blob: 3fdb1c2df81de6f9fe1cffd0affbf5aa5a23ca5a [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AsmParserState.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Parser/AsmParserState.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
using namespace mlir;
/// Given a SMLoc corresponding to an identifier location, return a location
/// representing the full range of the identifier.
static llvm::SMRange convertIdLocToRange(llvm::SMLoc loc) {
if (!loc.isValid())
return llvm::SMRange();
// Return if the given character is a valid identifier character.
auto isIdentifierChar = [](char c) {
return isalnum(c) || c == '$' || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '-';
const char *curPtr = loc.getPointer();
while (isIdentifierChar(*(++curPtr)))
return llvm::SMRange(loc, llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(curPtr));
// AsmParserState::Impl
struct AsmParserState::Impl {
/// A mapping from operations in the input source file to their parser state.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<OperationDefinition>> operations;
DenseMap<Operation *, unsigned> operationToIdx;
/// A mapping from blocks in the input source file to their parser state.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<BlockDefinition>> blocks;
DenseMap<Block *, unsigned> blocksToIdx;
/// A set of value definitions that are placeholders for forward references.
/// This map should be empty if the parser finishes successfully.
DenseMap<Value, SmallVector<llvm::SMLoc>> placeholderValueUses;
// AsmParserState
AsmParserState::AsmParserState() : impl(std::make_unique<Impl>()) {}
AsmParserState::~AsmParserState() {}
// Access State
auto AsmParserState::getBlockDefs() const -> iterator_range<BlockDefIterator> {
return llvm::make_pointee_range(llvm::makeArrayRef(impl->blocks));
auto AsmParserState::getOpDefs() const -> iterator_range<OperationDefIterator> {
return llvm::make_pointee_range(llvm::makeArrayRef(impl->operations));
// Populate State
void AsmParserState::addDefinition(
Operation *op, llvm::SMRange location,
ArrayRef<std::pair<unsigned, llvm::SMLoc>> resultGroups) {
std::unique_ptr<OperationDefinition> def =
std::make_unique<OperationDefinition>(op, location);
for (auto &resultGroup : resultGroups)
impl->operationToIdx.try_emplace(op, impl->operations.size());
void AsmParserState::addDefinition(Block *block, llvm::SMLoc location) {
auto it = impl->blocksToIdx.find(block);
if (it == impl->blocksToIdx.end()) {
impl->blocksToIdx.try_emplace(block, impl->blocks.size());
block, convertIdLocToRange(location)));
// If an entry already exists, this was a forward declaration that now has a
// proper definition.
impl->blocks[it->second]->definition.loc = convertIdLocToRange(location);
void AsmParserState::addDefinition(BlockArgument blockArg,
llvm::SMLoc location) {
auto it = impl->blocksToIdx.find(blockArg.getOwner());
assert(it != impl->blocksToIdx.end() &&
"expected owner block to have an entry");
BlockDefinition &def = *impl->blocks[it->second];
unsigned argIdx = blockArg.getArgNumber();
if (def.arguments.size() <= argIdx)
def.arguments.resize(argIdx + 1);
def.arguments[argIdx] = SMDefinition(convertIdLocToRange(location));
void AsmParserState::addUses(Value value, ArrayRef<llvm::SMLoc> locations) {
// Handle the case where the value is an operation result.
if (OpResult result = value.dyn_cast<OpResult>()) {
// Check to see if a definition for the parent operation has been recorded.
// If one hasn't, we treat the provided value as a placeholder value that
// will be refined further later.
Operation *parentOp = result.getOwner();
auto existingIt = impl->operationToIdx.find(parentOp);
if (existingIt == impl->operationToIdx.end()) {
// If a definition does exist, locate the value's result group and add the
// use. The result groups are ordered by increasing start index, so we just
// need to find the last group that has a smaller/equal start index.
unsigned resultNo = result.getResultNumber();
OperationDefinition &def = *impl->operations[existingIt->second];
for (auto &resultGroup : llvm::reverse(def.resultGroups)) {
if (resultNo >= resultGroup.first) {
for (llvm::SMLoc loc : locations)
llvm_unreachable("expected valid result group for value use");
// Otherwise, this is a block argument.
BlockArgument arg = value.cast<BlockArgument>();
auto existingIt = impl->blocksToIdx.find(arg.getOwner());
assert(existingIt != impl->blocksToIdx.end() &&
"expected valid block definition for block argument");
BlockDefinition &blockDef = *impl->blocks[existingIt->second];
SMDefinition &argDef = blockDef.arguments[arg.getArgNumber()];
for (llvm::SMLoc loc : locations)
void AsmParserState::addUses(Block *block, ArrayRef<llvm::SMLoc> locations) {
auto it = impl->blocksToIdx.find(block);
if (it == impl->blocksToIdx.end()) {
it = impl->blocksToIdx.try_emplace(block, impl->blocks.size()).first;
BlockDefinition &def = *impl->blocks[it->second];
for (llvm::SMLoc loc : locations)
void AsmParserState::refineDefinition(Value oldValue, Value newValue) {
auto it = impl->placeholderValueUses.find(oldValue);
assert(it != impl->placeholderValueUses.end() &&
"expected `oldValue` to be a placeholder");
addUses(newValue, it->second);