64 11
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 4
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 15
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T18:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 18
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 9
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 6
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 21
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T1]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T11:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T15:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T19:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T18]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T23:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T22]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T27:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[T31:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> poison, i32 [[T3]], i32 0
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP1]], i32 [[T7]], i32 1
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP2]], i32 [[T11]], i32 2
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP3]], i32 [[T15]], i32 3
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP4]], i32 [[T19]], i32 4
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP5]], i32 [[T23]], i32 5
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP6]], i32 [[T27]], i32 6
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i32> [[TMP7]], i32 [[T31]], i32 7
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = add <8 x i32> [[TMP8]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[T0:%.*]] to <8 x i32>*
; AVX2-NEXT: store <8 x i32> [[TMP9]], <8 x i32>* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: ret void
; AVX512F-LABEL: @gather_load_4(
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1:%.*]], i64 11
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 4
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 15
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T17:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0:%.*]], i64 4
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T18:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 18
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 9
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 6
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 21
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T1]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T7:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T11:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T15:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T19:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T18]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T23:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T22]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T27:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[T31:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 [[T3]], i32 0
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP1]], i32 [[T7]], i32 1
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP2]], i32 [[T11]], i32 2
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP3]], i32 [[T15]], i32 3
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = add <4 x i32> [[TMP4]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> poison, i32 [[T19]], i32 0
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP6]], i32 [[T23]], i32 1
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP7]], i32 [[T27]], i32 2
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32> [[TMP8]], i32 [[T31]], i32 3
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = add <4 x i32> [[TMP9]], <i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[T0]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX512F-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP5]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP11]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[T17]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX512F-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP10]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP12]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: ret void
; AVX512VL-LABEL: @gather_load_4(
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T5:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0:%.*]], i64 1
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x i32*> poison, i32* [[T1:%.*]], i32 0
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP2:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x i32*> [[TMP1]], <4 x i32*> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = getelementptr i32, <4 x i32*> [[TMP2]], <4 x i64> <i64 11, i64 4, i64 15, i64 18>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 5
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 9
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T25:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 6
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 6
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T29:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T0]], i64 7
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[T1]], i64 21
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T3:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T1]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = call <4 x i32> @llvm.masked.gather.v4i32.v4p0i32(<4 x i32*> [[TMP3]], i32 4, <4 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true>, <4 x i32> undef), !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T23:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T22]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T27:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T31:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[T30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T4:%.*]] = add i32 [[T3]], 1
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = add <4 x i32> [[TMP4]], <i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 1>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T24:%.*]] = add i32 [[T23]], 2
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T28:%.*]] = add i32 [[T27]], 3
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[T32:%.*]] = add i32 [[T31]], 4
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store i32 [[T4]], i32* [[T0]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = bitcast i32* [[T5]] to <4 x i32>*
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store <4 x i32> [[TMP5]], <4 x i32>* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store i32 [[T24]], i32* [[T21]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store i32 [[T28]], i32* [[T25]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store i32 [[T32]], i32* [[T29]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: ret void
%t5 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t0, i64 1
%t6 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t1, i64 11
%t9 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t0, i64 2
%t10 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t1, i64 4
%t13 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t0, i64 3
%t14 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t1, i64 15
%t17 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t0, i64 4
%t18 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t1, i64 18
%t21 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t0, i64 5
%t22 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t1, i64 9
%t25 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t0, i64 6
%t26 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t1, i64 6
%t29 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t0, i64 7
%t30 = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* %t1, i64 21
%t3 = load i32, i32* %t1, align 4, !tbaa !2
%t7 = load i32, i32* %t6, align 4, !tbaa !2
%t11 = load i32, i32* %t10, align 4, !tbaa !2
%t15 = load i32, i32* %t14, align 4, !tbaa !2
%t19 = load i32, i32* %t18, align 4, !tbaa !2
%t23 = load i32, i32* %t22, align 4, !tbaa !2
%t27 = load i32, i32* %t26, align 4, !tbaa !2
%t31 = load i32, i32* %t30, align 4, !tbaa !2
%t4 = add i32 %t3, 1
%t8 = add i32 %t7, 2
%t12 = add i32 %t11, 3
%t16 = add i32 %t15, 4
%t20 = add i32 %t19, 1
%t24 = add i32 %t23, 2
%t28 = add i32 %t27, 3
%t32 = add i32 %t31, 4
store i32 %t4, i32* %t0, align 4, !tbaa !2
store i32 %t8, i32* %t5, align 4, !tbaa !2
store i32 %t12, i32* %t9, align 4, !tbaa !2
store i32 %t16, i32* %t13, align 4, !tbaa !2
store i32 %t20, i32* %t17, align 4, !tbaa !2
store i32 %t24, i32* %t21, align 4, !tbaa !2
store i32 %t28, i32* %t25, align 4, !tbaa !2
store i32 %t32, i32* %t29, align 4, !tbaa !2
ret void
define void @gather_load_div(float* noalias nocapture %0, float* noalias nocapture readonly %1) {
; SSE-LABEL: @gather_load_div(
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP1:%.*]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 4
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP4]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 10
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 13
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP8]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 11
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP12]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 14
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 44
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float [[TMP3]], i32 0
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP18]], float [[TMP7]], i32 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP19]], float [[TMP11]], i32 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP20]], float [[TMP15]], i32 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float [[TMP5]], i32 0
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP22]], float [[TMP9]], i32 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP23]], float [[TMP13]], i32 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP24]], float [[TMP17]], i32 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = fdiv <4 x float> [[TMP21]], [[TMP25]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP0:%.*]], i64 4
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[TMP0]] to <4 x float>*
; SSE-NEXT: store <4 x float> [[TMP26]], <4 x float>* [[TMP28]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 17
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP29]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP31:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 33
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP32:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP31]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP33:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 8
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP34:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP33]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 30
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP35]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 5
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP37]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP39:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 27
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP40:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP39]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP41:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 20
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP42:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP41]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP43:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 23
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP44:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP43]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP45:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float [[TMP30]], i32 0
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP46:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP45]], float [[TMP34]], i32 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP47:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP46]], float [[TMP38]], i32 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP47]], float [[TMP42]], i32 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> poison, float [[TMP32]], i32 0
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP49]], float [[TMP36]], i32 1
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP50]], float [[TMP40]], i32 2
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP52:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float> [[TMP51]], float [[TMP44]], i32 3
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP53:%.*]] = fdiv <4 x float> [[TMP48]], [[TMP52]]
; SSE-NEXT: [[TMP54:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[TMP27]] to <4 x float>*
; SSE-NEXT: store <4 x float> [[TMP53]], <4 x float>* [[TMP54]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; SSE-NEXT: ret void
; AVX-LABEL: @gather_load_div(
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP1:%.*]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 4
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP4]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 10
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 13
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP8]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 3
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 11
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP12]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 14
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 44
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 17
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP18]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 33
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP20]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 8
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP22]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 30
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP24]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 5
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 27
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP28]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 20
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP31:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP32:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 23
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP33:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP32]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP34:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float [[TMP3]], i32 0
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP34]], float [[TMP7]], i32 1
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP35]], float [[TMP11]], i32 2
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP36]], float [[TMP15]], i32 3
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP37]], float [[TMP19]], i32 4
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP39:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP38]], float [[TMP23]], i32 5
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP40:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP39]], float [[TMP27]], i32 6
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP41:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP40]], float [[TMP31]], i32 7
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP42:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float [[TMP5]], i32 0
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP43:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP42]], float [[TMP9]], i32 1
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP44:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP43]], float [[TMP13]], i32 2
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP45:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP44]], float [[TMP17]], i32 3
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP46:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP45]], float [[TMP21]], i32 4
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP47:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP46]], float [[TMP25]], i32 5
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP47]], float [[TMP29]], i32 6
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP48]], float [[TMP33]], i32 7
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = fdiv <8 x float> [[TMP41]], [[TMP49]]
; AVX-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <8 x float>*
; AVX-NEXT: store <8 x float> [[TMP50]], <8 x float>* [[TMP51]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX-NEXT: ret void
; AVX2-LABEL: @gather_load_div(
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP1:%.*]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 4
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP4]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 10
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP6]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 13
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP8]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 3
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP10]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 11
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP12]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 14
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP14]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 44
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP16]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 17
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP18]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 33
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP20]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 8
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP22]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 30
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP24]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 5
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP26]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 27
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP28]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 20
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP31:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP30]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP32:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 23
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP33:%.*]] = load float, float* [[TMP32]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP34:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float [[TMP3]], i32 0
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP34]], float [[TMP7]], i32 1
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP35]], float [[TMP11]], i32 2
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP36]], float [[TMP15]], i32 3
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP37]], float [[TMP19]], i32 4
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP39:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP38]], float [[TMP23]], i32 5
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP40:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP39]], float [[TMP27]], i32 6
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP41:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP40]], float [[TMP31]], i32 7
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP42:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> poison, float [[TMP5]], i32 0
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP43:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP42]], float [[TMP9]], i32 1
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP44:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP43]], float [[TMP13]], i32 2
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP45:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP44]], float [[TMP17]], i32 3
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP46:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP45]], float [[TMP21]], i32 4
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP47:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP46]], float [[TMP25]], i32 5
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP47]], float [[TMP29]], i32 6
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float> [[TMP48]], float [[TMP33]], i32 7
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = fdiv <8 x float> [[TMP41]], [[TMP49]]
; AVX2-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <8 x float>*
; AVX2-NEXT: store <8 x float> [[TMP50]], <8 x float>* [[TMP51]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX2-NEXT: ret void
; AVX512F-LABEL: @gather_load_div(
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float*> poison, float* [[TMP1:%.*]], i32 0
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float*> [[TMP3]], <4 x float*> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr float, <4 x float*> [[TMP4]], <4 x i64> <i64 10, i64 3, i64 14, i64 17>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x float*> poison, float* [[TMP1]], i32 0
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float*> [[TMP6]], <2 x float*> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr float, <2 x float*> [[TMP7]], <2 x i64> <i64 8, i64 5>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 20
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float*> poison, float* [[TMP1]], i32 0
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float*> [[TMP5]], <4 x float*> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float*> [[TMP10]], <8 x float*> [[TMP11]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float*> [[TMP8]], <2 x float*> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float*> [[TMP12]], <8 x float*> [[TMP13]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 8, i32 9, i32 undef>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float*> [[TMP14]], float* [[TMP9]], i32 7
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = call <8 x float> @llvm.masked.gather.v8f32.v8p0f32(<8 x float*> [[TMP15]], i32 4, <8 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true>, <8 x float> undef), !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float*> [[TMP10]], <8 x float*> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = getelementptr float, <8 x float*> [[TMP17]], <8 x i64> <i64 4, i64 13, i64 11, i64 44, i64 33, i64 30, i64 27, i64 23>
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = call <8 x float> @llvm.masked.gather.v8f32.v8p0f32(<8 x float*> [[TMP18]], i32 4, <8 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true>, <8 x float> undef), !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = fdiv <8 x float> [[TMP16]], [[TMP19]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <8 x float>*
; AVX512F-NEXT: store <8 x float> [[TMP20]], <8 x float>* [[TMP21]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512F-NEXT: ret void
; AVX512VL-LABEL: @gather_load_div(
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP3:%.*]] = insertelement <4 x float*> poison, float* [[TMP1:%.*]], i32 0
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP4:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float*> [[TMP3]], <4 x float*> poison, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP5:%.*]] = getelementptr float, <4 x float*> [[TMP4]], <4 x i64> <i64 10, i64 3, i64 14, i64 17>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP6:%.*]] = insertelement <2 x float*> poison, float* [[TMP1]], i32 0
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP7:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float*> [[TMP6]], <2 x float*> poison, <2 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP8:%.*]] = getelementptr float, <2 x float*> [[TMP7]], <2 x i64> <i64 8, i64 5>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP9:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds float, float* [[TMP1]], i64 20
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP10:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float*> poison, float* [[TMP1]], i32 0
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP11:%.*]] = shufflevector <4 x float*> [[TMP5]], <4 x float*> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP12:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float*> [[TMP10]], <8 x float*> [[TMP11]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 8, i32 9, i32 10, i32 11, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP13:%.*]] = shufflevector <2 x float*> [[TMP8]], <2 x float*> poison, <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef, i32 undef>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP14:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float*> [[TMP12]], <8 x float*> [[TMP13]], <8 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 2, i32 3, i32 4, i32 8, i32 9, i32 undef>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP15:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x float*> [[TMP14]], float* [[TMP9]], i32 7
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP16:%.*]] = call <8 x float> @llvm.masked.gather.v8f32.v8p0f32(<8 x float*> [[TMP15]], i32 4, <8 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true>, <8 x float> undef), !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP17:%.*]] = shufflevector <8 x float*> [[TMP10]], <8 x float*> poison, <8 x i32> zeroinitializer
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP18:%.*]] = getelementptr float, <8 x float*> [[TMP17]], <8 x i64> <i64 4, i64 13, i64 11, i64 44, i64 33, i64 30, i64 27, i64 23>
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP19:%.*]] = call <8 x float> @llvm.masked.gather.v8f32.v8p0f32(<8 x float*> [[TMP18]], i32 4, <8 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true, i1 true>, <8 x float> undef), !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP20:%.*]] = fdiv <8 x float> [[TMP16]], [[TMP19]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = bitcast float* [[TMP0:%.*]] to <8 x float>*
; AVX512VL-NEXT: store <8 x float> [[TMP20]], <8 x float>* [[TMP21]], align 4, !tbaa [[TBAA0]]
; AVX512VL-NEXT: ret void
%3 = load float, float* %1, align 4, !tbaa !2
%4 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 4
%5 = load float, float* %4, align 4, !tbaa !2
%6 = fdiv float %3, %5
%7 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %0, i64 1
store float %6, float* %0, align 4, !tbaa !2
%8 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 10
%9 = load float, float* %8, align 4, !tbaa !2
%10 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 13
%11 = load float, float* %10, align 4, !tbaa !2
%12 = fdiv float %9, %11
%13 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %0, i64 2
store float %12, float* %7, align 4, !tbaa !2
%14 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 3
%15 = load float, float* %14, align 4, !tbaa !2
%16 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 11
%17 = load float, float* %16, align 4, !tbaa !2
%18 = fdiv float %15, %17
%19 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %0, i64 3
store float %18, float* %13, align 4, !tbaa !2
%20 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 14
%21 = load float, float* %20, align 4, !tbaa !2
%22 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 44
%23 = load float, float* %22, align 4, !tbaa !2
%24 = fdiv float %21, %23
%25 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %0, i64 4
store float %24, float* %19, align 4, !tbaa !2
%26 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 17
%27 = load float, float* %26, align 4, !tbaa !2
%28 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 33
%29 = load float, float* %28, align 4, !tbaa !2
%30 = fdiv float %27, %29
%31 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %0, i64 5
store float %30, float* %25, align 4, !tbaa !2
%32 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 8
%33 = load float, float* %32, align 4, !tbaa !2
%34 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 30
%35 = load float, float* %34, align 4, !tbaa !2
%36 = fdiv float %33, %35
%37 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %0, i64 6
store float %36, float* %31, align 4, !tbaa !2
%38 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 5
%39 = load float, float* %38, align 4, !tbaa !2
%40 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 27
%41 = load float, float* %40, align 4, !tbaa !2
%42 = fdiv float %39, %41
%43 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %0, i64 7
store float %42, float* %37, align 4, !tbaa !2
%44 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 20
%45 = load float, float* %44, align 4, !tbaa !2
%46 = getelementptr inbounds float, float* %1, i64 23
%47 = load float, float* %46, align 4, !tbaa !2
%48 = fdiv float %45, %47
store float %48, float* %43, align 4, !tbaa !2
ret void
!2 = !{!3, !3, i64 0}
!3 = !{!"short", !4, i64 0}
!4 = !{!"omnipotent char", !5, i64 0}
!5 = !{!"Simple C++ TBAA"}